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Posts posted by rapom

  1. 2 hours ago, Asiantravel said:

    it doesn't mention whether the siren and lights were flashing but in any case surely all she had to do was pull over and let the ambulance go by ?:blink:

    reminds me of the Fawlty Towers episode when Basil gets out of his car goes to get a stick, and then shouts " I've told you time and time again "as he furiously thrashes his car :giggle:


    I have never seen a Thai driver pull over for an ambulance with their red lights flashing and if the stoplight is red, they are stuck in traffic.

  2. 21 hours ago, maoro2013 said:

     No I read only what is reported on this forum which does not say he admitted it so my reply is justified based on the easily available intelligence. I do not spend my day researching this sort of stuff.


    How intelligent are you when you make an comment without reading the attached article. Can you read the first paragraph in a murder mystery novel and know who committed the crime. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Carib said:

    Smaller markets sometimes do have a stand where all different brand/types of remotes are sold for very very reasonable prices. Talking about Bangkok here. Ask a local, that is how I found out and got my brandnew Daikin remote for 240 Baht.

    Bring the old or a working one to make sure. The guy I bought it from takes his merchandise from market to market and has fixed days for certain places. I found him (guided by a local) in a covered market a bit back off the north side of Silom road somewhere behind kasikorn bank ( in that area). 


    If he lost the remote, how can he bring it with him?

  4. 13 hours ago, taiwangirl said:

    Not always the case.  Even though in an international airport before you enter customs, you are still under the "jurisdiction" of that country.  That is why some countries require a transit visa. 


    I am only familiar with mainland China requiring it, but it appears that Ireland does to for certain countries.


    I fly LAX to BKK with a 3-hour layover in Guangzhou China. All you do is go through customs and then to departure gates, no visa. Guangzhou also has a 72-hour visa-free transit, where you can visit the city.

  5. Intermittent disconnect can be caused by to much download speed trying to be pushed thru cable.  I had ATT Uverse internet and phone service installed in the States. The download speed was over 20 mbps. Worked good for about 2 days then the connection started failing, several times a day. Tech came and checked the installation, couldn't find anything wrong, but replaced the router.  It worked okay for 1 day, then started dropping again. A different tech came and connected testing equipment to outside junction box. He told me that the maximum distance that my package speed could be pushed was thru approx. 4500 feet of cable and I was over 6000 feet from the server.  He reduced the speed to max 16 mbps  and that fixed the problem. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Strange said:


    There is no neutral in a DC system. Only ground. If you leave the positive connected, and the ground disconnected, the ONLY way you will have a "Fault to ground" is if it actually touches the battery negative POST itself. 99.999% the only way to have a "fault to ground" is to have battery negative connected. Can not have a fault to ground if there is no ground.


    You are thinking about it wrong. If the battery negative is disconnected, and the battery positive is connected, and a rat chews through a wire and the wire touches the frame NOTHING will happen because the frame is not grounded anymore because you disconnected the battery negative post. 


    DC Electricity is not the same as AC. 


    And if only the positive cable is removed and a rat chews thru a wire, nothing will happen either. Electrical current always flows to ground and disconnecting either cable from a battery post breaks the circuit. With the ignition switch off, there are very few wires that are hot and most of them on a fused circuit. On newer vehicles, I would not disconnect the battery for storage and would instead connect a float charger to maintain voltage level. There are some items that require a very small amount of voltage to maintain their memory and you will have to reprogram if you disconnect.   

  7. When I come to Thailand for a long term stay, I make sure to change the oil and filter and give it a good cleaning. I do this a few days before leaving. On the day of departure, I drive to the airport shuttle company and park. My nephew picks my car up, a couple of days later and drives it back home. Before he parks in my unheated garage, he adds fuel Sta-Bil that is made for ethanol and fills the gas tank. He connects a float charger to the battery to maintain charge and also lifts the windshield wipers off the glass. My radial tire pressure is 35 psi and I do not over inflate and have never experience flat-spots , after long term storage. Last year, it set idle for 9 months before my return. My nephew, then drives the car back to the shuttle company the day before I return.  I live in the Midwest USA and the car sits through 3 different seasons July thru April and always starts and drives with no negative issues and so does my GS1250 Suzuki that I store with Sta-Bil and put on a float charger.

  8. If you have a tv with an hdmi input and computer or laptop with an hdmi port, you can stream movies and tv shows by internet. I have Chrome browser and Hola app which allows me to view Hulu and Amazon Prime video. The free sites that won't work with Hola, I use Hotspot Shield. My internet is 3BB fiber 590 baht 20/4 package and is more than fast enough. 3BB ran cable over 1 km from the village to our house. Installation was free and with the wireless router deposit of 1500 baht, the first months pre-pay of 590 baht plus vat, the total was 2131.30 baht. 

  9. On 08/09/2016 at 11:12 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    Because there is always another fool ready to lose his money.... 


    But realistically - There are far more success stories than the very small minority of failures... It just doesn't make interesting reading so we hear little of them. 


    I believe that posters who are so negative about relationships with Thai women probably made poor choices and can't accept it was their fault or accept responsibility for their failure.  Most would probably make the same mistake in their choice, no matter what the ethnicity of the woman.  They are so miserable in their life, they can not stand to read or see of anyone else's success.  Their rants, comments and negative advice to other's is an attempt to make themselves feel better   From experience, I can say that not all Thai women are like the one's they complain about. Anyone can make good or bad choices in life. Those that make bad choices in  women should learn from the experience, move on and accept it.

  10. 9 hours ago, cheapskatesam said:

    You all rip the piss out of me and my money saving thread but when people make threads about how many bloody meals they can squeeze out of a chicken they get a free ride..  - 

    Do i need to be here for a while before i can request tips on saving money with impunity? 


    I plan to play it by here and stay n Thailand for a few months 

    I do actually have a lot of cash in my bank account i'm just trying to see how living "cheap" in Thailand will be for me and if its sustainable in the long term as a sorta experiment. I'm 29 years old.


    I won't be living in squalid conditions from what i've seen 5000 will get me a perfectly nice room with a balcony.. I probably will be using the aircon.. i probably will be going to mcdonalds or pizza every few days because i cannot help myself 




    You will spend more at McDonald's and eating pizza than you will on electricity.  Cut those meals in half and you will be able to afford to run the ac.

  11. I bought a 5 stage filter system from Big C one year ago. At that time, the cost was about 1500 baht, they are now just slightly higher.  You can also get similar systems at Tesco, Home Pro and online at Lazada.  The wife also buys 20-liter bottles from a delivery truck for 12 baht a bottle. R/O systems provide good water, but also waste a lot.  Part of every liter that runs through the system goes down the drain.


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