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Posts posted by Liquorice

  1. grumbleweed, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:17, said:

    Tell him the biggest majority of Thai girls on the dating sites are hunters, farang are the game. Some one I know (cough cough) uses this to his advantage. by playing shy and lonely, and appearing gullible. the hunter becomes lost in kerching land. Once they smell blood the panties are down to the ankles, even before the first meeting.

    A little bit of cheesiness in the form of "you're not like the other girls" "I feel comfortablre with you" (*all online) and its game over They do not realize that they have become the prey and invitations to visit soon follow, with them providing accomodation and tour guide, as well as the main objective

    For the more local girls as above but remain stingy (easy when you're from Yorkshire) once they realize you ain't ever gonna be a walting ATM, they scarper, by which time the objective has already been achieved

    *The deal needs to be done online to avoid unneccessary expenses suich as food and drink

    So the biggest majority of Thai women on dating sites are 'hunters' and farangs are the 'game'.

    Then you proceed to manipulate these Thai women into a false belief, so you become the 'hunter' and the Thai woman the 'game'.

    Well, if that's your solution to finding a decent Thai woman with whom you can have a meaningful relationship, then your only going to get what you deserve.

    Those kind of women are not just prevalent to Thailand, they exist everywhere.

    Having a low esteem of women, usually means you have a low esteem of yourself.

    A beer guzzling, dick swing farang, just looking to get in a woman's pants is likely to attract like for like.

    So don't tar all women with the same brush, look in the miiror first and ask yourself why would a woman want that!

    Reading some replies, I'd go as far as to say it's probably harder for a Thai woman to meet a decent respectable farang, than the other way around.

  2. David48, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:32, said:
    Faz, on 05 Nov 2014 - 08:24, said:

    Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

    Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

    Faz, I'm fast becoming a Fan. You've taught me something.

    A Thai lady, who I know well, has had Thai 2 kids and the plumbing tied/cut (what ever the procedure was).

    She's not a Lassie of means, so I didn't know how she swung that OP.

    Will have to enquire (delicately) next time I see her.

    Hi David, yes it's a fact.

    Thai women are offered free sterilization after 2 children.

    They are not pressured into accepting the offer, but it won't be offered free later.

    Certainly most of the Thai women I know with 2 kids took up the offer.

    Keep your eyes open, you will rarely see a Thai woman with more than 2 kids.

    Not sure how that works if you have twins. Maybe Miss Farm Girl can answer that question?

    Similar system in China with the 'one child policy'.

    Free sterilization offered after one child, but thereafter they pay huge 'fees', increasing with each subsequent child.

    China has this policy to control the massive increasing population.

    Thailand I suspect offers it to control the financial strains on families.

  3. BKKdreaming, on 05 Nov 2014 - 07:34, said:

    so little info and no feedback from the 50 year old.....so questions questions questions/.............

    have you been to Thailand before ? more than a 2-3 week holiday ?

    do you plan to live in Thailand ? Retire there ?

    Do you want kids or her to have them already ?

    are you looking for a 20 year old or 30+ , the older ones are past the sell by date and are getting pressure from family

    Do you have enough money to do this ???

    If your real reason is to get out of dreary cold Europe , then take a few months vacation and see if you can handle the heat and Thai BS.

    there are many places that are warm and sunny most of the year ,

    last important thing , just like in the West the best way a lady knows to catch a guy is to get knocked up.........protect yourself......

    Most Thai women with 2 kids will be sterilized.

    Sterilization is offered free on having a second child. Thereafter they have to pay for it.

    • Like 1
  4. petedk, on 04 Nov 2014 - 18:52, said:
    elliottm, on 04 Nov 2014 - 17:43, said:
    Faz, on 04 Nov 2014 - 15:19, said:
    elliottm, on 04 Nov 2014 - 14:57, said:elliottm, on 04 Nov 2014 - 14:57, said:

    May I ask a question about use of the bum gun and how you gargle without using your hand. I've tried the gun and then paper but end up using more having to dry first then clean. Any direction appreciated.

