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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. only a fool would move to los in their 20s. op is finding out why!

    Only a fool in their later years would move to LOS full time.

    Now to have made a statement as such there will be "pot to piss in" posters ready and willing to strike. Thailand will never in a million years be classed as anything like a home or long stay destination,good for a base and plenty of sex ,but that is it.

    Yes got fantastic pensions,early ones at that,some of the middle rankers I worked with and living in LOS must be on a thousand gbp a week on pension here,.....me?half that,plus OAP,but it does give me a chance of travelling SA, AU, India, PH,Canaries,UK,US ,Sin few other places in last 12 months.

    But it is the baggage that pins me here for a while 4 legged type.

    Anyway that is it ,comments please!!!

  2. Do not fly China Eastern under any circumstances

    why? i flew them last nov from Phuket to sfo,

    the first leg was smaller plane , no monitor in seat back but i had 3 seats to myself; uneatable food

    second leg had 4 seats, full monitor with movies and such, good food.

    4 hour layover

    $300 cheaper than Korean an not much difference.

    Look at a few threads on facebook. Robbing bastards,suitcase after suitcase at layover in Shanghai rifled. Ended up in county court in the UK ,not that it had anything to do with the UK was on SFO to BKK flight but used UK credit card for booking got over $1000 out of them

  3. You are not going to get much off an already lowish asking price.

    I have been in my place for about 5 years and no increase in that time,big place and I mean big,two seperate bedrooms a/c etc central location ,so in real terms with my income rising in the UK its free. The owner has asked this time for a small increase which by charity I will say yes to.

    It is the owners who think a turnips going to turn up and wipe away all the lost income over a year or two. The owners are in for a thin time here in Pattaya, that is easy to see

    You could also ask for a few additional extras ,something like a free delivered cooked breakfast for one,see how you stand with that one

  4. Best to finish the current course of treatment and do a follow up if symptoms persist. If they do, an "atypical pneumonia" needs to be excluded which may require extended treatment.

    Ill finish the course and then go back. I'm just nervous about the fatigue/confusion hoping its not something more than bronchitis that can kill me.

    You will be finding out if it is more serious when you lie down and start gasping for air. Basically I do not think the GPs here have a clue,"yes, you have fever" shot or two up the ass,keep it going for far too long,weight takes a tumble,feel like shit ,but increasing ,until you feel like death.

    Just got over a dose that could have gotten a lot worse by taking Amoxillian,still clearing my chest by coughing,but getting better

    I don't gasp for air when I lie down. I sleep well, just very tired when I wake up even after 10 hours of sleep


  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    20 years. Most of them were in the first 10

    Weird that I got mine the first week here.

    "Ah possibly. There are lots of things here that are not in the United States.. I'm allergic to dust I think as well."

    I don't feel any allergic when I normal in the room.

    But it gets pretty bad when the fan is blowing at me, even at low setting from far away. I need a while to figure that out. Reason: The rotor is total dirty with dust and blowing the dust direct into my face.

    Less but still a little bit from dirty air condition.

    Of course that isn't a bronchitis.....but it can be additional, or preventing the bronchitis from getting better.

    Yea I'll have to relocate the get away from the dust.

    Best to finish the current course of treatment and do a follow up if symptoms persist. If they do, an "atypical pneumonia" needs to be excluded which may require extended treatment.

    Ill finish the course and then go back. I'm just nervous about the fatigue/confusion hoping its not something more than bronchitis that can kill me.

    You will be finding out if it is more serious when you lie down and start gasping for air. Basically I do not think the GPs here have a clue,"yes, you have fever" shot or two up the ass,keep it going for far too long,weight takes a tumble,feel like shit ,but increasing ,until you feel like death.

    Just got over a dose that could have gotten a lot worse by taking Amoxillian,still clearing my chest by coughing,but getting better

  6. Best to finish the current course of treatment and do a follow up if symptoms persist. If they do, an "atypical pneumonia" needs to be excluded which may require extended treatment.

    Then you will be into the big money,in the region of $2000 a night in a cheaper Pattaya hospital. ( I had it) ...but at that loose estimate I took a cheap flight to India ,about $120 return and got the pneumonia treated for about $50 a night,took 3 days ,then bed rest

  7. There is a zoo in Butterworth,mainly birds,good one though. Malaysia is getting quite urbanised,not unexpected really. The buses in Penang are good and cheap and frequent,go to the other end,nice beaches,nice swimming pool a few miles back.

