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Posts posted by CharlesHH

  1. Your "plan" is so often seen on blogs and elsewhere that it is almost in the category of the "family buffalo died" in its naiveté. Thailand brings out the dreamer in many men.

    Problems for you.....

    -getting work permitcheesy.gif

    -affording living there, not enuf.sad.png

    -import, export and shipping fees on whatever you are selling on eBay if coming into Thailand.facepalm.gif

    -dependable ISP.facepalm.gif

    -getting money in and out.cheesy.gif

    And the biggie.......... you do not have a visa!!! Read up about that and just vacation here for 29days at a time.biggrin.png

  2. Of the options mentioned here, your best possibility is to get hired by a company in Thailand which can provide you with a work permit and the visa to match, one yr at a time.

    You could marry a Thai citizen, but will have to document your long term relationship and seriousness about being married and living together. You will need witnesses, photos, and other documents. Immigration is very strict on married to a Thai visa and you should be prepared for a thorough examination of your situation. That is renewable year to yr. Research it more.

    I suspect the clamp down on repeated visa runs, which you have already accumulated, will last at least two years due especially to current situation. Soon you will be denied readmission on that method, I suspect.

  3. Personality changes in the aged brain.............

    The changes in personalities of older and old people are not unusual. One possibility is Alzheimer disease which is degenerative, incurable, and involved in the mid to latter stages are wild mood swings from jolly to vicious within an hour and flawed decision making. Such a person can become quite violent in a flash with no trigger for it; the violence can include murder and fighting and is directed even to close family members with a lifetime record of love that suddenly changes. Also, that person can change from murderous to loving and even romantic rapidly.

    Many Alzheimer patients remember the vile things they said and did and will cry and express deep remorse at times of no violence. They may not fully realize what is happening to them due to flawed thinking. Treatment via medications has mixed results. There is definitely no cure. The disease usually moves from early stage with lots of forgetfulness and grumpy moods to mid stage of flashes of violent temper, to end stage where the person is totally removed from ordinary reality and has no memory and thus no continuous awareness of the world around them. They look up from their plate and immediately forget they were eating, and when seeing the food again, express deep joy but no memory of the food having been there nor how it got there. Longer term memories are spotty where some long past incidents will be very clear and others totally forgotten. At any of these stages, the person should not be trusted to make decisions, spend money, nor make contracts. Caregivers will be significantly stressed.

    There are other dementia-type brain degenerative diseases, including Parkinson's, which share most of these symptoms. Many go through the violent stage. Care in Thailand is particularly difficult because many patients are kept at home and also may not get full medical attention. If there is not a physically strong caregiver present to restrain the violent episodes, severe problems are likely.

    With the often-seen situation of an older man married to a younger Thai, these degenerative diseases are a significant problem here.

  4. The higher the frequency, as a rule, the less broad the coverage and the less wall penetrating power. Oh well.

    im with ais 1-2-call so how the hell am i supposed to know what MHz im on and if i will be cut or not

    Have you changed over to 3g 2100.. if not do so now!

    If you have a smart phone that works on 3g then you have already changed. If you have a standard phone then pop along to your closest AIS - TRUE Store

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    having a smartphone that works on 3g 2100 does not mean that your sim is automatically on 2100, it could still mean you are on 1800 but are able to change once you contact AIS

    If your phone does not support 2100 then you need a new phone that does and once acquired need to ask AIS to switch your sim card over - with some older sim cards this also may not be possible and will require you to get a new sim card from an AIS store - you will still be able to keep your number in all eventualities

  5. Your phrasing is wrong......... it should be "... opening a business FOR my Thai wife."

    Seriously, you need a lawyer to set up your company. I recommend an international firm that can often hire reputable lawyers, but not all of them. I used Tilkie and Gibbons with great success.

    However, in dealing with Thai citizen lawyers, I have found them universally working for themselves while appearing to work for you and your case. The idea of professionalism is not the same here as some places.

    I think, at that biz size and not lots larger, you are in for a world of hurt.

