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Captain Flack

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Captain Flack

  1. A post breaking the rules has been removed. Rule 13. You will not publicly comment on moderation in an open forum. You will not comment on actions taken by individual moderators or on specific or general policies and issues. You will not post a negative emoticon in response to a public notice made by a moderator. You may send a private message to a moderator to discuss individual actions or you can email support (at) aseannow.com to discuss moderation policy and account suspensions.You will not block communication from moderators or Admin. Aggression or abuse against moderators is not tolerated, and any such action will be sanctioned. There is no excuse for abuse.
  2. A post breaking community rules has been removed. Rule 14. You will not post slurs, degrading, or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, Thai people, Thai culture, Thai institutions such as the military, judicial or law enforcement system, or specific locations within Thailand.
  3. A number of posts have been removed for breaking community rules. Polite reminder rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
  4. Topic closed at the request of OP, has found a suitable shop.
  5. I have removed a reported baiting post, which contained a personal reference to another poster, which appears only to be trying to get a reaction. Please keep the discussion on topic without the need to bait and bicker with each other.
  6. This incident happened and was posted in 2007 and really does not need to be discussed again now.
  7. This is now in the News Section here
  8. A number of off topic bickering reported posts removed. Please lets discuss the topic not each other.
  9. The full story is in the news section here
  10. This thread has been locked as it breaks forum rules. Rule 35. You will not post external surveys seeking information from ASEAN NOW members without first receiving consent. Email support (at) aseannow.com
  11. Some reported bickering flame posts removed.
  12. An emoji only post has been removed as this is a discussion forum.
  13. A reported post removed. Rule 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion
  14. The results have been posted above, so at the requested of the OP, this thread has been closed.
  15. A number of reported bickering and flame posts have been removed. I am trying not to censor the debate on differences of opinions.
  16. Posts breaking forum rules have been removed. Rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
  17. Continue in News Section here
  18. I have tidied up the posts, as there was a type error in the original story, which was correctly reported and amended, thanks. Reference to that type error are now not relevant, so have been removed to save further discussion about it.
  19. Reported off topic posts removed. This thread title is “Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?”
  20. Story in News Section here
  21. An off topic trolling post has been removed.
  22. A post breaking forum rules removed. Rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly
  23. Reported post containing a personal attack removed.
  24. Reported off topic posts removed. Please remember the topic is “Exit Polls Show France's National Rally Falls Short in Parliamentary Elections”
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