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star kicker

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Posts posted by star kicker

  1. I have noticed a few positions on Ajarn lately requiring a PGCE as well as TEFl....I assume this is what the OP means rather than Ba. Bsc which has been a requirement for many years although not always adhered to

    the education ministry probably dont know what they mean themselves.

    i have gone for a couple of jobs with education agents where qualifications weren't mentioned until i thought i should mention i had a CELTA - they didnt know what it was. i didnt take work through these agents as the obviously had no idea what they were talking about.

    its highly likely education department staff dont know what a PGCE is.

    • Like 1
  2. of course a thai can turn up on time when they want to. i have a thai friend who works are a private medical professional. she earns a fortune and is she ever late for a patient? no. is she late when meeting me? often! but she's a mate so i forgive her.

    when you meet a thai who arrives on time or early you know you've got a good one or that they want something from you.

    they behave this way with each other so dont take it personally

  3. you describe yourself as lazy, i'm afraid lazy people never achieve much so the first thing to do, if you seriously want to meet a decent thai lady, is be prepared to put some effort in.

    i have lived here over 10 years, dont drink or go to bars and have dated many many wonderful thai ladies, non of whom wanted a penny from me. to be honest you can meet them anywhere; supermarkets, the bus, the park, shopping mall, restaurant, friends of friends, at work...

    to increase your opportunities; dress nicely, be polite, patient and calm, wash regularly, stay away from bars, dont drink or smoke and dont be lazy

    • Like 1
  4. i sat in front of an 'english speaking' tour guide guiding a couple of tourists on the tourist boat the other day. given that tour guides are going to give you a lot of information about things that happened in the past you'd think he'd at least be able to use past simple and past continuous - he couldn't. i only had to listen to his atrocious english for 20 minutes. all day would have driven me crazy.

  5. the management of my apartment building respond immediately and effectively to anyone making noise; thais and foreigners have been asked to leave.

    sounds like a) your apartment building is badly managed and B) your life is being ruined because of this. the solution is obvious. move out.

    give your business to someone who knows how to manage an apartment building and improve the quality of your life. win/win.

    • Like 1
  6. sounds like it was a returned item - possibly it had a fault, or maybe probably had a fault and still has that fault - and the vendor has resold the item as new.

    if you have the receipt then you should be fine. make sure you speak to the store manager, dont get fobbed off. take an 'educated' thai with you who speaks English and has the confidence to stand up to another thai.

    i know its of no help to the OP but my advice is not to buy expensive electronic or photographic items in thailand. they are usually cheaper in the UK anyway (even after thai VAT refund) and if you have a problem you know its going to get solved. always keep the receipt.

  7. if she wants you to embrace thai culture get a gik or two, maybe even a mia noi living round the corner.

    when she complains tell her; this is thai culture

    start lying to her, sit around the house doing nothing, stop giving her money because you need it for drinking and gambling or the lottery - because you met a monk or had a dream giving you the lucky numbers.

    when she complains tell her; this is thai culture

    • Like 2
  8. agree with posts about not getting a mortgage if you're not living in thailand.

    your gf will run the business.

    ok, does she currently run a business?

    have you seen her working?

    does she have a positive work ethic?

    how much experience does she have of running a business?

    has she have a viable business plan?

    have you checked her business plan and is it viable?

    i hope for your sake she's not one of the uneducated girls whose only previous source of income was to 'find a foreigner'.

    anyway, good luck!

    • Like 1
  9. your friends are idiots and obviously unable to attract females without flashing the cash, which is quite sad.

    not all thai girls are after money. you certainly dont need to spend a setang to meet and have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship with a thai girl

    Where do they exist?, i think only in your mind starkicker,unless she is made of plastic and you have a foot pump in the house,even then there is some outlay.

    they are everywhere, though you are unlikely to meet them in bars or bar areas. broaden your horizons and you will find them. i have never dated a girl who wants money in 12+ years.

  10. 1 post discussing grammar removed.

    It wasn't discussing grammar, it was questioning the integrity of the language used in the post as it's so troll like from a first poster that it defies belief.

    But I won't bother trying to explain any further for fear of getting a broadside.

    agree. looking at the vocabulary, use of language and grammar i'd say this was a troll.

    it is valid to comment on grammar to encourage correct use of grammar and to deter trolls

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