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Posts posted by Jdiddy

  1. How useful this little crisis is for those pushing against the second amendment.

    It never stops...these knee jerks who want to abrogate our rights under the Constitution...facepalm.gif

    Dallas is not a 'Gun Free Zone' like the primary school at Sandy Hook. I have watched the VDO on CNN repeatedly and I have not once seen any of those 100 million patriots with their 300 million weapons stopping these shooters 'in their tracks'. Not one. Why didn't all the concerned citizens of Dallas pull out out their six shooters and stop this immediately? Did they leave their 'peace keepers' under the pillow at home this morning? I realize that this example, a repeat of so many other examples, will not pu the fallacy of 'Gun Free Zones' into the trash bin of partisan stupidity where it belongs since there will always be a 2A guy mouthing off about 'Rights'.

    I guess your Tree of Liberty is getting a good sprinkling of its required nutrients today in Texas.

    Yeah, lets get our guns out and join in on a cop vs organized sniper firefight lol

    There have been potential mass shootings stopped with a good guy and a gun, like the oregon mall shooting in 2012

  2. Disregard any Thai women you meet in the next 2 years but by all means have short term relationships with them, its part of the learning process. Also learn some Thai and get to know the place and culture to the point where you are past the honeymoon stage and can see the cracks, not trying to be negative, its just in your interest to be more balanced, concious and aware of how things really are

  3. It's interesting that straight men usually are insulted if you think they're gay, but gay men aren't usually insulted if you think they're straight.

    In regards to feminine katoeys i can understand straight guys who like them objecting to being called gay/bi, they dont fit within the label. Its more of a fetish then anything

    A straight guy going out with a masculine looking female to male transgender would be considered still straight if the same logic applies

  4. Did a trip to NZ in 2013 and thought everyone looked fat/disgusting, couldnt find any half decent looking girls either, last time i was there in 2008

    Thailand cares too much about beauty to let themselves completely go, one of my thai gfs is on diet pills right now, girls in general here get really interested and talk about their gym or joining one when i mention my weight lifting hobby

  5. Just how does one leave NZ when in the middle of a company liquidation proceedings ,is anyone's guess, it would be similar to OZ , your name would crop up on a special debtors immigration list , you also would have to have permission to leave the country , Still , Amazing Thailand , attracts them all....................................coffee1.gif .

    Customs are not always notified or he could of got permission for a short holiday. The threat of criminal charges are the main deterrant for not coming back, obviously he will have to watch his step to avoid being deported back to NZ to face the music

  6. I am about the only one of my Farang mates who is not over weight, I am partial to drinking milk and have two or three biscuits every night, but go riding and to the exercise park five days a week for nonstop

    exercise for about 45 mins, and never drink alcohol.

    And I missed going to the gym today, never mind that's only 2454 days in a row.

    Oh well, will try again tomorrow.

    At least I am not having 2 or 3 biscuits a night.

    Surely that would be better than drinking alcohol every night as many do.

    Not really, much better to be an drunkard then a glutton

  7. Yes, and I wish it didn't - one of them hanging out at Meechok Plaza this morning (again), panhandling/scrounging from farangs, one clearly upset older farang complaining about it all to the resident policeman outside Bangkok Bank.

    If he was doing that hes not a digital nomad or really sucks at it and is not the norm

  8. While it's true that DTAC does have a larger slice of the 1800 MHz spectrum (25 MHz), at least for another two years (until 2018), than AIS (15 MHz) or TrueMove H (15 MHz) (both of these run until 2033), it is shared among 4G/LTE, 3G and 2G. DTAC still has close to 3 million 2G subs. So in essence you may actually be getting a smaller slice of that vs. TrueMove H or AIS

    Dtac have a "20mhz lte channel on 1800mhz coming soon" advert which will be faster then whatever True and AIS do with their 15mhz chunks. Im with True and they have a 10mhz lte channel in that band which makes sense, they use the rest of it for a guard band then a 2G channel (2.5mhz i think) which would be the same with Dtac

    3g is not used in that band

  9. Go with DTAC if your phone does not support 2100mhz as they have a faster/wider LTE channel in the 1800mhz band then AIS and True and a slower 2100mhz channel so your not missing out on too much

    Ideally you want both bands as Thai companies have turned on LTE-advanced (carrier aggregation) meaning if your phone supports it you can access both bands at once but not as big of a deal with dtac

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