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Posts posted by Weblo

  1. I am a hunter and have had bullets in my truck while crossing the US border. Just 1-2, simple brain fart.

    The guard laughed and took them.

    My father got stopped at airport security for gunpowder residue on his camera. My father is 80.

    They gave him the third degree like he was a terrorist.

    Can ou explain this sir??? Perhaps from taking a picture while hunting?????? Was his reply.

    Okay makes scence, have a nice flight.

    But the Thais don't see things this way.

  2. $3-4 k ????? In Asia, this isn't New York City, no need to spend that kind of money.

    I search dozens of places last trip, and personally looked at the rooms being offered.

    Lux hotel is without question the best value for money in Southeast Asia period, end of conversation.

    And at 800 baht, it rivals 3 star hotels in the region.

    Great location as well, can't be beat.

  3. I have bought it in kampot, but it was sold by bulk in the crab market restaurant area of kep.

    Truly one of the most amazing dishes I have ever had. Kampot pepper crab

  4. Vientiane is a nice place to visit for a few days. Did I mention a few days? You will see that after that it will have run it's course, that being said the area aroung the fountain, (mix) and a few bars restaurants are quite nice and then comes the lao beer.

    You may want to take the 31/2 hour mini van or bus ride to vang viang, beautiful stunning scenery.

    And it is not a party town anymore, I am elderly and loved it.

    So don't be shy after a few days in vientiane, and take a side trip.

  5. You have booked a car from the hotel for 1000? That's robbery, taxi to nana is 350-400 ish depending on traffic.

    I do it many times.

    BTW, my flight arrived at around midnight last trip, there must have been 1000-1500 people at îmmigration, and of course( being Thailand) they only had staff for 50 percent of the immigration booths. I got to my hotel at 4 am.

    Good luck and I hope you have better luck.

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