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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. 1 minute ago, Testacall said:

    You are simply amazing ....how you judge people through the internet makes you quite the clairvoyant...enjoy ur decent conversations ...i can assure u I really have no chip on my shoulder ....How can you judge that ???  Arrogance...plain and simple !!

    Which do you head for first, the seafood counter or the cheese?

  2. I don't presume superiority to anybody. If my use of a perfectly normal english word caused you to feel somehow inferior, that's not my responsibility.


    Unless, like I suggested, you're asking us to dumb things down a little for you, this whole diversion from the topic seems somewhat pointless.

  3. 1 minute ago, Testacall said:

    Of course not ...keep at the amazing high level that you are ...dont dumb down ....lets dumb up Huh!!


    That's the spirit. Give it your best shot, and who know's what you might achieve - and if you don't understand a word, maybe next time just google it rather than make a spectacle of yourself.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Testacall said:

    wow where did you find that word ? Anyone that cares to google it  will give the definition ....just show's some people just think they are intellectually superior...NOT !!! ....


    I genuinely have no idea which word in that post you might have found remarkable in any way. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, bazza40 said:

    I don't suppose names like Sarah Chang or Emil Gilels mean anything to you guys.

    It's very convenient not having hair to wash. It gives me more time to read the posts on Thai Visa.


    Remember, we're dealing with a guy who's never heard of Paganini here.

  6. 13 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Ah, I knew you would soon be along, if you are talking about music and not noise, there is plenty to debate, Oh wait! 

    Nice joke, but wait. I'll be in Bangkok on Friday, meet up with me and take me to where there is music being played and mean music, and I will 

    show you who is a keyboard player as well as a bass player, but I won't be hanging out with the musicians.:guitar::violin:

    I'm washing my hair.

  7. 3 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I was wondering when you would come back Mr Biker.

    I made a living out of playing before I came over here.

    But it was music, not noise.

    Are we in for another long debate then? Ok on you go, I'm not

    going out tonight.

    I was already here. There's little to debate. Your whole knowledge of music appears to be the same few ancient singers you bring up every time.


    Instead, I'll leave you with a joke. Q. What do you call a guy that hangs out with musicians?


    A. A bass player.

  8. 24 minutes ago, transam said:

    Mon ami....Rod was involved with the Yardbirds, The Small faces and then the Faces in the 60's, plus many other rock associations.....He was a Rocker...Sure he later went his own way, laid back and racked in the cash....I can remember his early stuff....Think he is about 72 now...


    I'm pretty sure he was a mod.

  9. I'm not sure you know what ad hominem means.


    Either way, it's scarcely relevant when I was responding to your post implying that I was somehow feminised.


    My point is, that those of us who are comfortable with our masculinity are capable of relating to a woman without belittling, denigrating or infantilising her. Those who can't? Well, they often seem to end up in Thailand these days.

  10. 1 minute ago, Agent Sumo said:


    Let me see - a forum full of men who take to boorishly objectifying and paying financially-challenged women in Thailand for sex like ducks to water behave as if their previous relationships back home collapsed because of failings in their partners???!!!


    Yeah, I believe them


    No, really, I do

    From their point of view, they probably did - their wife failed to adhere to their comically-outdated concept of what a wife should be. Or did something really shocking, like get older as time passed.

  11. 2 minutes ago, MissAndry said:


    Most older foreigners (men and women) have done the 'love based relationship', it usually doesn't last and it's strictly for the young. Love (between a man and woman) is intimately connected with sex and reproduction, once a woman reaches 40, that's pretty much finished. Most of the men posting in this forum are well past 40, their days of 'love' are over.



    I'm past 40, and I think that's nonsense. 

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