    I really don't get it, what is the point or idea in registering 1 million baht, if I don't really register 1 million baht. ?

    And if I go for the partnership (49% me, 51% wife) where does the 3rd Thai fit into it?

    Thank you ubonjoe. The link you sent me, do you know of a link for the same information in Thai language for my wife to read please?

  6. Like the American rock music group, AC/DC, both types can lock you to the hot wire and kill you.

    Sad story, but there's seomthing odd about it. "Hosseini tried to pull him from the lamp pole but the two were electrocuted."

    If this was AC power, don't you get thrown away from the thing you touch? With DC power you get stuck to the item you touched, as does anyone who touches you. Doesn't this imply the pool lamp was DC?

    Why would the pool lighting be DC?

  7. I am SHOCKED at the plethora of mis-information about basic electricity. Here are some facts....

    -Stranded wire is available in Thailand but stranded or solid, the chance of shock is the same.

    -Electricians can use "wire nuts" to make joints, which is twisting the wires together, but at least with a plastic cap over the joint. Also, the wire nuts need to point upward or they will fill with water.

    -soldered joints are best but almost never seen. Such joints can be covered with five or more turns of good quality electrical tape.

    -Another excellent way of making a joint is to use "split bolts" which I can't find in Thailand and no one has heard of them.... very secure with tape over them.

    -Any rewiring and all new wiring of houses should have three wire sockets with the third pin having a real separate wire running from there to a real earth ground. Best to use the USA standard three pin socket.

    -TWO PIN round pin plug/sockets do not carry a ground.

    -A vast number of Thai homes have only two wires coming via the distribution side and then, of course, only two wires supplying the drop to the house, too.

    -Distribution transformers must have a ground or there is no easy way for the transformer to bring 440VAC or more down to 220VAC, but if that ground is not continued with an actual wire all the way down the line and onto your wall socket, you have no ground on that socket. Two pin sockets have no ground.

    -The bare wire running ABOVE the actual electrical wires on poles outside is supposed to be grounded for lightning protection, but it is not a part of the electrical grounding discussed here.

    -A failure of a specific part in the power supply of a common household item, if it has a metal case like a washer or a microwave, can direct 220VAC onto the case and if touched by a person with a ground, that person will receive all 220VAC into their bodies. A real earth ground on the appliance protects from that.

    -Most power tools are now sold "double insulated" but read the label to get that kind.

    -Connecting the "green ground wire" with a screw into a brick wall IS NOT A GROUND, often seen on the outdoor compressors of air conditioners.

    -Shower water heaters are prime for electric shock because the water itself can be electrified and the wet body is an ideal conductor. These devices are often connected to a concrete wall as if that were a ground.

    -The underwater electric lamps on swim pools can be run with 220 and electrify the water if faulty.

    -Both AC and DC affects the body muscles to CONTRACT... that is what the body nerves do, but at much lower voltage. Contracted muscles of the hands will NOT allow the person to let go of the electric wire or lamp.

    -As long as there is power present, the contracted muscles will NOT let go.

    -If you must touch a questionable wire or surface, touch it with the BACK of your hand so that if electric power is there, your normally contracting hand muscles will jerk your hand away from the dangerous wire.

    -Use an insulated item like a wood chair or old dry bamboo pole to push a person contracting and holding on to electricity. A dry rope works good too. DO NOT TOUCH THE PERSON WITH YOUR BODY, HANDS, NOT NOTHING !!

    -As long as the shocked human body draws less than 20amps, a 20amp fuse will not blow and will not protect the person. Only specially designed "ground fault detectors" that look like a circuit breaker are a sure way to stop the shocking electric flow. Also called GFI, ground fault interrupter.

    -Telephone wires run at lower voltages which are not lethal, but if a phone wire contacts a bare 220VAC wire somewhere, the phone wire becomes a danger.

    -Same is true for the cables for cable TV.

    -During lightning storms nearby, you can get a shock off the wire from your outdoor TV antenna if you touch it.

