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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Electric shavers are good in cold climates,hot ones not so.Sweat,oils etc seeping from the skin tend to clog up the cutters,can use a alcohol purchase from any pharmacy as a pre electric,few drops of Singer sewing machine oil that is ready available on the cutters helps too

    • Like 1
  2. Loppylugs wrote: " just the visas are a problem"

    Listen to the voice of experience. He is correct not only in costs but visa situation. If you are outside your citizenship nation visas take over 10 days (security check: Thank you Pakistan). I will add that none of South Asia is as tourist-friendly as SEA. And it doesn't have the obvious er, benefits of Bangkok. But for healthcare you cannot do better.

    Got few minutes packing bag.....if a UK citizen it is difficult and expensive.....UK govt deter Indians by hiking up visa fees for entry into UK,3xs the price of most,think other countries too...accordingly India charges the same.

    Pain in the backside dealing with them but come October things get easier tourist visas being issued for 30 days The country is bankrupt but exchange rate excellent

    Should say Visa on arrival

  3. Unless things have changed in 2 years, the best value (not just cheapest, I mean comparing equivalent machinery, training, experience) the winners in medical are...

    1. INDIA

    2. Malaysia *

    3. Thailand

    4. Vietnam (MUCH cheaper but hard to find quality?) *

    5. Singapore (top quality but expensive)

    I have no knowledge of China, Korea etc.

    I contacted both Toshiba (CT) and Siemens (MRI) HQs in order to determine which hospitals/clinics in which countries in SEA have the newest and best. Neither responded.

    * In 2012 private hospitals in KL and Melaka charged HALF of similar businesses in Bangkok and Pattaya for brain MRI w/ contrast. Now?

    ** Vietlife MRI. in Hanoi charges 2.5 million VND for knee MRI with contrast.

    India is by far the cheapest for any medical procedure. India has the latest Siemens MAGNETOM MRI scanners,year or so ago whole body imaging was $250,$50 for leg,same with laser eye procedure ,anything and everything,just the visas are a problem. Go there frequently

    Off to Aussie for couple of weeks next 24 hours cannot reply for 2 weeks

  4. Probably get switched to pattaya forum. Smile dentists,off Soi17 opp market South Pattaya. Couple of women dentists,personally think the best plenty of Thai with farang bf or gf visit.

    Had prolonged root canal 3 x rays ,6 visits while underway 8000 baht,and she was utterly brilliant. aplogised each and every movement in case she caused pain

  5. You do understand that prostate surgery will most likely leave you impotent.

    Thinking about this too.

    I take Thyroid,and Statins ,do not want to take any more,that is why I am looking for a permanent fix.

    No point in being in Thailand excepting bashing the bishop on a frequency that at my advancing years surprises even me. I am here all on my lonesome,got great pensions,do not play golf or smoke so my only vice is ...vice.

    Have to give it some thought though,but I like getting checked out medically wise in India,it is a great place for any procedures

    HI Loppylugs

    yes we all naturally have a big concern about impotence it's very scary to a man.

    As i have said on the thread about "prostate....which way to go?" though, I have two friends who feel that being de-androgenised and completely uninterested in sex has not lost them anything they both think they have happier and much more contented lives, seem to have plenty of energy and smiles.

    Maybe useful thread to help weigh up odds:


    Just in case you're not yet informed don't panic if you get a cancer diagnosis (well try not to):

    About half of men aged 65 have some form of prostate cancer.


    Only about 3% of western men die of PC.......and of those the mortality/age curve is well weighted up to higher ages.

    For me,it is very scary. I have had a sniff and I quite like it, thank you.

    Nothing left in life anymore,friends ,family all dead and gone,my three score and ten rapidly approaching,to be uninterested in sex would be tantamount to saying "oh! death where is thy victory" stuff. Got great pensions gold plated index related stuff,plus ,plus and if I can spread a little pleasure and happiness to one and all so be it

    Anyway it is a form of exercise,just returned from gym,like to get the HR up to around 140ish,have to have a check as I am bonking,bet it gets up to 160 at least

  6. A weeks holiday? Penang definitely. No need to stay in Pen,take train to KL, couple every day and cheap or take a bus there too,station just over the water,modern bus system,cheap fares too,takes you all over the island,cheapish food/hotels,beer twice the price,Guinness about the same,but it tastes better

  7. Probably taking it out of Sterling account (or $ account),to a Baht account. Sterling has appreciated over the last 12 months approaching 20%,no way would interest in Baht account match that.

    Baht could go anyway,but with ever mounting problems I would not like to chance it. Chewing my way through the 800.000,do the visa by income letter next time

  8. loppylugs1

    I, too, researched the Indian option. Too many options (for me). I did take a trip - open mind. Outcome - not as expected.

