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Posts posted by CharlesHH

  1. The phases are mixed up either by accident or just negligence. You have a bad situation and should call power company immediately. Skip doing your own dangerous tests. Turn off all power in your home at the main breaker box, as North Americans call it. Do not turn that power back on until electrical co shows you their correction.

    In Nakhon Pathom, sometimes electric co. just changes the phase after a brief outage, which likely is them turning it off and changing the phase and turning back on.

    You definitely need company help.

  2. 1. The one malaria med I took, Lariam, mefloquine hydrochloride, gave me significant hallucinations, first in dream and then after awaking. I also had rapid heartbeat for several hours and ended up in the hospital in, yes, KATHMANDU. No, that hospital does not use straw on the floor. It took three days to get it out of my system.

    2. I had dengue fever and yes "break bone" feeling is correct.

    I put DEET on my clothes if going into the back country where there is no spraying.

    Someone, mooban or govt?, sprays the golf lagoons around my house. At home, no problems as family closes up doors and windows promptly at night even tho I have all screened windows.

    Maybe there are better meds now days?

  3. I can't get it clean enough so wife comes behind my work and really cleans.

    I enjoy making coffee from beans.

    I can DIY and fix anything, but my old body limits me more each yr. I like the strange looks I get from Thai clerks at HomePro when I not only know the odd thing or tool I am buying but it is clear I am getting it for myself and my installation.

    • Like 2
  4. The comments by "advancebooking" are the reason I put my notes on this forum about Cultural Imperialism and then

    Ethnocentric issues. My isolated little world never encountered such clod-of-dirt ignorant attitudes asserted as if facts.

    For a few minutes from time to time, I have difficult having hope for mankind. Yes, advancebooking, your wrong attitudes are really depressing and you are far from the only one.

  5. Ethnocentric and culturally imperialistic

    The terms are of course related, but it is interesting that the children of the largest Empires of modern times have sought (on this venue) to defuse the power in cultural imperialism by reducing it to simple ethnocentrism. Certainly those asserting their Western superiority to Thai culture are ethnocentric but do refuse to see the cultural imperialism also involved in their opinions. I think this is a defense mechanism by the typists on this site to cope with their dim self awareness of their imperialistic views and behaviors. All this relates powerfully to Thailand and we foreigners together.

    Regardless of that, I recommend reading the Wikipedia entries on both terms. Cultural imperialism exceeds ethnocentrism in that the latter is simple belief and opinion that can be held, quietly, with little harm to others. However, when the former emerges, we see the damage to real established cultures of the world, usually Third World. One example could be that the Thailand Hill People have become parodies of themselves, pretending to live in the old ways as a tourist attraction and selling their hand crafted items as if they were trinkets. The cultural damage is significant and irreversible. The injection of masses of Han Chinese into Tibet is crushing Tibetan culture by their presence, and Red China's repressive policies are the forceful arm of that cultural imperialism there. There are just too many examples.

    Then, the Westerner asks, "What is lost?" and asserts "these people are better off" with the West's labor saving machines, for example. Well, I am unhealthily fat because I own so many labor saving machines (I hope you smile with me at that). What is lost is DIVERSITY because it is from different approaches to life that we can learn what may be best for us. If the encaged consumerist life of the West is all one can see, then that is all one will have. It is like the answer to why save the rain forests; the diversity of life there is so valuable, for a crass example, because one of those things there may someday be the new penicillin that will save your hide. Too, "better off" is like beauty, only in the eyes of the opinion holder. Read more, cant hurt you, really.

  6. "Imposed" on does not always include direct threats but also "attractive lures" such as my example about the luring of farmers off the land and into cities to work in factories. That happens often because the existing govt has no policies to help farmers stay on the land, a good goal for the rice capital of the world. Without help, the farmer is lured to a steady salary but at the significant disruption of his life style, most of which takes him into debt, away from his extended family, and inserts his children into a world very foreign to the father (city life).

    Too, very repetitive assembly line work removes the worker from most satisfaction of a job really completed; he becomes an extension of the machine which is a long way from the cycle of planting, harvesting, and eating on the farm.

    Surely people can exist this changed way, but what about Gross National Happiness and life coherence and satisfaction. Cultural imperialism works in many ways.

    There is a type of fallacious argument, usually connected with racism and promulgated by racists, that those who claim to be victims of racism are also capable of racism too....whether or not this is accurate, it is a fallacious argument. It in no way deters from the original premise...more of the same can't argue against. So to imply that because Thais may be guilty of cultural imperialism in no way negates the proposition that they are subject to the same themselves.
    Unfortunately the OP appears not to know what cultural imperialism is so the whole premise is a moot point...as are subsequent postingsbuntil there is common agreement on what C.I. actually is.

    I still fail to see what is being imposed on thailand.
  7. a yr ago I searched for this very item.

    I started at Panthip Plaza and had my driver walk around, after I got tired looking, with a photo of the item I wanted.

    He found two in stock at one of the little stores in there.

    My conclusion then was that this item is very rare in Bangkok as an in-stock item. The shop was super glad to sell one of their two to me because apparently there was no call for it at all.

    One can wonder why.

  8. Light strikes or even paddling is not unusual in Thai public schools. The practice is reflected in Thai homes. Corporal punishment is standard here. I do not know how it affects the psyche here, but it works.

    No Thai children shoot up Thai schools with guns.

    • Like 1
  9. Because of the firm conviction that HM represents the essence of Thailand, of Thai-ness, and all Thai citizens, it is understandable that a population here that is very nationalistic and very loving of HM would defend all that. I admire Thai people for respecting and having at least one leader that deserves their respect, a factor so missing in today's crass world. When people lose the ability to respect, it is usually because they believe they personally are superior to everything themselves.

    There is nothing wrong with what I hope your mother taught you... "Watch your mouth."

    In the West, you can say anything you want and everyone knows that what is said is meaningless.

    Buddhists believe what you say is a part of your essence... body speech and mind... read about it.

  10. I am lucky. I can and do have frequent meaningful conversations with more than a dozen Thai natives, in English and in translation. Further, I taught over 300 native Thai college students where they spoke freely in English. Of course, I regularly converse with my Thai wife and a rare monk.

    I would feel really lost living here 'permanently' without that contact. In fact, I can not imagine a person so isolated who never has such contact. I was so happy to move away from irritating arrogant citizens of USA to a gentle culture, and I certainly did not want to move all the way around the world to hob nob with those same type people (now including Brits, for sure). Reading ThaiVisa also shows me I was right for me.

    Reading that topic headline, now I see even more how such extensive cultural imperialism exists among Brits and others in the LOS.

    • Like 1
  11. agree, but it would be a full time job for more than one person to tackle the extensive errors on ThaiVisa and I do not have a work permit.

    If I flagged errors, even, then there would be a long tiresome thread contending the flagging. Authority over the site counts, not little old me.

    Or maybe, you should hit Report on the posts which you consider are giving erroneous / dangerous information, including in the report a reasoned argument and suggested change (including deletion of course).

    A whole lot more mileage than simply calling BS which helps nobody in the long run.

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