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Posts posted by Jdiddy

  1. On 9/29/2016 at 5:47 PM, Chiengmaijoe said:


    Not everyone chooses the possibility of brain damage over the inconvenience of producing a few papers, but then again there's a good chance that those that do may not have much of a brain to start with!


    You need to start using that great brain of yours to identify subtle dry humor

  2. 9 hours ago, Gary A said:

    I am using AIS through an air card. I used True for several years until the 3G quit working. True refused to admit they had a problem. Dtac has no 3G coverage where I am located. AIS is likely not a lot different but at least I always have good service. It is plenty fast enough to suit me. I am using a Netgear 4G air card. The rather odd thing is that it doesn't say 3G, it says DC. There is no 4G service here. This aircard is about twice as fast as my old 3G aircard.


    Last Result:
    Download Speed: 21152 kbps (2644 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed: 2441 kbps (305.1 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency: 51 ms
    9/22/2016, 9:50:50 AM


    "DC" is Dual Carrier/Cell 3G/HSPA, means your accessing 2 radio channels for download, potentially doubling your speeds

  3. On 9/18/2016 at 10:51 PM, stupidfarang said:

    Well this is Thailand so who knows what is correct.


    The side affect of the easygoing way of life here is that rules are not set in concrete, this can work in your favor nicely but other times against you. Gotta take the bad with the good


    On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 9:26 PM, possum1931 said:

    Why piano music, is it not the same as for any instrument?

    You have your staff, the five lines e g b d f, and the four spaces f a c e, your sharps and flats.

    one sharp G, two sharps A etc, the same for any instrument.


    Yes its the same, though who knows what op's hand written music sheets are like

  5. Get here, book a hotel for a few nights, contact a falang real estate like perfect homes, an english speaking hot Thai girl will drive to your hotel and then drive you around to all the available condos, pick one, hand over 2 months bond and the 1st month rent and move in that day or the next.

    Its what i do, i do 4 month stays and never encountered minimum 6 or 12 month periods

  6. 15 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    Central Festival in Pattaya is worse. You can simply walk through Starbucks on the street side and straight into the mall via the mall exit, thereby by-passing the security scanner at the entrances to the mall. If someone is determined enough they will get round most security. 


    Similar thing in Chiang mai CF, there are multiple resturants and coffee shops that have outside access as they open before the mall does

    Today i marched through the walkthrough detector and set it off, didnt even look at the security guy and kept walking as if the whole setup wasnt there lol

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