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Posts posted by Jimbolai

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The Russians have definitely made a big impact on Thailand. Restaurant menus everywhere in Russian, even in the market! Everywhere I go I'm spoken to in Russian by Thais, which does annoy me I must say! I'm surprised the Thais have picked the lingo up so quickly! Although how long will it last, is the bubble about to burst with the Russian rouble having lost a quarter of its worth over the last few months ?

    having lost a quarter of its worth over the last few months would be very desirable. It is more like 40% and will get worse. Bye Bye Russians.coffee1.gif

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    For the posters, this is a well known story, kid was dancing and two pumped-up expat kids from Shanghai didn't like who he was dancing with and beat him savagely. I know they were down celebrating graduation from high school, nice "present" for a couple of 18-19 year olds. He was down from Bangkok I think also celebrating graduation from High School. Wrong place wrong time for sure but expats in Samui are watching this just as Kho Tao.

    Been here since he was 15 years old and been here 15 years and just graduated from High school. Tell me what is wrong here.

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    yes, that's the one.

    open weekdays after 17:00. about 100metres up from Soi 3.

    I've heard good things about him.

    The total cost for my new knee, including a week in the hospital and 'meals' was about 1/3 the current cost in Oz. The duralium and HD Poly knee is top of the market. Only good for 15 years though, so got to go back when I'm 90! Durn!!

    Could you say what the cost was and what it included v/s 1/3 the cost in OZ? Thank you

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I see idiots every day on the roads.

    Always wondered why the police don't exploit this as a money maker?

    Could make a 'legitimate' fortune handing out tickets to these morons.

    Handing out tickets is not the same as collecting money. They have to collect the money on the spot or impound the vehicle.

    Geez, do I have to tell them?w00t.gif

  5. The one that takes the cake is the Falang trying to be thaier than thai. They babble Thai at every opportunity. and pretend they speak thai without an accent. When another Falang utters a word in thai the thaier than thai immediately takes the floor and start correcting while pleadingly looking around for approval. clap2.gif

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Ok, so no umbrellas, no bikinis. Anything else people need to know before going to the beach?

    Are beach balls allowed?

    Yes they are allowed as long as the do not touch the sand and no holes in the sand. Works for me. No one wants a beach with holes in the sand.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Bet he wishes he never went to the bib all he got for his troubles was being named and shamed in the media lol. Another quality tourist

    He obviously reported all the sordid details as a community service. especially for his country men. With details in his home newspaper. He did all that just to make sure that this never happens again to any one else. What a guy!wai2.gif

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If he gets a full pension, no harm done. He would not need to work again unless he wants to. That would be fair as the incident was not his fault.

    I wonder why the "article" said Mr Wilson, who is white, said he had acted in accordance with the law?

    This AFTER a grand jury did not find any reason to indict him including the lowest possible charge of involuntary manslaughter.giggle.gif

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Stop finding fault with me! Don't you understand how it works? I say things and you whistle and cheer.

    How are we going to do all the things I want to do if everyone else insists on having their own opinion?

    If you think anybody can say anything at all, then the country won't survive," he said. They just don't understand, Oh ne Oh my. A little red book telling people what to think and what to say would help.rolleyes.gif

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    A day late and a dollar short... too late now, the barn's doors were left open and all the undesirables

    have already came in and are now deeply entrenched in Australia soil, home grown terrorist,

    sharia laws advocators and hate preachers, civil unrest mongers, they have got them all by now..

    as well as all the criminals and undesirables that were shipped to Australia in the first place!

    There were more soldiers on the boats than criminals.

    Anyway blame the Yanks - if they didn't start, and win, the War of Independence the Poms could have kept shipping the crims over there!!

    Heh Heh, the crims shipped to the American colonies had the guts to kick the poms out and declare independence. Will the crims in oz ever have enough guts to do the same? No, they are still the prisoners of mother England.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yeah, I don't understand why they want to STOP them leaving Oz to go play soldier with IS. I mean, stop them coming back by all means, but if they want to go make themselves a "martyr" it's a win-win innit?

    As of last week 73 Australian residents have had their passports revoked for being identified as IS supporters. IS members murder, rape, torture & sell into slavery Muslims & non-Muslims; including women and children. Is it OK by you to facilitate this activity by allowing them to depart Australia & join IS?

    It's fine by me if they go and get themselves martyred. Given a choice between them trotting around wreaking havoc in (a) the middle east or ( b ) suburban Australia, I'll take (a) every time. So long as we don't allow them back - made that mistake once before.

    The problem is with many of the young ones that want to go and fight is that they were born in Australia and have full citizenship. Allowing any government to decide which Australian born citizen should loose his or her citizenship is not something I'd trust a government with.

    Most governments in the free world revoke your citizenship when joining a foreign military. Australia is the same. Join IS and you are no longer a citizen of OZ. Passport revoked.

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    They said i will be refused in other countries because of my thailand refusal stamp. They dont want to let me fly anywhere else than france.

    I think they're lying to you. I could be wrong but it's worth double checking.

    Actually I think technically speaking they are correct, example if you remember Gary glitter being kicked out of Vietnam, he wanted to go to HK ? Or somewhere in SEA and was denied entry/transit though those countries had to fly to the UK

    Yes, I remember, they said they wouldn't let him in due to his notoriety - very different scenario.

    He was released from prison in Vietnam under an agreement to serve the time in the UK, He was more afraid of the UK than anywhere else. Prior to Vietnam he was convicted in Cambodia for abusing very young girls. Some never learn. They should have kept him in Vietnam forever.

  13. (Initially, The area for riding jetskis will be marked out, and will not be more than 1.8km out to sea.)

    Further progress will have the jetski area start at 2 km out from the beach and extend indefinitely into the open sea.

    (Gen Patchara said that they can also bring umbrellas, towels, chairs or mats onto the beach – resolving a week-long confusion over whether tourists are allowed to poke holes in the sand.) Any artifact found, while poking holes in the sand, rings, wallets, amulets, body parts etc. are to be surrendered to the authority in charge for proper identification and return to rightful owners.

    If poking holes in the sand is abused it will result in prohibiting poking holes in the air. coffee1.gif

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This is killing Russia and it's deliberate. The US and Saudi are pumping all-out to drive the price down.

    The world oil price is 1/2 what it was in 2009, and as recently as five months ago it was $106. Now it's $70.

    Putin depends on oil to run his economy but neither the US or Saudi will be damaged by this.

    This is "get even" for Syria and Ukraine without firing a shot.

    The big mouth in Russia who thought oil riches would allow him to put the USSR back together by force if necessary has been cut off at the knees.

    it is not only sutainable but further drops are likely. clap2.gif

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  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Another wonderfully well thought out purchase and plan. (Not just in case you were wondering)

    What's that supposed to mean? The UK has a very good friend called the United States of America and if the UK wants something, they'll get it. Count on it.

    that is fine as long as the real estate is free and they include lunch for the crew and pilots.clap2.gif

    Could get expensive for the food bill for years to come.

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