    Think Singapore if a a couple of days to spare,(not weekends)go see the WW2 sites. As for Malacca ,forget it

  8. Loved a "con" a while ago.Condo for sale c/w sitting tenant. Now the sitting tenant was paying one hell of an amount to be that sitting tenant.

    Just a thought would that sitting tenant be checking out as soon as the gullible purchaser signed on the dotted line? No maybe not,supposed he was glad to be rid of his ill gotten cash before he turned his toes up.

  9. Chinese ,Thais whoever love gambling,it is in their souls,probably why it is heavily regulated in this country,could not even imagine the murder rate if it was allowed.

    Condo purchasing is a form of gambling,thousands pouring money into it to make a quick buck,even for a Thai to use cash for a purchase the money had to be borrowed ,stolen or whatever.

    The developers too are gambling that their ever increasing concrete boxes are going to be picked up. The artistic licence given to these developers is a godsend "venetian nights" gondolia sailing majestically under a bridge,the bloody place with a huge sailing boat stuck in the middle of a vast lake &lt;deleted&gt; , Fart "Art on the Hill" Boutique hotel stuff.

    Sure you never lose,the place is still there come hell or high water,just the thought of a quick turnaround gets a diminishing thought though,the rents that were expected get knocked back by 50% to find an occupier.

    Rents here are cheap,and they are getting cheaper,like a free giveaway,so damned cheap it is a waste of time giving it a slice of cash to own Rents should when all this building is complete be such a bargain that the owners will be paying guests to stay in their apartments ,if only to turn the lights on at night time.

    It is the time the owners of these multi rise shoe boxes realise there is no money to be made here that the problems start,no maintenance money paid,just farang holding the fort.

    Love it when Thai sees the quick buck, the K bank adverts few years ago "cash for cars" beaming out,two years later on it was "cars for cash" then being led into a gold shop boggle eyed at another outstanding purchase...gold,just as gold prices took a nose dive.

    For my part,yes did it all,and got out when the the going was good. 40 bed condo place,a third not paying their way in maintenance fees,will happen here for sure,when Thai meets farang , farang will always lose out

  10. I am in Ao Nang, Krabi. I have been in Thailand almost seven months and in Ao Nang for two months. My observations are all low season. I have ventured all over Ao Nang on foot and on motorbike... almost daily. I have been going to 'resorts', bungalows, sizable hotels, small hotels, apartments and to all sorts of accommodations visiting many places to sightsee and find a place to stay for a bargain. I find (an estimate) that in this low season there is about a 25% occupancy rate. I will be amazed if at 'high season' and 'peak season' if these places will be filled beyond 50 to 60 percent. There is such an over abundance of resorts - both real and pretend that I cannot imagine a 80 - 90 percent occupancy rate as the streets would be impassable with jammed traffic as compared to now... We will see in a few months...

    Example: I have taken exercise walks down the main 'tourist road' to the beach almost daily ... and despite the almost rabid Myanmar hawkers at the storefronts of the tailor shops - I have yet to see even one customer in any of the many shops.

    Maybe I have a lot to learn - but I am a trained observer (military, etc.) and I see what I see ... Perhaps I will become amazed at what I see in a few months.

    No you will not,people get sick to death of Thailand of all the scams. Better places to visit,just let more Indians in,thats the way to do it (or is it) Love it when Thai meets Indian tourist

  11. Personally I could not give two hoots whether they drop/do not drop,I do not want to get involved,but what I see is finished flats/condos ,not a buyer in sight. True people do not want to lose money on a sale,so they hang on in there, forever it seems,,fire sale forces the issue eventually.

    Numbers of western men are down without a doubt ,Indians and Chinese up,which in time will reflect the buyers of the property. Two events I can see in the not too distant future that will weigh heavily on UK farang especially,but by that time I just do not want to be here...period

    Sorry, owing to a change in the weather, I can no longer have a good laugh as I explain the irrationality of some posts, including yours. Hence, not worth responding to. smile.png I'll be posting less often (good news for some). Cheers!

    Looking forward to it

    • Like 1
  12. l buyers walk around with a "BUYER" sticker plastered to their foreheads--that's how we know. We gotta see them stickers on 'em in the bars, restaurants, and malls. They've got to be "in sight," presumably your sight, before they exist. smile.png

    True people do not want to lose money on a sale,so they hang on in there, forever it seems,,fire sale forces the issue eventually.

