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Lazy Sod

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Everything posted by Lazy Sod

  1. Amongst the noise, here is a simple comparison... USD 1 year time deposit interest rate in an offshore bank account = 4.25% pa USD 1 year time deposit interest rate in a Thailand bank account - 0.3%pa Why would anybody move their savings here. You are hit with income tax on the full transferred amount since 1st January 2024, and then you only get 0.3% interest on what's left.
  2. Are we sure that a health certificate is required for 5 year renewal at Prakanong Area 3? I've renewed there multiple times over the last 25 years, about 10 years ago they told me that health certificate is not required for renewal, so I haven't bothered with it since. My renewal is next month.
  3. Renewing my 5 year in BKK soon. I read somewhere last year we can watch the video online so we don't have to sit through at the licensing office, but I can't find the link. Is it still available?
  4. I ask because there is conflicting information. HMRC website appears to say no as below, but I've found other websites, particularly financial advisors which say yes. Totally confused!!! https://www.gov.uk/tax-on-pension/tax-when-you-live-abroad#:~:text=If you live abroad but,the country you live in. "If you’re not a UK resident, you don’t usually pay UK tax on your pension. But you might have to pay tax in the country you live in. There are a few exceptions - for example, UK civil service pensions will always be taxed in the UK."
  5. Is my UK pension annuity (with UK pension provider) subject to UK income tax? I'm a British Citizen living permanently in Thailand for 30 years, coming up to retirement (in Thailand). Non-resident in the UK for tax purposes, no question about that. Question: is my UK pension annuity income subject to UK income tax?
  6. from CDC https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/shingles/hcp/shingrix/administering-vaccine.html "If more than 6 months have elapsed since the first dose of Shingrix, you should administer the second dose as soon as possible. However, you do not need to restart the vaccine series"
  7. I hada similar concern but there’s a Q&A on one of the Singrix websites, Boots I think, asking what to do if the gap is longer than 6 months, it says just get the 2nd shot when you can. It also says there is no need to “start again” with another 1st shot.
  8. Agreed. The US government recommends everyone over 50 gets the Shinglix vaccine. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/shingles/hcp/shingrix/recommendations.html
  9. For the Brits with money to spare… Shingrix is available from Boots in the UK. Not cheap, GBP225 per shot (x2), but I think most people with experience of shingles will say it’s worth every penny. https://www.boots.com/online/pharmacy-services/shingles-vaccination-service Not available free on the NHS until 70 years old.
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