    It was tongue in cheek expression. If you hold the bum gun to far away it splashes and has no effect at cleaning. Hold it to close and I feel I'm going to start gargling soon, as I do with the Listerine. (Gargle that is, not wash my backside).

    I have one western, one squat toilet at home. I use either to urinate, but only the western to defecate. I take a shower after the latter.

    On a trip, I carry a pack of the moistened baby wipes. Cleans without leaving your backside wet through or feeling chapped.

    Thanks Faz, do you manage to clean with the gun entirely without using your hand?

    Surely that depends on the pressure of the water.

    Some nearly blast the hemorrhoids away while others hardly have enough pressure to wet the bum. Tip: Always check the pressure first!

    Thanks Pete, you answered elliottm question for me.

    A bum gun will never totally clean in my opinion. As stated before I use the baby wipes to thoroughly clean, or if at home I shower.

    • Like 1
  5. ignis, on 04 Nov 2014 - 16:06, said:
    David48, on 04 Nov 2014 - 15:08, said:

    Not always is Google your friend ... but on this occasion,


    from the esteemed Chiang Mai rock climbing Adventures ... how-to-use-a-squat-toilet

    could not get in that position if i tried.........

    + the only time I tried was back in 1999, 15 hours on a train to C.M when you have to go there is no other option

    I couldn't get up from that position, even if I managed to get down.

  6. Having just posted a topic 'How to use a squat Toilet correctly and laughing at some of the replies, it reminded me of a very true experience I had in China some years ago. Rather than include it in the previous topic, I thought maybe we could share some of our funnier travelling experiences in another topic.

    I'm sure a few of you have some light-hearted and funny stories to tell?

    Back around 2010 I was visiting Nanning in China and staying in a condo.

    One evening my ex girlfriend and I went out for a meal and a couple of drinks with some friends.

    Nice evening, nothing untoward, back to the Condo and sleep.

    At 4am in the morning, I woke up with stomach ache and grumbling pains.

    I tried to get back to sleep but the grumbling was slowly getting worse.

    About 5am, the griping pain, the one where you know you have to go.........and quickly.

    Diving out of bed and flying down the lounge to the toilet, I only just made in time.


    Such relief, but for the next 20 minutes I couldn't move off that toilet.

    By now my ex girlfriend was half semi conscious and asked if I was OK.

    "Yeah", but I was fully awake now, no chance of sleeping again and it was around 5.30am anyway.

    I filled the wash basin with water and proceeded to shave.

    After a shave I turned on the shower and submerged under it.

    As the water ran down my body, in particular by back and then between my buttocks, I had a severe burning sensation.

    It felt like the diarrhoea had taken the skin from around my backside and god it was sore.

    I always take certain medicines with me, so to this extent I was equipped with Immodium tablets and 'Savlon' antiseptic soothing cream.

    Searching through my wash bag for the Savlon, my ex, who was now awake asked again if I was ok.

    "I will be in a minute" peering around the bathroom door to look at her, whilst still rummaging through my bag.

    Squeezing a large dollop of cream onto my fingers, I slapped it between my buttox.

    Jeeeezus F Christ!

    I was on fire.....someone just lit a Bunsen burner under my arse.

    F...F...F I was in agony, tears were coming to my eyes.

    I quickly grabbed the towel and dunked into the wash basin which was still full of water.

    Holding the towel between my legs, one hand at the front, the other hand behind me, I moved my hands back and forth trying to get that towels as far as I could up my backside.

    F...F...F... I was on my tip toes running back and forth, up and down the room.

    My ex was fully awake now, not knowing what to do.

    "What's up, what's up" she kept crying, becoming more and more concerned.

    Jesus! My arse is on fire, rubbing the wet towel back and forth between my cheeks.

    After a few minutes, but what seemed an eternity, the pain and burning started to subside.

    "What the hell did you do" asked my ex.

    "Nothing", I replied, "I had diarrhoea and my backside felt sore, so I put some Savl.............." as I reached around the bathroom door to pick up the tube, which read............... 'Colgate for whiter teeth'.