    Agree,far too many options,overwhelmed by the amount of hospitals,but I did seek out a few GP's for opinions on various hospitals whilst there.

    Long and the short I am now waiving my leg around at a price of $700 instead of a price tag of $20,000

  9. Interesting and worth enquiring


    Must be a year ago now I went for a specific heart test,quoted £123 in Pattaya hospital,(not high end one either),wanted few other investigations done too,

    The heart test came in at £11.75p in India. One of the chambers of my heart seems to be borderline,half hour with cardiac consultant £3 for the way forward. If in time a pacemaker is to be fitted I will go back there,stents whatever

    Had unknowingly caught pneumonia too after a trip to US,toted myself around various hospitals( visited various GPs) getting quotes before I really became aware I was in a whole world of trouble,quotes all around the £1000ish, flew to India £65 ..£28 a night in high end hospital,few days OK,just bed rest then

  10. I don't mean to highjack the thread but, although I have no interest in it at this point, this is quite a suggestion as Indian physicians have a good reputation

    How about the hospitals standard there?

    Yes,I think the best,go over frequently for anything and everything ,and so cheap,MRIs , ops,etc . Having to get my prostate sorted out soon and that is where I am heading, Thailand is so damned expensive,although good doctors they seem to be in short supply too,language there no problem.

    The above comments regarding MRI in India,sorry no transit visas issued,have to get another type,30 day being issued soon. If treatment is going to be spread over a spell I'll get a medical visa

  11. If you are still in the UK wanting to come to Thailand to have an MRI scan done,fly over using Jet Airways or Air India with a stopover in Bombay,get one done there,now that is cheap.

    PM if you want details

  12. My friend had that surgery done in Pattaya at the smaller of the 2 hospitals and all went well and he said the price was not so bad.

    I do hope you priced it relative to India and the travel costs.

    Good luck.

    Few years now I did request few estimates for urgent surgery at high/low cost hospitals around Pattaya. Already armed with results of MRI scans, and the way forward, the lowest quote being $20,000 plus plus (room etc)

    Decided to spread the net resulting in having it done in india for $700. Since then I have felt far more comfortable with any form of surgery/treatment there,language skills are a major plus too.

    Travel costs are minimal, £60 return at times, just the visas are a problem,but will ease from October 1

  13. There are several different types of medication which can be used for this, should have the advice of an experienced urologist.

    Surgery for benign enlargement of prostate should not be considered unless management with medication alone failed.

    I would urge you to see a urologist and try medical management first before going to India for surgery. Dr. Viroj at Bumrungrad and Dr. Thanoo at Samitivej are both recommended.

    I strongly second recommendation to Dr. Viroj. Had visited half a dozen other specialty surgeons,

    all of whom glanced at my prostate diagnosis briefly and offered to cut me open the next day or

    so. Dr. Virog STUDIED my history and asked if he could perform his own examination before

    rendering an opinion, following which he advised against surgery (and that potential income to

    him and Bumrungrad) and in favor of radiation and hormone treatment.

    A qualified urological surgeon and honorable man (IMHO).

    The vast majority of prostate surgical procedures do not involve cutting anyone/anything open as they are done through the urethra.

    Radiation is not without side effects or complications either nor is it a necessarily a low profit therapy for a hospital.

    Theres many many benefits vs risks and things to understand regarding prostate enlargement. An honest, objective, non money hungry experienced "pecker checker" is the way to go. (urologist)

    Another thing to keep in mind is there emerging/newer procedures and some of them may be superior but not done in every center.

    Some references


    • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) - The criterion standard for relieving BOO secondary to BPH
    • Open prostatectomy - Reserved for patients with very large prostates (>75 g), patients with concomitant bladder stones or bladder diverticula, and patients who cannot be positioned for transurethral surgery

    Minimally invasive treatment

    • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP)
    • Laser treatment - Used to cut or destroy prostate tissue
    • Transurethral microwave therapy (TUMT) - Generates heat that causes cell death in the prostate, leading to prostatic contraction and volume reduction
    • Transurethral needle ablation of the prostate (TUNA)
    • High-intensity ultrasonographic energy therapy - Currently in the clinical trial stage
    • Prostatic stents - Flexible devices that expand when put in place to improve the flow of urine past the prostate
    • Laparoscopic prostatectomy


    This maybe a problem for me,was informed mine was 130g about 5 years ago,will have to get some professional advice before sailing into anything

  14. attachicon.gifmobi's logo.png

    We had an excellent, 'curfew lifting' evening yesterday and the punters just kept coming, giving us our second best day since we opened.

    We are working on improving the bar's ambience by removing the gaudy strip lights and replacing them with more subdued lighting; this should happen over the next few days.

