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Posts posted by SoiBiker

  1. The impression I get from reading this forum is that those who came to Thailand because they thought easy access to booze and women would make them happy rarely seem to actually end up happy. Those who came here for other reasons often seem more content. 


    I moved here because I liked the place - and years later I still do. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, transam said:

    Weeeeell, when it comes to Mr.Angry's, and perhaps some folk tell porkies on here, and folk here calling me a liar, l can plant the seed that l could ask a member to corroborate my words. But of course I don't give a stuff...Nobody can catch me out on anything, l like being honest..:)


    Who called you a liar?


    Sometimes it's like you're having a completely different conversation to the rest of us.

  3. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    How true, retirement can be dull, I no longer build engines and drag race, l no longer have my angling boat based on the south cost of the UK, l no longer have my fire arms and ammo making machine. So yes retirement can be very dull, but even at my age I do go and lift weights in between beer swilling and singing songs.. But if I was as grumpy and as negative as yourself l think l would have to find a high rise balcony.


    As for where I live, well my two story is on the banks of a lake, and it ain't made of bamboo....:lol:


    Oh, a few members here have been to my place.....:)


    Dude, why would we care who's visited your house?

  4. 20 minutes ago, JJGreen said:


    Percentage wise there is not a huge amount of western women on Tinder here...
    i guess I don't tick enough boxes...
    Im going to change my profile to a more professional sounding gentleman next week...see if I get any right swipes.
    I mentioned before...my profile is currently tailored towards Thai women



    Why would you do that, if you're not interested in dating farang women?

  5. Just now, Scotwight said:

    It is just as unsafe for single Farang women trying to live here as well as tourists.  I think the experience is a double edged sword because although iet might prevent some dangerous situations - familiarity might encourage others.    


    I know plenty of single Farang women who live here successfully - I think you're being a bit patronising there. 


    Sadly, there are risks for women everywhere, but I don't think they're particularly more pronounced here than anywhere else. 

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