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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. They’re probably just fed up of foreigners thinking the rules don’t apply to them.
  2. Strangulation restricts breathing not a mask…. That’s just in your head
  3. I know quite a few people who work in tourism in one way or another and they all say things have been really picking up for a good few months now
  4. Yeah right. I’m not the one obsessed with a piece of cloth taking away my civil rights.
  5. Thanks but no thanks. I’m not concerned about protecting myself and others with a simple mask. I’m more concerned with the mental state of those who become apoplectic about wearing one.
  6. It did but it couldn’t get through my tinfoil hat. Luckily I knew from that doctor on YouTube
  7. You mean the fear that someone is trying to control you with a mask. Look at yourself!
  8. Yeah because it was never real anyway right?
  9. I think he doesn’t even know that Bill Gates managed to chip him from that 5G mast he walked by.
  10. I’m not one of the mask obsessed, I still wear one in busy areas. In the UK last week I was one of the 1% on the tube wearing a mask, and Covid is still very present as I learned when my meeting an old school friend was canceled because both her and her husband had Covid.
  11. For those of us living in Thailand I think it’s pretty meaningless. (My) life is as normal as it was before. For Thai people generally on a day to day basis I don’t see how things will change much either.
  12. Took about an hour to get my first one years ago and less when I moved to Bangkok. In the last 5 years I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve used it to ease a process, but yes, less since I got my pink card which I use regularly
  13. The parts of Bangkok I’ve been around, and the area I live in 90% of Thais and 0% of tourists are wearing masks. I’ve been in the UK and Spain recently and Covid is still very much around with only a handful wearing masks. In Spain most don’t wear masks except on public transport where it’s still mandatory.
  14. Oh? Weird that my experience is totally different. It’s definitely made things easier for me, and many others.
  15. It’s not often asked for, but if you present it then it can often make things simpler. There are endless threads that will give you examples.
  16. Good question. Definitely not the serious one, I had a rash, extreme lethargy , horrible heavy head and aching limbs from head to foot. I had no idea what it was at that time, then I did some research and the symptoms matched with dengue.
  17. I got dengue in Hua Hin
  18. My opinions on here are undervalued so I’d best not
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