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Posts posted by debrakfurlow

  1. I hope they extend that to those who see it everyday and do nothing. I thought I was going to an Elephant reserve near Buriram. Turned out to be a tourist venue with Elephant rides, show. Etc

    I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY OF THIS. however, that wasn't what got me crying hysterically. There were many unkempt dogs, but one poor baby had so much infection and open sores his hip bones showed. The front half of his body was encased in some kind of growth. So, god knows how many tourists and staff watched this dog and did nothing. Not even a call to someone who would. I asked the Thai I was with how could they do that and the answer, "I can't fix everything". How about starting with one. I begged him to take the dog out and shoot him and he thought that was cruel and couldn't believe I would say such a thing. I couldn't go into the park. It was heartbreaking. I tried and tried to find an agency or someone to call. Nothing, and I didn't have a gun.

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  2. Never ceases to amaze me that people still think Social Security is a hand out. Yes, I know the prez and Democrats keep referring to it as a entitlement and they use it in the same way they use welfare and other gov handouts. Your damn right it is an entitlement. I worked all my life for it. Why so critical about how other people live their lives?

  3. Crazy Chef 1. You are apparently looking at this through rose colored glasses. You surely can not Be oblivious to the treatment, or non treatment of animals here. Just 2 days ago I went to what was termed an Elephant refuge that turned out to be A tourist attraction. The first dog I saw was so eaten up with fleas and infection his hip bones were poking through. Elephants are trained with cruel pain. Thais have been walking around these poor animals and no one did a thing. The Thais I asked about it said, "We can't fix everything" therefor they don't strive to fix any of it. The dogs on the street are flea bitten and eat out the gutters. It's a different mindset and as long as people think all is great because they are Buddhist is not being realistic. Please open your eyes and help the societies that are striving to change this. There is a world wide Elephant walk in Oct to highlight the mistreatment and poaching of elephants. Would live to have you join us.

  4. You can't open an acct here unless your on a one year visa. Only the big malls take credit cards. Local shopping, transportation, restaurant (unless it's a larger one) are all cash. Street Markets are cash only. Atms are at least 4 to a block, 100 of others and one at every 7-11 and they are a stones throw from each other. The country moves on cash.

  5. 1voice. I've been riding for 45 yrs. Last 40 yrs on harleys. I've laid it down 3 times so I've been very very lucky. You've been very lucky here and I hope that holds out. I plan on either buying a Harley here or shipping mine, but I will use it for trips with other bikes. These drivers scare the hell out of me. They are racking up 29,000 motor bike wrecks a year and 7 children die everyday. Rubber side down. I'm 64 today. Debbie

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  6. I am 64 and here in Thailand alone also. I decided to stop worrying about what may happen and enjoy my life here. That having been said my experiences with the hospitals have been very positive. I pay an exorbitant amount for my meds because all of them are non generic and they cost more for me because in the states I have BCBS. I keep hearing about unbelievable low prices in some pharmacies. Haven't found that in Chaing Mai yet. Apparently in Bangkok there is a drug warehouse that is the distribution site for the country, but it's uncertain where these meds are made. Personally I wouldn't take the chance. If I take all my prescriptions back to the states in Nov. I can submit them to BCBS for reimbursements.

  7. It's because I moved here. 1st summer I was in Austin TX it was the hottest summer on record. 100 days over 102 degrees and one day of rain all year. Today they have 59 degrees in Sep. I love colder weather. I just have the touch. Sunny day, wash the car.......

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