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Everything posted by Liquorice

  1. I think you're confusing applying for a Non O visa from a Thai Embassy/Consulate, where some request a letter from your spouse in support of your application, with an application at local Immigration offices where your spouse must attend any application.
  2. Visas issued by Thai Embassies are nothing to do with internal Thai Immigration, other than your status after entry (Non Immigrant/Tourist). Thai Embassies/Consulates are regulated by Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and only they have the authority to cancel a visa. You don't appear to understand the difference between the validity of a visa issued by a Thai Embassy/Consulate, and the validity of the period of stay from an extension issued by local internal Immigration offices.
  3. @DrJack54 is perfectly correct. Non Imm O visas obtained from a Thai Embassy/Consulate are still perfectly valid and legal even after divorce, until the visa's expiry date. Nothing to do with Immigration, although you obviously wouldn't be permitted to apply for a 60-day extension.
  4. @BritManToo is perfectly correct. A Non O visa issued by a Thai Embassy/Consulate and the permission of stay from such an entry cannot be 'cancelled' by Immigration in the case of divorce. However, if you're on a 1-year extension of stay based on a Thai spouse, then the reason for the extension ends on the date of divorce and the extension is immediately null and void. Only in the case where a Thai spouse deceases is a 1-year extension based on Thai spouse allowed to run its course.
  5. If it's due 28th, the first date he could apply online would be 14th. It is not 15 days before the due date as many state. It is 15 days 'until' the due date, which includes the due date. It's only 14 days 'before' the due date, which doesn't include the due date.
  6. You can submit online up to 14 days prior to the due date.
  7. File a new TM30 at your new Immigration office. You will then be able to apply for further extensions and submit your 90 day reports to the new IO.
  8. Bangkok bank can update your passbook to the day without a deposit or withdrawal. Other banks appear to differ as you experienced.
  9. If you're applying for the Non O at Immigration, the 400K is only required to be in the bank on the day of submitting the application. VE-TV to Non O Spouse.pdf Read 7.2 7.2 A letter of guarantee in Thai language from the commercial bank in Thailand (Attention: Immigration Commissioner) and copy of all entries of the applicant’s passbook showing that the applicant has a saving or fixed deposit account of not less than Baht 400,000 ** (Documents under 7.1 and 7.2 must be issued and updated to be the same date of the Application and all documents must be in the Applicant’s name.) When they issue the Non O you will be granted a further 90 days permission of stay. When the 400K THB has been in your account for 2 months, you can then apply for the 1 year extension of stay. 327-2557 (2014) - Criteria for extension ENG.pdf Clause 2.18, item 6. (6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year.
  10. You must already have previously held a Non Imm visa, even using an agent. No need to apply for a Non O in Savannahket. If using the 400K funds in a Thai bank account, then proof of overseas transfer is not required, just that it must have been on deposit for 2 months prior to submitting the application.
  11. Well, that's misinformation for a start! If you re-entered 28th Oct 2022, your next 90-day report is due Jan 25th 2023 - correct. However, if you're submitting it online, the window is 14 days prior to the due date, up to the due date. It's only 6 days after the due date if doing it in person. The first date you can apply online is Wednesday Jan 11th, but my guess is it won't recognise that date, and you'll have to do it in person. There is now no requirement to refile a new TM30 if returning to the same registered address from a holiday. TM30 Reporting Regulation.pdf I suggest you print the PDF and show it to them as to the current regulations. Why, if you reported to your IO after returning from overseas, didn't you request they manually reset and issue a new 90-day report date? Nakhon Sawan does have a reputation of being a bit of a rogue IO.
  12. If he has copies of the landlords TB and ID card, yes he can. I've previously submitted 3 TM30's as the possessor by uploading a copy of my Passport ID page and copies of the landlords TB and ID card.
  13. Just my two cents, but I believe you'll find you need to file this next report in person, in order to reset the online 90-day clock. The entry system and 90 day reporting aren't linked, so the fact the 90-day system was expecting you to submit a report on 23rd Nov but didn't, it will reject the next online report. It's not aware you left and re-entered the Country and needs to be manually reset by your Immigration office.
  14. Incorrect. The validity of a visa for the UK is also the same as the period of stay.
  15. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension skills. He isn't travelling, his daughter is visiting him.
  16. They want a copy of your last entry stamp. That's the date and port of arrival you should put on your TM7.
  17. Applying for the Non O-A visa from a Thai Embassy is based purely on 'retirement' The Non O in contrast can be applied for on the basis of retirement, Thai spouse, voluntary work etc. If you're extending your permission of stay at an Immigration office based from an O-A, retirement, then the Insurance is still applicable. If you're extending your stay based on Thai spouse, it's not a requirement. Why is because if applying based on retirement, the assumption is you're single and should you require medical care, then you need a carer, privately or hospital care. Applying based on Thai spouse if you require medical care, your wife will care for you.
  18. I stated 'temporary' staying at a different address, meaning if returning to your registered address there is now no requirement to file a further TM30. The requirements changed in Dec 2020. TM30 Reporting Regulation.pdf
  19. False, it's a myth it's a Thais responsibility. It's just as much the foreign tourists' responsibility to file a TM30 if staying at a private residence. Hence, Immigration will often fine the foreigner.
  20. You miss the whole purpose of an alien's address being registered with Immigration. You're required to notify your place of residence when visiting most other Countries. The tsunami which impacted communities around the Indian Ocean rim on the morning of 26th December 2004 wreaked particular havoc with the tourism industry in Phuket and southern Thailand. This became global news, with families of relatives staying in Thailand advised to contact their Embassies. The Embassies are then able to track foreigners, using the details held by Thai Immigration to contact them, ensuring they are safe and reporting back to families overseas. If they haven't registered their address or contact details with Immigration, in the event of an emergency they may not be immediately traceable, which would be distressing for worried families back home.
  21. Whilst you advise ignoring the law, with your personal opinions. Here's some research for you, Jack. Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979) ENG.pdf TM30 Reporting Regulation.pdf
  22. Then they are in violation of section 38 of the Immigration Act and subject to a fine if caught. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. You've misunderstood Joe's statements. Correct, assuming a TM30 was initially filed, there is now no requirement to refile if staying temporary at other locations. What he clearly meant was if staying in a different Province to where a TM30 was previously filed, you must file a new TM30 to formally change your address before applying for an extension, for example. You can't change an address, if you never had one in the first instance.
  23. I didn't miss any part of your post, you jump to conclusion and make assumptions too fast. A TM30 should be filed regardless of whether it's his intention or not to visit Immigration - that's the Immigration law, need I quote it?
  24. He may have stayed at a hotel on arrival, or intend applying for a 30-day extension. Is that what the law states?
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