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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. I am clear as to these countries taxing pensioners - especially Spain and Portugal.

    What about the UK?

    They have always levied taxes on pensions, I pay UK tax but live in Spain/Thailand, go figure!

    Until the tax authorities enquire about your worldwide assets ,tax you on that,then leave you fighting them in court for 20 years on double taxation rulings.

    Think rosy coloured glasses are the norm here.Spain is a lot more expensive than Thailand,calling/internet/tv/water/ electric(that costs)

    did my home on it and yes the Canaries will feel like a prison in time.

    Comparing chalk and cheese really,Spain is more insular,come nightime up the drawbridge shut the window shutters & dream about tomorrow

    the ex-pats are a happy bunch (not)

    Blog sites there too,try on-line publication Spain Buddy,a new magazine,few more too,get some ideas where to live. Alicante area housing is akin to a mouthful of rotting teeth,utterly miles of newly constructed developments rotting away,nobody wanting to live there and if they are, trying desperately to sell

    Yes good points to Spain too,is it at least 2 years to obtain work visa for Thai wife?,booze in supermarkets cheap,but I am not a boozer in the house,bingo most nights,hustlers galore and I mean galore. One thing if the UK leaves the EU what happens then? visa situation again,no free meds

    Owning a house especially in Adalucia region is a nightmare,the regional govt. are as bad as any Junta. Anyway read about it from the long time ex pats there in the on line publications,long time residents there are attempting to sell their houses ,not to leave Spain ,but to start renting as general consensus is prices are going south for a considerable amount of time yet

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