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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 1 hour ago, Logosone said:

    Nobody said anything about removing him from his mother and father. 

    Quote-"I am considering sending My son who is five years old and lives with me and his Thai mum in the U.K. to a Private or international School in Chiang Mai "


    Maybe I am reading it wrong Logosone................

  2. 46 minutes ago, mngmn said:

    So you don't value education. Some do. Without it we don't have doctors, engineers, chemists, vets, pilots, architects, lawyers, software developers, dentists, teachers...

    Seriously mngmn ??.............maybe English isn't your first language,  -- Irony Irony describes situations that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. ...the guy didn't take any exams & feels they are of no worth.........so where has that path taken him.............."Do you want any fries with that sir?............


    maybe in your language the humor  is simpler to understand....so...try this one


    Why did the monkey fall out of the tree.

    Because his dead......................................................................:coffee1:

  3. Andy..... I don't know where you reside, but 5-6 years ago I brought a Mitsubishi Magna at the Auctions--(udon Thani) -it was 8 months old 320,000 baht, The guy who owned couldn't have made 1 payment on it to have it snatched back that quickly......but he had put every addition  you could imagine..... Radials, really high end stereo system, all round radar/cameras (they weren't so common  5-6 years ago.) GPS,  leather seat covers etc etc.... its never given my daughter a problem. but those were the days that (Thanks to Miss Taksin) the Auctions were full of repossessed cars.

    There worth a look , but you need a Thai speaker with you if you wanted to bid, its so fast. ......Auto for resale, a lot of Thai's don't know how to drive manual.



    Welove..etc......... I really don't want to get into a silly Trump argument, that seems to go on forever ...I'm not even American. I was just pointing out that it has not been confirmed by the German government--as usual they have just said Sources......... "German government sources"-...who in government??


    The only person quoted directly is the company that is making the product and they deny there is any such takeover---they have their own webb site if you care to visit....or you can go with Welt am Sonntag   and their unnamed sources. A German newspaper , which is the equivalent of the Daily Mirror ...My rant is that I hate this sort of rubbish tabloid reporting --If the American president is in the wrong --so be it, maybe someone would actually put there name to saying it.


    The moon really is a balloon --I know a unnamed source has stated it...............:coffee1:




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  5. 7 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    the owner of CureVac (the German billionaire founder of SAP). And even an “undercover informant” would be a more credible source than the pathological liars of The Chaos Famil

    The owner of the curevac and founder is the one quoted as denying any such thing is happening...................


    There is only one report (The Business Insider )that actually quotes their source----

    CureVac said it has been in contact with many organizations and global authorities, but denied "rumors of an acquisition" in a statement Sunday.

  6. Guys,  try to remember where these red hot tips are coming from........our usual undercover informant...= Mr unknown Sources


    Welt am Sonntag quoted an unidentified source ..........

    ..A spokeswoman said ..............

    She (unknown spokesperson) cited Germany's foreign trade law ...........


    There is only one report (The Business Insider )that actually quotes their source----

    CureVac said it has been in contact with many organizations and global authorities, but denied "rumors of an acquisition" in a statement Sunday.

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  7. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Are they likely to cancel 90 day reporting for the foreseeable future? I'm due to go in a few days

    I don't know why so much angst about a 90 day report which has online options or a wander into the IO  office......is it to far to go scubascuba3 ?


    We would have dreamed about this option years back when we had to leave the country -- that's when our 90 days was due. Then of course after a few times of that I would take the night train down to Malaysia  to (hopefully get a new 1 year Visa , ) The embassy's in different countries ran hot & cold so you really didn't know where the next country would be, or if they would give you a year or only 6 months.  I seem to have a lot of luck with George town--but still train fares, hotel etc etc....and you ride down on the train thinking , what if they say a big no,  who shall I get to clear my apartment look after my belongings.


    yer the Thai's really are tough on us now..........not like the old days

  8. 16 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    If you do transfer they house to your wife, protect yourself with a properly registered Usufruct agreement - minimal cost.

    I don't think you can have a legal agreement with your wife under Thai law.........maybe I am wrong.......it wouldn't be the first time......:coffee1:



  9. 2 hours ago, Wiggy said:

    I heard third hand that the two top teams from the Championship would come up. The PL would have 22 teams next season with five being relegated at the end of 20/21 season. Then the top clubs of other divisions can come up but with nobody being relegated. The League Cup would not be played next year to make way for the extra fixtures. 

    Yes some UK newspapers are running with that story....... it does make some sense , only 1 team from the championship misses out ---(and they do not know who out of the 4 that is so its difficult to sue).... also the league cup does get woeful crowds with many top clubs playing their 2nd teams.

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