Thanks but no thanks. I’m not concerned about protecting myself and others with a simple mask. I’m more concerned with the mental state of those who become apoplectic about wearing one.
I’m not one of the mask obsessed, I still wear one in busy areas. In the UK last week I was one of the 1% on the tube wearing a mask, and Covid is still very present as I learned when my meeting an old school friend was canceled because both her and her husband had Covid.
For those of us living in Thailand I think it’s pretty meaningless. (My) life is as normal as it was before. For Thai people generally on a day to day basis I don’t see how things will change much either.
Took about an hour to get my first one years ago and less when I moved to Bangkok. In the last 5 years I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve used it to ease a process, but yes, less since I got my pink card which I use regularly
The parts of Bangkok I’ve been around, and the area I live in 90% of Thais and 0% of tourists are wearing masks. I’ve been in the UK and Spain recently and Covid is still very much around with only a handful wearing masks. In Spain most don’t wear masks except on public transport where it’s still mandatory.
Good question. Definitely not the serious one, I had a rash, extreme lethargy , horrible heavy head and aching limbs from head to foot. I had no idea what it was at that time, then I did some research and the symptoms matched with dengue.