The gov't should have let sleeping dogs lie. They have brought this issue onto international sights now. I believe companies should really have second thoughts about investing in Thailand now.
This should hurt condo sales by foreigners. Who knows how they will begin to look at condo ownership. I would not buy one now and would be afraid if I had any in my name. My wife owns some in her name only and I am happy we went this direction.
Foreign governments should reciprocate but I doubt if they are this xenophobic. This is not Thai bashing
A solution might be to drop foreign ownership of land in Thailand if all Thais owning property of land abroad agree to relinquish ownership of it. Fair enough
I only wish that Thai workers going to Saudi knew what they were in for. Anyone that has worked there has seen the horrible way that low level workers are mistreated
It seems to me that most crimes involving link somehow to the RTP or military. Maybe somepne should
1. Vet recruits better. Not only vet bank account
2. Guns only when at work. Check in at shift change
3. No ex cops or military may own firearms. Appear to be unstable.