    And let's see your stats showing the trend lines over time . . . . The men only, as Western women can't count. wink.png Do they exist?

    Indians and Chinese up,which in time will reflect the buyers of the property. Two events I can see in the not too distant future that will weigh heavily on UK farang especially,but by that time I just do not want to be here...period

    (deleted post)

    All buyers walk around with a "BUYER" sticker plastered to their foreheads--that's how we know. We gotta see them stickers on 'em in the bars, restaurants, and malls. They've got to be "in sight," presumably your sight, before they exist. smile.png

    Ha Ha see your knickers are in a twist

    Yes"in sight" whos sight yours,must be falling over themselves at getting a sniff of the property ladder in Patts? from where I sit there is a 20 odd bed block empty ,up for sale last two years ,no buyers, another other side no renters, another in front oh dear! sure the owners somehow scrape by hoping for better times,but those better times sure are getting hard to come by

    Funny you should mention money,yes one renter quite close has a few properties,now not exactly down to his last satang ,but getting close,...and nah, think I would pass on western women purchasing property in Pattaya,unless you know differently,which obviously you do,and as for trending,go take a look outside your door,go look-see just how dismal a supposed tourist destination can be with no tourists

    Who said anything about a death spiral? agree the place is a clapped out mess,but while there are people talking it up,it will never die,living the grand life ,zombie style

  13. Personally I could not give two hoots whether they drop/do not drop,I do not want to get involved,but what I see is finished flats/condos ,not a buyer in sight. True people do not want to lose money on a sale,so they hang on in there, forever it seems,,fire sale forces the issue eventually.

    Numbers of western men are down without a doubt ,Indians and Chinese up,which in time will reflect the buyers of the property. Two events I can see in the not too distant future that will weigh heavily on UK farang especially,but by that time I just do not want to be here...period

  14. The corporate ownership of property being used by farangs to buy thai residential property is a loophole that can and probably will be closed someday. There is definitely a risk to go that route unless you can afford to lose a substantial chunk of that money.

    I remember reading posts like this 10 years ago, yet still the party goes on. Its not an ideal way of purchasing property but providing the purchaser is made fully aware of whats involved then that is their choice. Lets be clear that the current regulation around Foreign ownership isnt in place to stop Johnny Foreigner buying a few Rai in Phuket or whatever tourist resort, its there to protect the large swathes of agriculture land that help Thailand be self sufficient.

    Chosen words from a property pimp "ideal way of purchasing property"? The purchaser does not own anything,end of story

  15. Pretty easy to answer this one,they are on the way down already.The place is so overbuilt ,and the building just never stops,let the Thais commit financial suicide,they are quite good at that,for a farang to enter this market they must be nuts

    For my part I have been negotiating prices in a nice area in Spain to re-locate to,impossible on a falling market,11% off last quarter,4% off this quarter,where the hell is the bottom line? even rentals there just keep negotiating downwards.

    But for all the uncertainty it is the empty condos,the owners that walk away from their problems,toss the keys somewhere and the maintenance fees that are left for the ones left to pick up the tab,security,pool maintenance ,cleaning etc. goes out through the window,an empty shell a worthless one at that

    One more thing to consider now the Thai military are in control of Thailand and doing the "right thing" i.e. visa tightening for farang,rice plotting ,taxi mafia in Phuket etc. Will they also be looking at farang purchases of houses or condos via the company route?. Certainly would be looking over my shoulder at this one

  16. Pretty easy to answer this one,they are on the way down already.The place is so overbuilt ,and the building just never stops,let the Thais commit financial suicide,they are quite good at that,for a farang to enter this market they must be nuts

    For my part I have been negotiating prices in a nice area in Spain to re-locate to,impossible on a falling market,11% off last quarter,4% off this quarter,where the hell is the bottom line? even rentals there just keep negotiating downwards.

    But for all the uncertainty it is the empty condos,the owners that walk away from their problems,toss the keys somewhere and the maintenance fees that are left for the ones left to pick up the tab,security,pool maintenance ,cleaning etc. goes out through the window,an empty shell a worthless one at that

  17. Quote from loppylugs1 "Yes I think there is a justification to demand more hoops that a immigrant has to jump through..."

    So that would include additional hoops for your Thai GF would it?

    Btw, does anyone know if leave to appeal this decision to a higher court has been granted?

    The Thai girl friend? No hoops for her to jump through,she has the necessary skills....but I may take her to Spain though I do get quite horny at times(which is all day actually)

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