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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. On 3/4/2020 at 10:28 AM, SEtonal said:

    The agents are in Pattaya, not Laos.  Agent will charge about 35,000 baht to get you a Thai bank account, a 90 day Non O visa, and a 12 month extension (for a total of 15 months). Using an agent, you do not have to put any money in the bank but the bank might require you to buy accident insurance.

    Its less then half that in Udon Thani, & they will get you the visa in most any Thai area ........ I will PM you an agent if you wish to use or just google around there are many.

  2. 2 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    I was in Phuket the other weekend. At the airport, hotel, beach resorts and out drinking around Bangla were easily 80% or more white tourists. I was very surprised at seeing so many. 


    They seem to be keeping the   tourism   Sex industry single - handedly going right now.  

    Yes the Indians/Chinese wont overpay or fall in love quite so easy ..........:coffee1:


    Maybe you were more respected a few years or so back-----who fault is that? In Thailand who has the most Non Thai Beggars? Your see them with their signs asking Thai's to contribute to their fare home. Remember Mr Big Leg laying on the pavement he even had a go fund me page that many Thais sent small amounts to---until he was banned from Thailand.


    When a non Thai is arrested for selling drugs-----would that be a Indian or a Chinese?



  3. 8 minutes ago, CGW said:

    It's hardly a new event, just gets more "air time" seven years ago when I was looking to build a retirement home my first choice was CM, a little research soon revealed that was not a wise choice!

    Sure CGW, I have read other reports down the years---- but just can not remember it making number 1--"The worst in the world"...look at some of those industrial cities in Pakistan / China etc....... to be worse for breathable air then those.....wow... Its hard to uproot when you have invested in a life some place, but but life is short enough already with out breathing in dirt every day.

    • Like 1
  4. Has the price of the Lotto ticket gone up to 100 Baht ?

    I don't usually buy them, but I was getting a birthday card for a daughter and wanted to put a few Lotto tickets into it..........Yes I'm a big spender when it comes to birthdays etc.

    The price here in Nakon Nowhere seems to be 100 Baht, is it the same in Pattaya /BKK ? 


    It doesn't seem that long ago that the mighty Thai army declared that 40 Baht was the price---and no more.

    • Confused 2
  5. 1 hour ago, justin case said:

    don't somebody have to report to your bank you are dead, aka, account frozen ?


    pin number, good idea ... and one day, you break up or have to go to immigration and you find out you have 0 baht on the account left

    No your under no obligation to report to a bank. The account can sit there with 100 baht in it until they close it for inactivity. Also it is her account (or will be re the will) Re the PIN number That is the card to the same bank account ---the OP states that he has other accounts but just wants her to have money until she can sort those accounts out.


    if you feel that you  are the sort of relationship....where you may wake up one morning and all your clothes are gone-------then this solution isn't for you..........:coffee1:

  6. Allow her to have signing rights on the 800K account  (not name ---because of Immigration) also the PIN number of your card for that account. that should tie her over until she has waded Thai through paper mountain--to access all the accounts you left her.


    I have everything (most things) in wife's name---but we are both pensioners now, lots of history, so I appreciate that might not be a comfortable situation with all couples.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/25/2020 at 4:47 PM, ChiangMaiThai said:

    2. I started a company. Process took over a year including getting WP. Well over a hundred documents signed to register for VAT and declare my company address and purpose. Another 100 signed to open a bank account. Now that I have the account, a secured credit card is impossible. Why? The bank can't lose and will only make fees. Easily 200,000 Baht spent so far on all kinds of fees in relation to the opening of the company.

    Did you buy the tree a Fanta..........................:coffee1:

  8. 20 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

    I am not even going to watch this video because the guy making them is a useless tool, who unhappy with his own attempt at making a go at Thailand, moved to the Philippines, and now spends his time bashing Thailand. A loser! I am not making any negative claim against the person who posted.

    Could well be the same guy WalkingO...........joined 2 months ago, nothing but negative posts / comments on Thailand....................:coffee1:

    • Thanks 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    How do you know one lane is for opposite direction traffic?

    If that is the case, the road markings are very odd.

    I think your correct.....its a 3 lane , other wise why would they report that the truck ended up turned over on the Central Reservation


    Quote=="She has blamed the truck driver whose vehicle overturned and ended up in the central reservation."

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, Blue Muton said:

    You think Putin is a socialist? Wow.

    I didn't state that I think that Blue Muton..........your getting me mixed up with "unnamed secret sources. who spoke on condition of anonymity"........ :coffee1:


    Seriously through  BM.....I am an Brit/Oz and don't have a dog in the race...my rant was more about the state of the news sources in America that years ago I did respect......through their early reporting on the Vietnam war, and other conflicts----the Brit papers are also full of their own secrete sources in the last 10 years, so there not alone.  To print something like this after 3 years of the Muller report reluctantly saying there was nothing there. Its just worse than bad journalism.

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