    -Umbrellas and golf clubs held over shoulders make great lightning targets.

    I am using the actual terms for this discussion, such as "distribution transformer," which you will have to look up if needed. I am a self-taught amateur ham radio operator with very specific and accurate information. I have been shocked by accident by RF power, and both 115 and 220 regular electricity and can tell you how it feels.

    If you are not sure about DIY, do not DIY.

    The danger of DIY is why I did not tell you how to handle installing wiring.

  8. Not complete......... WPs are for stated purposes, not blanket "working on anything," and a stated employer (who has to supply documentation to justify hiring a foreigner for that stated purpose) is also necessary. Even "your" Thailand company, legally owned by a Thai like your wife, must certify all that and FOR A SPECIFIC JOB.

    It is not just where you work but more important what work you are doing and for whom.

    Sounds like I need my home address added to my workpermit so I can keep "working" on my hobbies.

  9. This msg needs to also deal with volunteering. Volunteering to carry feed to elephants for no pay needs a work permit.

    However, when dealing with a super vague rule, no one, not even Jonu..., can make definitive statements. Govts around the world make super vague rules so that they can clamp down on someone who is also otherwise undesirable or who is complained about.

    The better basic rule about all foreigner behavior in Thailand is that if there is no complaint, there is no action. Think for a moment, at least, about the ludicrous idea of a "work permit sweep" against people using the Internet from their Thailand homes. However, an annoying barking dog can be stopped by the one annoyed reporting the owner to police for work permit violations. THEN, with official investigations, the dog owner can be found in WP violation, based on hundreds of thousands of possible actions he does (trimming his own trees? etc.). Knowing that this is how Thai behave, that is avoiding direct confrontation, and this is how foreigners get into hot water.

    Keep a low profile, smile and compliment neighbors, and be quiet.

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  10. I attended two sessions of the Tibet Government in Exile Parliament in 2009. HH the Dalai Lama had, by that time, already freely given up any political ruling position. This Govt in Exile has a PM and a Parliament. Its authority comes from other Tibetans in Exile voting in the area of Dharmsala, the real town location, only near McLeod Ganj, who are ethnic Tibetans. This Govt reach does NOT extend into Red China nor the occupied Tibet.

    It has been permitted to locate in India by the India Govt. Tibet situation has NO parallel to Thailand's; it was occupied and stolen by a foreign power, Red China. Totally different. It is so difficult to extend compassion to so very many typists on this venue who spout like drunks at a bar--all ignorant exspurts. But thanks for the practice to extend compassion anyway, such exercise is good for anyone.

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

    I think the objective is that - in the case of international intervention - the government in exile would be allowed to return to power if the junta were overthrown. Memory may fail me but I think that's happened in other countries with "governments in exile". (No, I can't provide an example but I think it's occurred, historically speaking.)

    Dalai Lama has one government in exile for Tibet.

    I visited the town once, McLeaod Ganj, a very Indian/Scottish name. And where were the USA when that happened? They did absolutely nothing because there was no oil and they were scared of the Chinese. Pathetic that when a country like Thailand has a legitimate coup that they get their noses into it. I could go on about Iraq, Afganisthan etc but off topic.

  11. 10000 20000THB per month is fair, if she cooks, cleans, and takes care of you. Really simple math considering the services rendered. Pay by month with NO advances and if u split, nothing lost. Oh, give a little gold thing on birthday and double up at New Year's, just like a salary.

    Keep the employee dimension foremost in YOUR mind to be happy; certainly she will, but not with malice if you chose well.

  12. The Army's goal from the first was to catch incoming weapons to fuel Thaksin's private terrorists. Then to catch the terrorists.

    Silly Knee Jerks get bent out of shape about "democracy" while the Bin Laden of Thailand, Thaksin, plans and executes his reign of terror and destruction of Thailand. Thai democracy will be waiting patiently to come back after this madman and his henchmen are controlled. Go get 'em, Army!