    • Like 1
  7. mania, on 04 Nov 2014 - 15:50, said:
    Faz, on 04 Nov 2014 - 15:41, said:

    Since then, I've totally removed shorts/trousers but unless there is a hook available, then where do you put them.

    Most places in CM now have western toilets but I would caution your using the hook on the door

    to hang your pants even if there is one.

    A few years back there were a few robberies...

    where guy go into the bathroom reach over the top & snatch folks hanging pants

    I guess they were pretty sure none were going to give much of a chase wink.png

    Western toilets tend to have little or no water on the floor because of the internal flushing method, so no need to completey remove anything.

    The problem with the squat toilet is that their flushed scooping water out of a bowl with a pan, which usually leaves everything soaking wet.

    I once removed my shoes, but after a hip hop disco routine to stay on my feet, I never removed them again.

  8. draftvader, on 04 Nov 2014 - 14:57, said:

    It took me a while to get them right on first getting into Asia. However enough time travelling on long train and bus journeys through China taught me everything I need to know. Yes, pockets aren't good. You should always try to wear pockets with a button, better are trouser leg pockets like you find in cargo trousers. I personally put them round my ankles then hold them forward with one hand whilst doing my business. The real trick is the squat type. The correct squat type is the one you see every day in Thailand where you sit on your heels. This way EVERYTHING is below the trousers so no chances of slippage. The hand being forward holding the trousers also helps as that provides balance in this situation. The standard Asian eating/cleaning/don't want to stand squat is the one you want.

    Washing your behind is quite personal. I prefer the bum gun to the mandi but either is good really.

    Think about this.

    Western toilet

    Urine on seat, bits dangling too low find water, splashing dirty water when poo-ing and then smearing faeces around with paper

    Squat toilet

    No seat, your shoes stop you touching anything left over, everybody washes it down anyway. Bits dangle as low as they want as it is easy to control height. No splashing dirty water and then you get to clean off your bum properly. Would you swap your shower for a roll of toilet tissue?

    As a final point there are health benefits. The Western toilet puts a strain on the muscles in the colon causing piles whereas the squat toilet allows nature and gravity to do its bit. Most importantly think of this squat toilet users squat every day of their lives 2-3 times so by the time they are 80 they are more likely to be able to still do this. A small side effect but you've all seen K Yai squatting happily for hours cooking dinner or eating....mostly eating!

    Sadly I have 3 Western toilets in my house (Hi-So landlady...lovely bird....don't let her hear me saying that!). I would love to have 1 Western and 1 Squat to give me the choice.

    Thanks for your serious answer draftvader.

    I still question whether one should remove one's trousers completely.

    Usually someone before you has washed down with the pan and the floor becomes soaked.

    My first experience, the bottoms of my shorts got wet through which is rather embarrassing. I nearly lost my balance and ended up down the toilet trying to keep my shorts pulled forward.

    Second experience, I managed a little better, but then my wallet fell out of my back pocket straight into the bowl. Talk about handling dirty money..ugh!

    Since then, I've totally removed shorts/trousers but unless there is a hook available, then where do you put them.

  9. krisb, on 04 Nov 2014 - 14:42, said:

    I feel a little sick after that.

    I have a real issue with public toilet door handles.

    krisp, you've just found the answer as to where to hang your trousers.

    Seriously your lucky to find handles or locks on most of the public cubicles.

    If you have an issue with these handles why not carry a pair of the disposable surgical gloves. lightweight and easily fit in your pocket.

  10. elliottm, on 04 Nov 2014 - 14:57, said:

    May I ask a question about use of the bum gun and how you gargle without using your hand. I've tried the gun and then paper but end up using more having to dry first then clean. Any direction appreciated.

    It was tongue in cheek expression. If you hold the bum gun to far away it splashes and has no effect at cleaning. Hold it to close and I feel I'm going to start gargling soon, as I do with the Listerine. (Gargle that is, not wash my backside).

