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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. 5 pages about a 55 baht coke.
  2. Informing people about the facts is not scaremongering. But then I guess you’re not interested in facts.
  3. Yeah, scientists are just morons aren’t they. I’ll ask you if I need any medical advice.
  4. In my area of bkk it’s still only the foreigners not wearing masks, predominantly tourists. A few Thais seem to be stopping now, but literally just a few. On the BTS a couple of days ago the only person not wearing a mask was a young European tourist. Nobody went near him ????
  5. So…. 1. foreigner entry fee 2. foreigner hotel “surcharge” 3. 1000% foreigner national park fee 4. tourist attractions foreigner extra charge coming soon: 5 foreigner restaurant surcharge 200%?
  6. That doesn’t suit the agenda. They don’t like facts unless they’ve made them up themselves.
  7. You really need to ask that? Really? So you’d expect a mask to be 100% effective or it’s not worth wearing? Would you only wear a seat belt in your car if you had a cast iron guarantee that you wouldn’t die in an accident? Jeez, some people ????????
  8. If moronic denial of facts is your thing then so be it, I really don’t care about you or whether live or die from Covid, why would I?I don’t believe the numbers put out by any government, but wearing a mask is minor inconvenience and nothing whatsoever to do with my liberties.
  9. Suggesting masks don’t help is even further beyond ridiculous. It was never “ solution “.Most people still wear them here and infections are considerably lower than a basket case like the UK where people have consistently been rattling on about their right not to wear a mask.
  10. Yeah you’re absolutely right. I get my advice from trump and it’s Clorox all the way.
  11. Speak for yourself. Anyone with a grain of common sense will get their next booster and carry on wearing a mask. Those in denial of reality could look at the UK for how not to behave
  12. Extraordinary circumstances or special events, yes of course but that wasn’t my point. My point was how will they determine what a discounted price is and what would they like foreigners to pay. Whatever the answer is, it won’t affect me because I’ll just travel elsewhere.
  13. Given that the “published rate” or “rack rate” or whatever they choose to call it, is the highest possible rate which almost nobody pays, how would they determine what a discounted rate is? 10 different booking sites will display 10 different rates potentially. Will Agoda have to ask your nationality before you can get a rate. Like you it’s about principal for me and living here I’d choose to stop traveling within Thailand.
  14. When it used to cost around 70USD for a Vietnam visa I’d go once a year. When they started the visa exemption I changed to visiting 3 or 4 times a year. For me, visa fees made a difference. It was not to do with affordability.
  15. Except cash in the pockets of the “important people”
  16. 38 million tourists in the UK without cards. Wow
  17. Yes in the basement. When you use the app you can see the main branch rates so it was easy to make the comparison. It’s also different at the BTS branches
  18. Don’t laugh at me but a few days ago I heard that WD 40 stops mozzie bites itching! Dunno about sandfly bites though
  19. The one at Icon is so I’d think Paragon must be too
  20. But you get the 7.50 back when you turn the card in
  21. If you use a non GBP card you’d be facing forex charges every time you use it
  22. I tried their airport beach once and the rate was less than in town
  23. They seem to be seasonal in HH because I seem to find some periods where I’m left alone. But when they’re around they’re absolutely nasty. I was there earlier this week and didn’t have a problem.
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