    This is the most weird typing I think I have seen coming from the Nation. It reads like Thaksin is a cross between a Fairy Godfather and a patron saint. How could The Nation have missed Robert Amsterdam's speech to Reds a few days ago, reported in BKK Post, where he said the monarchy had to be disbanded. No reports of Reds objecting. Conclusion... Reds and Amsterdam work for Thaksin; both groups say same thing about monarchy, so Thaksin's intentions must be crystal clear by now.

    How about them apples, Mr. Goody Two Shoes Nation "newspaper"????bah.gif

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  13. The Army's goal from the first was to catch incoming weapons to fuel Thaksin's private terrorists. Then to catch the terrorists. Silly Knee Jerks get bent out of shape about "democracy" while the Bin Laden of Thailand, Thaksin, plans and executes his reign of terror and destruction of Thailand. Thai democracy will be waiting patiently to come back after this madman and his henchmen are controlled. Go get em, Army!

    • Like 1
  14. The Army's goal from the first was to catch incoming weapons to fuel Thaksin's private terrorists. Then to catch the terrorists. Silly Knee Jerks get bent out of shape about "democracy" while the Bin Laden of Thailand, Thaksin, plans and executes his reign of terror and destruction of Thailand. Thai democracy will be waiting patiently to come back after this madman and his henchmen are controlled. Go get em, Army!

    I'm finding very hard to believe any of this propaganda being dished out by this junta.

    First there wasn't going to be a coup now there is .Then when there was the claimn of neutrality and there clearly isn't .

    Academics scholars lawyers reporters politicians or anyone who dares speaks out against the coup are rounded up and so called detained with no reports of where they have good and what condition they are in only juntas word.

    The coup flies against thai and international law and rightly so is being condemned from all corners of the globe.

    A couple of hundred protesters staged a protest at victory monument and chased the soldiers away a brave act indeed by these young people however I fear that it's becoming so volatile that one spark could ignite this into full blown confrontation .

    Unfortunately for this young generation they are left dismayed bewildered and frustrated by the loss of democracy and the tearing up of the constitution .

    I just can't see how anyone supports these heavy handed tactics!

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  15. Thank you......... must make USA Embassy appointment, then.

    I just sent an email to the US Embassy BKK asking what do they have to see, documents, to certify my monthly income. Hope they or someone answers.

    You swear under oath that the amount you are stating on your document is correct.

    There is no requirement about providing documentation to the Consulate, though Thai Immigration is free to request documentation if they desire, which they usually don't.

  16. I have a buyer for my little cheap condo, American owned offered to Thai. I consider monthly payments like rent or rent-to-own. If payments stop, MY new lock goes on the door. Simple. If default, I keep the condo and the payments to date. Again seems simple. Cash only. Tell me problems with this idea, please.

    Hey Beach...................good straight forward advise. Wish others on this forum would reply like you.

    True what you mention about cautions and I will carefully consider that.

    I'm selling to return to the US and don't want to have to return to LOS to deal with the courts, so maybe I'll give my idea of 'creative financing' a miss for now.

    Thanks for your input............

  17. Most American universities are super happy to get foreign students and the more important they are in their home nation, the better. Foreign students must pay full tuition all years. Harvard has "educated" big wig's and other leaders' kids for decades.

    From teaching at Mahidol, not English, I conclude that Thai are very uninformed and naïve about American colleges, often choosing the third rate or bizarre colleges from ignorance of American schools' real rankings. Being from Kentucky by birth and visiting Ky. State University, I can not imagine what led Yingluck to that institution. Given her high social standing, likely her profs cleared paths for her and forgave whatever English limits she had. Happens all the time at all colleges, ESPECIALLY at Thailand colleges, hee hee.

  18. Teacher........... If I had an infant, I would skip lunch and take a taxi. Look for a wildly colored little car with a funny light in the window. Say METER to the driver.

    Oh, yes, tell driver to put the sign in the window that says "Baby Onboard." That makes everyone really careful.

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