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Posts posted by hobobo

  1. 3 hours ago, BoBoTheClown said:

    The headline says Nigeria but the story says Ghana. Also, I've seldom seen any headlines grouping all Europeans like the they do Africans. If they did the number of crimes committed by Europeans would seem higher and cause readers to have negative feelings towards them. The media's assault on Africa is real.


    You are not from BoBotswana by any chance? ????

  2. 5 minutes ago, robsamui said:

    Thanks Hobobo!

    I wrote in the OP that it was the last straw with Thailand, so of course it wasn't only the Visa/red tape aspects which decided me - this has been brewing for over a year now.

    The turning point came in October last year when I had my bag stolen, with my passport, WP, driving licence and all my cards in it. The subsequent dealings with the pig-headed, pompous, self-important Labor Department took eventually 5 months to restore the status quo, costing me an overall total of 55,000 baht and involving two trips outside Tland to get firstly a 3-month visa and then the full one-year version.


    And then I've been here for coming up to 22 years now. It's not that I'm hankering after the way thing used to be - the majority of the social and environmental changes I actually like. And the ordinary Thai people are still just as lovely as they ever were, shy, friendly, hospitable and generous.


    No, it's a whole series of gradual changes which have accumulated to tip the balance: the continually rising cost of living here; the Brexit fiasco murdering the value of my pension; the horrific quality of education; the social inequality and the increasingly-loud blustering of the powers that be as they keep trying to resist being part of the global economy which is now sucking at their national pride . . .  I've been here too long.


    Better I head off to a place I don't know so well, where it's cheaper and so much easier to stay, and where the climate is the same as that to which I've become accustomed. I'll be 70 next year and if I don't go now then I'm never gonna do it!





    Thanks, Rob, for your answer. It's amazing how many things from your reply I can personally relate to; in fact, I could say all of them, and personal safety on top of it. I've only been here on my retirement extensions for the past 12 years, but I've been coming to Thailand most years since 1979 (my first visit to Koh Samui!). The last few years I've been feeling that Thailand and (most) Thais have become rudderless, not really knowing or caring which way to go. Vietnam, on the other hand, has a real "direction", and it shows how the country developed over the past ten years and more.


    I do have a lot of friends here, both Thai and foreign. But Vietnam is only an hour away, and it would be great to be coming to Thailand for holidays again.


    Once more, good luck with your exciting new venture. Drop us an update once you've settled in!

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, robsamui said:

    Thanks to you all for the heads up.


    The final straw was that, after working and paying tax for 14 years, 3 months ago I was ill and for the first time ever had to extend my stay at the local immigration dept. I got a week for 1,900 baht. But the kid in front of me on a tourist visa got 30 days. I've not only been paying tax (which 75% of Thai people don't do) but have been putting an average of 50K baht into the Thai economy every month for the last 21 years.


    I can grit my teeth when the immigration officials here sneer and make life hard, or throw my stamped passport at me like I'm a dog, or when every immigration post has different ideas about what the rules are - and they now seem to change these every month.


    But dammit! A bakpacking kid gets 30 days for the same price as they make me pay for a week. The straw and the camel's back.


    I'm off to Vietnam. It's cheaper right across the board, there's NO immigration nastiness, every immigration post across the nation is on the same rule-book - and the Vietnamese, ordinary people and officials, are easy and pleasant with foreigners. They LIKE foreigners.


    But then this is off topic. Sorry!


    "So long and thanks for all the fish."
    Hitch Hiker's Guide to Thailand. Douglas Adams. 1984/2018.


    Good luck Rob! After 12 years of happy retirement here I'm beginning to think along the same lines and have had three month-long trips to Vietnam this year to see if I can handle such a move at my age. So far about 65:35 in favour of Vietnam!

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Crossy said:

    My interpretetion of the story.

    This is not diving as in scuba, this is diving as in having fun in a hotel pool (jumping in head first type diving).

    I couldn't find anywhere in the story that she dived into a hotel swimming pool. A couple of photos in the original article show her with friends at some rock-pools near a waterfall. I am not defending the insurance company at all, it is merely to state that rock pools are not of uniform depth.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, hobobo said:

    Thanks transam, I think the fines stated in the link above were applicable just before this year's increase, when they were doubled on average. I'm going to the police station later this morning and will take a snapshot of the current fines. Thanks for your help anyway!

    The reason I posted this in the first place was that the traffic cop who stopped me for an illegal U-turn on North Pattaya Road yesterday said that I could pay him or go to the police station. I told him that I always pay at the station because I get a receipt, but was just interested to see what kind of tea he drank. His reply was "One thousand baht here, much more at the police station". I remember the traffic fines were increased earlier in the year, so I was expecting 1,500 baht or more (at least it would teach me a lesson!). Just came back after paying the fine - 400 baht! I guess he's drinking PG Tips Diamond Tea Bags, but wants to upgrade to Da-Hong Pao Tea, according to Google the most expensive tea in the world at US$1,025,000 a kg! (https://financesonline.com/top-12-most-expensive-tea-types-in-the-world-da-hong-pao-vs-tieguanyin/)



    • Haha 1
  6. 14 hours ago, transam said:

    Don't know how old or accurate this is but could be the deal...



    Thanks transam, I think the fines stated in the link above were applicable just before this year's increase, when they were doubled on average. I'm going to the police station later this morning and will take a snapshot of the current fines. Thanks for your help anyway!

  7. 19 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    High speed again 

    To the Thai people 

    Try driving slow and come safely home better than die 

    You simply driving as morons 

    Everything is about how fast can I drive 

    Not only you kill yourself but you also killing Thailands reputation 

    You are a very dangerous country on the roads 

    Wake up and change please 

    Every Thai male knows that driving slowly is not "manly" - better dead than slow!

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