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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    f government ends subsidy for E85, the price might jump.

    Ethanol is still more expensive than petrol off refinery.

    Is it.....That's  a surprise, years  ago in Oz they had a lot of small independent service stations, especially out in the country side. Many of the owners were accused of emptying the odd 40 gallon drum of 100% Ethanol into their tanks to top up their returns. The cars in those days didn't respond well to  it.

    Whats the idea of the government switching to it if its more expensive

  2. 2 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

    And apart from jumping into the briny and swimming just how can anyone leave the UK without showing their Passport !

    Seriously canopus1969 ??----the same way 90% of the people (crims)  you read about that are on bail, suddenly appear in Thailand--or other places.


    You have part of the UK connected to a foreign country with no boarders & no check points. That may change in a year, but that was the basis of the Good Friday agreement.

    Take the plane or ferry to Belfast....bus / car /train etc to the Dublin airport....... Don't even get your feet wet.



    In 2005, in phase with implementation of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, the last of the border checkpoints was removed.

  3. 2 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Thanks, I was thinking the same thing. My Honda CBR250R runs fine on 91 but no idea if it would like E20.

    Honda have been at the for front of this push globally, I switched to E85....85% Ethanol not 20% over 6  years ago when I brought a Honda Accord. Of course it will take any other petrol--as when it first came out there were not that many stations selling it--now its very  common. I get from the Lao Boarder (Nong Khai) to Bangkok on 1 tank (with the price increase now about 1,200 baht) This isn't an exaggeration--& I am prone to driving fast.

    Honda used to have 50%  electric models but seemed to have stepped back from this with the success of their ethanol cars.


    Last month I was in Oz with a rent a bomb (2004 car) it didn't handle the E20 they have there at all, had to go back to full price  petrol (which is quite a price there) I was told by the rental company as a rule of thumb any car over 2007 should handle E20 ok.


    Most of this years Honda motor bikes are now E85

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/5/2020 at 9:21 PM, Formaleins said:

    I thought that travelling out on the expired UK passport might be an option, some say you can do this others say you cannot.

    You can--I have.

    But you must be going direct to UK..I mean its OK for plane to refuel etc. but you can not have a stay over (clear customs) or anything.

    But if your child has a Thai passport also---why not just use it to depart.

  5. 14 hours ago, Purdey said:

    Not sure why people are saying that a guy who escaped the Nazis is out of touch. Seems to be the only one with empathy surrounded by boorish Johnsons.

    Giving Kudos to him for that is a little Ingenuous , isn't it purdy? I mean he was about 5 years old when Winton moved him and about 700 other children out of Prague. As he says , all he remembers about it was that he didn't eat his sandwiches .


    The house of Lords is an anachronism, about 700 unelected people trying to alter the law being passed by an elected government----if this was in Thailand everyone would agree that it should never even exist. Democratic UK---they just put up with as it gets bigger every year.


  6. I don't want to start a new topic on much the same thing--but reading a lot of the older threads on hip replacement , carried me on to reading about stem Cell replacement into the hip.

    Has anyone had any experience with this ?? When new treatments come out (especially in Thailand) I never know if its part scam or genuine.

  7. Thanks for the info skippy--I only (used to) walk about 7-8 Klms a day---but I find it one of the joys in my life. Of course summer means getting up in the dark.

    Does HTO mean High Tibial Osteotomy   ?? is that different from hip replacement?

    I understand it was a while ago--but how long did you have to stay in the hospital for ?

    Thanks again I will check the Dr out.


    Everyone is celebrating ---its raining in Australia




    • Like 1
  8. I will in all probability need a hip replacement in the next year...(or sooner) Has any one had this done in Thailand. If so  would appreciate some feed back on it-- Good/bad/what hospital/price/time in there...... etc etc & of course any advice from Sheryl.

    I could go back to Oz where they seem to have it down to a fine art---same day surgery etc...but then there is the waiting time to get in. Are there any hospitals that specialize in this sort of thing in BKK...(or anywhere Thailand)

    Thanks for any input----- I love walking, especially when its cool weather--so this has shattered me a little.

  9. 1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

    terrible reviews ,

    Anything that stars Robert Carlyle as the main actor....IMO deserves a look at the first episode at least....I could well be wrong, but I have certainly wasted some viewing time on what IMDB has told me "Is 7+ and unforgettable"  


    The UK papers have a different spin from IMDB.....


    There’s a misconception that British dramas are inherently small-in-scale compared to their American counterparts. Luckily for us, the debut episode of Sky’s new political thriller Cobra is a big-budget, high-stakes political thriller that gets off to a quite literally flying start.



    • Like 1
  10. On 1/17/2020 at 8:37 AM, Will27 said:

    Catching a Killer: A Diary from the Grave


    I've never seen a bad episode of Catching a Killer.
    This one looks really good as well.

    Thanks  will27---watched it last night, great, very professionally done. If you had put this out as a fictional tale...people would complain that it was OTT.


    So, without posting any spoilers -- because they hardly touched on the 3rd person in the room. If interested--You have to go to the local newspaper"Cornwall Live"to get more info on him and the continuing relationship with the girl who gave the impression that--it had finished quite a while ago.


    One of the best productions I have seen for a while.....:coffee1:

    • Like 2
  11. 9 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Have you watched Mr Mercedes? Also by Mr King.

    I did watch 2 episodes Giddyup........maybe I didn't give it a fair chance, because I see that it kept running for more seasons.


    Spoilt for choice I suppose...I remember when I landed in Kiwi in the 60s I had years of watching on their 1 channel stuff that I had seen in London 4-5 years before. Wouldn't have moaned about this stuff then......:coffee1:

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