    I have one western, one squat toilet at home. I use either to urinate, but only the western to defecate. I take a shower after the latter.

    On a trip, I carry a pack of the moistened baby wipes. Cleans without leaving your backside wet through or feeling chapped.

  11. Goldieinkathu, on 04 Nov 2014 - 13:13, said:
    Faz, on 04 Nov 2014 - 12:39, said:
    Goldieinkathu, on 04 Nov 2014 - 11:32, said:Goldieinkathu, on 04 Nov 2014 - 11:32, said:

    My landlord just called me to say she was at the immigration office in Phuket town ( with the TM30 filled in) and now they want copies of the passports, TM cards, and visa of the "aliens" to go with it.facepalm.gifShe said there's no mention of this anywhere in the office , nothing written in Thai. Anyway, just to let you all know and be better prepared. Oh and one last thing, I've been living in this house for 17 years so they already have 17 years worth of papers on me laugh.png .It's a wonder this island doesn't sink under all this paper!

    That makes sense!

    Just as you would supply copies of your landlords ID card, tabian ban and rental agreement to go with your extension application.

    Even though Immigration have 17 years of your papers, you don't really expect them to put 2+2 together, do you?.............that would make 5 facepalm.gif

    The reason she/I was surprised was that the TM30 form already asks for passport no, point of entry, arrival card, relationship,visa etc. Nowhere does it mention additional documentation or copies.

    It would be nice if immigration stopped wasting everyone's time and wrote exactly what they do want. It could be written in Thai as this form concerns only Thai's.

    She was kind enough to take a morning off from work to go sort this out and now she has to do it all again tomorrow.

    Firstly thanks for posting your experience and the documents requested by Immigration with the TM30 form.

    Secondly, your landlord (or you) can post the documents to Immigration, just the same as a 90 day report.

    I certainly wouldn't take more time from work.

  12. neverdie, on 04 Nov 2014 - 10:04, said:
    Chairman Of The Board, on 04 Nov 2014 - 07:08, said:
    malt25, on 04 Nov 2014 - 06:54, said:
    siampolee, on 04 Nov 2014 - 06:35, said:

    One can but only presume that Munger is in a failed relationship with Mrs.Palm and her five daughters and there no longer satisfaction in his self pleasuring romantic excursions into his romantic fantasy world.

    Indeed one can but only presume that Munger is indeed the epitome of the lovelorn foreign chappy who fell for the stripper in the bar who then stripped him of that little which he had amassed from the local charity and thrift shops.

    Any chance that Munger is short for Mongrel ?

    Just wondering.

    Any chance that Munger is short for 'jealous troll who has been stitched up by a bar girl at sometime during his past'?

    Seriously, who comes onto a board to slag off another board members wife and life partner.

    This could only be someone who feels very safe hiding behind a keyboard because if he did that in front of her husband, his lights would be punched out.

    Munger, until your ban comes along you are still free to post on here, so please post with a little bit of respect and a lot more common sense.

    Every morning I sit on my throne and give birth to a munger. It's a fact ! wink.png

    No neverdie, that would be a 'minger', as in 'it's minging' (smelly) blink.png

    • Like 1
  13. Goldieinkathu, on 04 Nov 2014 - 11:32, said:

    My landlord just called me to say she was at the immigration office in Phuket town ( with the TM30 filled in) and now they want copies of the passports, TM cards, and visa of the "aliens" to go with it.facepalm.gifShe said there's no mention of this anywhere in the office , nothing written in Thai. Anyway, just to let you all know and be better prepared. Oh and one last thing, I've been living in this house for 17 years so they already have 17 years worth of papers on me laugh.png .It's a wonder this island doesn't sink under all this paper!

    That makes sense!

    Just as you would supply copies of your landlords ID card, tabian ban and rental agreement to go with your extension application.

    Even though Immigration have 17 years of your papers, you don't really expect them to put 2+2 together, do you?.............that would make 5 facepalm.gif

  14. Thanks for the clarification Richard.

    It's certainly an unusual situation.

