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Posts posted by sanuk711

  1. 30 minutes ago, Max69xl said:
    4 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    Spedo1968---why not book it through someone like Agoda---you can pay in any denomination----your probably get it a little cheaper---& their office is in the UK

    What's wrong with using Agoda and pay with a UK credit card? 



    Wow what a good idea, I wish I had thought of that........wait a minute...I did...........:coffee1:

  2. Its worth noting who wrote "Spartacus" While he was locked up in Mill point Federal prison, because he refused to disclose the names of contributors to a fund for a home for orphans of American veterans of the Spanish Civil war. (The ones who went to fight & lose, against the Spanish fascist back by German Nazis)


    No one in America would print his book and he had to get funds from friends for a private publication. 50K printed 48K sold out first week. Kurt Douglas and other stars had a lot of pressure put on them not to act in the movie. Howard Fast wrote many other books.


    A good movie was also made about the life of the person who screen wrote it into a movie-- Dalton Trumbo --He was also jailed.




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  3. 1 hour ago, Road Warrior said:

    take caution DONT LET YOUR CREDIT CARD OUT OF YOUR SIGHT  mine has  been cloned /copied several times when used in Thailand  

    Some one on here posted quite a good idea a few weeks back-- for safety,  take the 3 digit number off of the back ---Put it in your phone or photo it. They don't have your card and its difficult for them to use it on the internet without quoting that number.

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  4. 17 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    Yes but he has to file a TM30 when he gets back home. For me that is a 200km round trip to the office, hence I never take trips anymore either.

    I don't think that is correct SteveK.....if your returning to your place of residence --(The one you stated you will reside at when you got your 1 yea visa) then you do not fill a TM30 in. But the Visa Mod will know for sure

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  5. 13 hours ago, Syke1911 said:

    There are no Thais involved. 


    I'm a Farang with a deceased Farang wife. 


    The condo complex we own is majority Thai ownership. We own one unit in the complex. 

    If all condos are taken and the quota (49%-Farang--51%Thai) has been reached & yours is in the Thai quota. Then (from my limited understanding) you can not get it in your name or transfer it to your son, unless you stick with the Thai company approach.

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  6. On Thursday, Channel 4 will screen a new documentary called Barrymore: The Body in the Pool, and from the title alone most people in Britain over the age of 30 will know exactly what it’s about. That title, however, is also telling: while people remember Michael Barrymore, the fallen TV entertainer, the man who was found dead in his swimming pool 19 years ago has remained largely anonymous. **Essex weekly news


    The rape (sodomy) and murder of a young man---at a party -full of names------which filled the UK Tabloids for some time, a new look at it still running after 19 years.

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  7. On 1/26/2020 at 9:58 PM, FarFlungFalang said:

    40,000 deaths each year on the roads

    Wow........where did that figure come from FarFlung ?? your not thinking of America are you--they had nearly 40K. The last figures I saw for Thailand for 2019 (are only up to October--as there still coming in) was 11K----still makes them very bad drivers, only 12% of those deaths are car related. Not a lot of protection on those bikes.


    Thailand road toll: 554 dead this month, 11,462 this year--https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/road-deaths/thailand-road-toll-554-dead-this-month-11462-this-year



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