    Our ever-expanding video playlist of videos and live concerts featuring the jazz and swing greats; from Armstrong to Sinatra, from Glenn Miller to Chris Barber, from George Melly to Diana Krall, from Nat King Cole,Mel Tormé, Tony Bennett and Ella Fitzgerald to Harry Connick Jr and a great many more, both old and new, is proving to be extremely popular.

    As our collection grows, our music emphasis will become more on this type of music and less on 'middle of the road' pop and rock.

    Of course we will always try to cater for different musical tastes, so please ask us if we have your favourites, and if so, we will be happy to play them.


    Got any Little Feat?

    Yes. "Dixie Chicken" & "Willin'"

    Ask for them when you arrive.....

    Vera Lynne,Alma Cogan Sandi Shaw?

  15. Have you try TCM? Traditional Chinese Medicine I mean. There are quite a number of TCM in Singapore.

    Where does it all end? Chinese traditional medicine, Indian traditional, American Indian, Western medicine or bloody Haitian witchdoctors? Unfortunately, when you get to the age where you need help with the prostate you haven't got a lot of time to be giving them all a trial run.
    TCM treatment takes a longer period to improve condition but no side effects. For condition that requires urgent/immediate treatment, western medicine is recommended. But there are side effects.

    My husband has had difficulty in peeing before. He took chinese medicine and it helps. He has had chemo, radiation therapy, some surgical procedure as well. There are side effects for all, except TCM.

    Times when you have difficulty in peeing, do not panic. Stay relax and continue whatever you are doing. Then try again later. Please do not try self medication for western medicine, in fact all medicines.

    Most importantly, keep yourself happy and relax every day:)

    Eh! Yes, western man and eastern lady ,great combination at relieving this problem. No more self medication or abuse, eastern lady relaxes me fine ..and keeps me happy Tuk Wan

  16. Beware of starting medicines mentioned above. Doxaxozin and tamulosin (and the other similar meds mentioned) can cause changes in your blood pressure. They are both associated with what's known as orthostatic hypotension which often presents with standing up and falling over. As one poster above referenced, saw palmetto has been thoroughly discredited, Saving money by surgical tourism is fine but make sure you know what kind of surgery you'll be getting and read up on the high incidence of resistant surgical infections being reported in India the last couple of years. (BTW, to post 89: if he treated you with hormones and radiation, then he believed you have cancer not the benign prostatic hypertension we're discussing,) The reports on the UroLift implants are great. Don't think you'll find it in Thailand, Good luck. Personally, I think I'd rather get to know my doctor instead of travelling to India and being told who will do my surgery, like it or not. If you do go to India, be sure to pick a well respected hospital and let us know about your experience.

    Good stuff,

    Yes, done some research on Urolift,also been to India few years ago, investigating BPH remedies, green light, turps etc,all have problems,all low cost though compared to Thailand,only the Urolift seems 100% without problemsw

    Knowing India and its medical hub potential,plus hospitals dedicated there to the above,it will be in short time that this new procedure will be encompassed,just looking forward to getting booked in. I have one surgeon in mind too,specialist in this field. I will give him a ring in next couple of months,see if he is up to it.

  17. I know a lot of guys would love a situation where the donger was a size that King Kong could only admire, times I have to carry a jacket in front to hide it,even the women I take ,nothing under thirty, too small,fact is older the better as long as they are good lookers. Likened to a major operation the insertion bit, Cha Cha Bow Bow

    Could be a porn star if younger

  18. All joking aside,

    ejaculation relieves prostatic congestion.

    Regarding hospitals on india; although i have never been there it appears some are excellent and others less so, just like in thailand. theres absolutely no lack of very smart indian doctors that do well outside of india in usa, uk, etc etc.

    overall higher english language skills are likely a big plus there.

    Looks as if I will have to "choke the chicken" a lot more frequently then.

    Not just the hospitals itself in India,which as you say can be excellent,others less so,just have to do a bit of homework,but the cost of drugs, Crestor, a statin, in major pharmacy here in Thailand 2000 baht for a months supply,there 100 baht months supply,genuine too.

    Likened for everything medically/surgical cost wise. The surgeon giving advise on latest surgery was Indian,just gave me a thought was £1000 on NHS, £5000 private in UK guess in India it would be something of the order of £100 or less

    Afterthought... talking about piss, think the monsoon season starts over in India on June 12,will be pissing down for about 3 months ,cheap flights on offer then,something like £60 return at times,looked at flight few days ago got it down to $132 return, it was going out next few days Air Asia or Jetgo or something like,but need visa and visa on arrival not starting until October, my previous visa ran out last year

    Paid 660 Baht for months supply of Saw Palmetto yesterday,give it a shot

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