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Posts posted by CharlesHH

  1. There are so many reasons NOT to do what you suggest that I lost count.

    Thai have gotten smart to foreigners, those not politically fixed, trying to own land or companies without actually doing biz and paying taxes and having a work permit.

    I just got out of a Thai company owned by my wife, two Thai family, and 49% me whose sole biz was owning and running one house, mine. I just lease it now with a lease paper, because it was costing me a lot just to do the annual biz reporting and accounting and my dying soon makes it clear who owns the house, not me, making passing it on, as I wish to do, easier. My co. was 7 yrs old so word is today that deal is MUCH more difficult to draw up. I am guessing that is your idea, a house.

    I always wondered that, as a major shareholder and CEO of that co., should I have had a work permit to do that?

    If you want a real ongoing biz, definitely start it now and get your minimum Thai employees and your own work permit and visa to match.

    Have a good international law firm like Tilkie and Gibbons tell you the laws about property owned prior to marriage still having to be split 50 50 in case of divorce. Also, the law here about pre nup papers, too? NEVER trust a Thai citizen who is also a lawyer, no kidding, ... professionalism is missing here.

    Unless you have a REAL biz in mind, just buy a nice condo, own it, and forget about land/house.

    • Like 2
  2. I recommend divorce and your departure.

    It would help to know your nationality and hers, where the marriage was obtained, and if you would really consider living in Thailand (I hope not for your sake).

    I hope not much property is involved and both can sign the divorce immediately.

    If your relationship is this far along, time to face real facts, yes?

    I hear no love of Thailand living so maybe best to just go.

  3. I thot what you did, getting a real visa, was the overt goal of the crack down. Seems best thing to do.

    The Spade,

    When news of the 'crackdown' first came out I was like you very worried. My passport had 7 back to back visa exempt stamps in it.

    I've been living flying back to Hong Kong and Macau once a month to see my family, staying for between 3-5 days and then coming back in.

    I flew out from Don Mueang on the 22nd May and was expecting to get grilled about what I do in Thailand (I've been here almost 6 years and don't speak Thai)

    I went to the Thai embassy in Hong Kong and applied for (and was issued with no problem at all) a 60 day tourist visa.

    I then flew back into Don Mueang on the 29th May and again was a bit worried (less so but still a bit) that I'd be grilled about why I'm living in Thailand....

    But again nothing was said....

    Now this maybe because I came in with the proper Tourist Visa, it may be because with the current tourist arrivals being so low they've decided to turn a blind eye at the moment, or it could just be that its not August 12th yet which is when that said they'd start looking at people coming in by air....

    All I can tell you is my panic turned out to be unfounded.

    Best of luck with your travels.

  4. Maybe the Bangladeshi janitor answered the phone.

    I strongly advise you NOT to listen completely to anyone except the Thai Embassy personnel, hopefully an American working there. All this visa stuff is so idiosyncratic and changeable that the only sure way is to go to a Thai Embassy and discuss your need. There are ways with lesser surety, of course, but if this is really important to you, looks like a personal visit is in order.

    No insult meant to any answerer on this venue, but we all can read various, alternate, and downright wrong advice here, so I say that "when the doctors disagree," go to the real source. Try not to delay too long after going to a Thai Embassy and making the application... not more than a month at most.

  5. Another option is somehow get that shop to allow you to attach a better antenna to their wifi. There are gain omni antennas that will boost the range, but many interference factors, like solid walls, can limit how much it helps. I would look for those antennas at MBK or Pantip Plaza, BKK.

    Maybe a shop clerk can say ok if you promise the service will be better for the shop and just let you screw in the better antenna, which is most likely longer but not bigger in diameter than the original one. Added bonus to them is you are paying and installing the antenna free. I suspect if you go up the shop admin ladder, someone up there will say no or why. oops.

    Very high gain yagi antennas will really push out a great signal, but in a narrow beamwidth, i.e., behind or beside the yagi will have less signal.

    Also, maybe you can share a wifi with a different neighbor and halve the cost or more with 4 neighbors.... maybe even keep that in YOUR home.

  6. The culture-based attitude toward work is to do it seldom, in as short a time as can, and only to get food for tonight. Sure, that is not always applicable, but is a basis of the great live and let live life attitude that we all like. Work/job is not to make a career, not to please a boss, not to keep long time, and not a way to stop the fun. It is a means to an end and the end is often to eat now.

    The strong thread of fatalism underpins this attitude...... the idea that whatever happens was already in the fates hands and whatever you do or decide is really already fixed so why worry about the future so much.

    The workers with good work attitudes are usually able to get slightly more pay, but they seem in the minority.

  7. I have observed that in my case, receiving products from American businesses, customs looks closely.

    For mail or boxes from private individual, seems to be ignored by customs.

    All that may relate to the declared value of the package.

    American biz just will not ship stuff marked "disassembled, not working" or "non working kit" etc even if the products are that. After all, it is not the shipper who pays duty.