    It seems the only choices are to fly from and to Belfast, which shouldn't create a problem but cost £100 more, or to get a Visa for Ireland to satisfy the airlines for the return flight, although it's not clear she actually needs one.

    As dirtycash stated in a previous post, his wife has travelled between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland several times without the need for a Visa and without any problems. I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry, but I'm still not convinced she needs a Visa other than to satisfy the airline for the return flight from Bangkok.

    • Like 2
  15. Do Thai women get a raw deal?

    Within their culture and history, most Thai women would say 'No' in my opinion.

    Centuries ago the role of the man was to provide for the family, the role of the woman to look after the home and family.

    Through centuries of evolvement the need for a better standard of living has forced women to work as well as maintaining their duties as a wife and mother.

    It was little different in the west centuries ago, the difference being as the west evolved, so did the roles of the women and the men. The women in many cases went to work to provide more money, while the men took more responsibility for looking after the home and children.

    In the east however I see little change to the role of the man who still expects the woman to work, take care of the kids and the house.

    So from a western male prospective, I would say 'Yes' they get a raw deal.

  16. AnotherOneAmerican, on 03 Nov 2014 - 14:18, said:
    Issangeorge, on 03 Nov 2014 - 12:32, said:
    tullynagardy, on 03 Nov 2014 - 06:49, said:

    Are some of you guys seriously trying to compare a divorce in a Western country to building a house in Thailand that you don`t even have a right to live in!?

    Mortgages in Western countries will be 50/50 and as such, come divorce time half is yours. Furthermore in farrang land the female usually contributes financially. It`s completely different than gifting an asset 100% into the name of someone else in a foreign country.

    I think some people maybe trying to console themselves on here!

    As far as I'm concerned the ownership is not a concern, most people in the west don't own their homes until the mortgage is paid. There are lots of ways to protect yourself here. A long term least registered on the back of the title is perhaps the easiest, a lawyer isn't even needed. I least some property from my wife and did this. She couldn't sell it until I went to the a district office and had the restriction removed from the title. As for the 50/50 ownership in the west, that exists here also, but as for every divorced man I have known in the west, not one has come out with anything close to 50/50, the same as here. Remember you get to live in your house here, and the price is so cheap, that if you can last 5 to 10 years, you have probably saved enough from paying western rent to pay for the house, after that you are basically living free, actually after 3 years you have probably paid for the house. When I built my wife a house I knew full well that it was not mine, I also knew that it was the custom, Thai or Farang, and that my wife would gain much face and be happy. 11 years later she is still happy and so am I and I have lived in a nice place that if a had rented the same in the west I would only be able to live in it for maybe 18 months or less for the same money I spent. In Thailand to rent the same, I figure I broke even about two years ago.

    You figured wrong,

    Rent in Thailand is usually around 5% of the property price.

    It takes 23-27 years for the house purchase price to match the rent.

    As for 50/50 ownership in the west,

    Not for a woman with children under 15 years old, she owns it 100% on divorce in most western countries.

    Where do you get your information from?

    In UK law ownership will start to be divided 50/50, however all circumstances are taken into account including children, the income, earning capacity, property and resources of each person;

    • the financial needs, obligations and responsibilities of each person;
    • the standard of living enjoyed by the family before the marriage broke down;
    • the age of each person and the duration of the marriage;
    • any physical or mental disability;
    • the contribution made by each person to the welfare of the family, including looking after the home and bringing up children; and
    • the conduct of each person, but only if it is so bad it would be unfair to ignore it (this is a consideration only in exceptional cases).

    Unless one party voluntary walks away, never will either man or woman, with or without children get 100% of the property or assets.

    It's the UK not USA. Stick to your USA law advise, because you sure don't know the English Marriage and Divorce laws.

    • Like 1
  17. Read section 3 and 4 of the Irish Immigration Act, I think it answers the question.


    If I am reading and understanding correctly, a family member of an EEA citizen can spend up to 3 months in Ireland without the need for a Visa.

    However if they are travelling through Ireland to another EU state they need a valid Irish transit Visa.

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