    Duty charge in Thailand to foreign individuals are another way to tell foreigners that we are not really wanted here.

    The reason for duty, other than a great source to snatch cash, is to protect DOMESTIC makers of the same item. Yet, Thai customs slaps on big charges for items that Thailand CAN NOT MAKE here. Oh, well.

  8. Add.... copy of Thai I.D. card of your rental agent or owner.

    Why ask.... What do I need to take?

    TAKE EVERYTHING and with copies of all of your documents.

    For visa stuff... renewal, extension, wife... just take everything you have:

    -bank book with a fresh entry showing a deposit that day or day before.

    -fresh letter from bank certifying your amount on deposit.

    -sworn statement of monthly income from your Embassy.

    -rental contract for where you live, or your condo ownership papers.

    -map to show your residence location.

    -passport and any previous passports that expired.

    -4 passport type photos.

    Added for anything to do with Thai spouse:

    -photos of two together in several settings over time.

    -photos of two in front of home and together inside a home.

    -marriage license.

    -take spouse with you with their home papers, passport, Thai I.D., drivers license.

    Please add items I have forgotten.

    Note....... not all offices will want all this stuff, but why not just assemble ALL once and keep in a folder with copies? I enjoy taking this bail of papers and sit quietly holding it all while my wife does the talking. I also dress nice and comb my hair.

    Again I say, Why not?

  9. Always take your Thai spouse with you for any official contact. It helps.

    Why worry about the cost? Bring 10000THB and pay whatever; you have to do it, so relax about costs.


    I I have the document from the embassy stating that I have B70,000 every month do I still need to show a bank book with B800,000?

    What if I am married to a Thai? Does that help?

    I have only my old "O" visa. Do I need to have a new one or will they extend / give me a new "O" visa? If so, What is the cost?

  10. Why ask.... What do I need to take?

    TAKE EVERYTHING and with copies of all of your documents.

    For visa stuff... renewal, extension, wife... just take everything you have:

    -bank book with a fresh entry showing a deposit that day or day before.

    -fresh letter from bank certifying your amount on deposit.

    -sworn statement of monthly income from your Embassy.

    -rental contract for where you live, or your condo ownership papers.

    -map to show your residence location.

    -passport and any previous passports that expired.

    -4 passport type photos.

    Added for anything to do with Thai spouse:

    -photos of two together in several settings over time.

    -photos of two in front of home and together inside a home.

    -marriage license.

    -take spouse with you with their home papers, passport, Thai I.D., drivers license.

    Please add items I have forgotten.

    Note....... not all offices will want all this stuff, but why not just assemble ALL once and keep in a folder with copies? I enjoy taking this bail of papers and sit quietly holding it all while my wife does the talking. I also dress nice and comb my hair.

    Again I say, Why not?

    • Like 1
  11. But even if true, hee hee, who obtained the wood in the first place? Anyone who would cut teak or kill an elephant or rhino should have both hands and both feet removed.

    I like "insufficient evidence." The teak is just more Thaksin political machine grabbing money for the family and cronies.

    • Like 1
  12. This man is asking how or if he has to report every 90 days even if he is in the USA when the 90 day due date comes up.

    Acharn implies that there is no report due IF the man is not in Thailand on his due date, nor any of his due dates and,

    that the man should just enter Thailand again and his 90day clock begins again with no penalty for being absent on his previous due dates.

    If I have stated this correctly, please notify me and all because altho I have an O-A retirement visa, I want to know, too.

  13. What is with you and sharkskin suits?

    Check with the scammer typist of PRIVATE DANCER whose trash has sold mucho. There is an exspurt.

    I am currently surveying books for Thai men coming to Thailand and remember yours will be one of maybe a hundred badly written spoken dictations type of book. If you can do better than THAILAND FEVER, then go ahead, otherwise just put yours on a blog.

  14. If a Thai woman has a university degree from here, do not marry her. If she is into foreign men, the chance is 80% she is in that biz, sucking $$$ out of foreign men. She did not get a degree to put up with you.

    Educated women, in general and Thai specifically, are trouble. What were you thinking?

    • Like 1
  15. Drop it. His biz not yours and he had the happy time thinking he was helping her with her 'sickness.'

    Legal recourse.... this little guy says it all: cheesy.gif

    Retribution, do not discount this unless you are living in a guarded compound in some difficult nation, not Thailand.

    Note, learning all about a person, these days, is amazingly easy.

    BEWARE of hiring a Thai private eye because likely he will go to your target, ask her for money to lay off her case and report no problems....... and then take fee for service from you too. Speaking of pros.....

  16. In Buddhism, it is often what you intend to do that matters more than what you did. That applies to keeping the five precepts. If you really want to and intend to obey them, then you are ok.

    Do not confuse misguided Christian guilt for sinning with Buddhism which has no guilt........ shame but no guilt.

    Try honestly and enjoy life. What better "religion" could one ask for?

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