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Posts posted by plachon

  1. Membrane there is medication now you know... you don't have to suffer in silence..tell it like it is man!

    And all this because a chap name of Charlie had his wicked way with a corgi, or the night staff. Who cares. Bring on the republic.


    No, please IT, keep the monarchy any day over a republic. We could end up with President Blair, President Beckham (of Spiceland) or even worse, god-forbid, President Lady Thatcher. The Windsor's have got their faults (which family hasn't), but we're free and able to laugh about them. It's like the old saying - "democracy is the worst possible system, until you see the alternatives". Two of the Windsor's faults are not Lady Helen's melons (see Chon's avatar for graphic clues). Hyuk! Hyuk!

  2. My 25 satang's worth Seahorse - is you have to think whether you want your son to grow up like his Thai contemporaries, or his UK contemporaries later on. parental discipline, for one reason or another, but both parents working is chief amongst them I suspect, is on the decline in both countries, but much faster in Thailand. Hence, the new generation of molly-coddled little Emperors/Empresses who think the world revolves round them and throw tantrums at the slightest thing, while getting away with murder (literally at the Chalerm's sons end of the spectrum!).

    Having raised my daughter for a couple of years in UK and a couple more in Thailand, I've seen both society's norms in action quite recently. In the UK, parents tend to be stricter, but are split down the middle on the issue of spanking. Personally, I have no problem with it, as long as it is done fairly, after one or two warnings of not continuing the offending behaviour. In Thailand, as Boo said, it can come out of the blue and OTT violence, often just according to the mood of the parent, rather than the action of the kid, which hardly encourages learning behaviour.

    As for the staring, it's normal whenever there's something out of the ordinary going on (refer to other thread on gawking at roadkill for clues). Don't take it personally or allow it to change your public behaviour towards your kid. There's nothing like a bit of public humiliation when he gets a little bit older, for rapid behaviour correction! Chill out and if needs be, stare the starers out!

  3. I wouldn't play the stock market as I see it as another form of gambling. And we know the Thais love to gamble just like the Chinese.

    Only thing I regret is not buying the Australian dollar when it was 55 cents to the USD. What is it now? Nearly 70? The signs were there....high interest rates in a futile attempt to cool down the property market. Howard must be doing something right!

    like it or not Lizard, you're also gambling when buy your house - gambling that the price will rise and the economy won't crash at some point inthe future, thereby wiping out your investment. (Unless it's your only house, in which case it still serves a purpose of shelter). At least with the stock market, gambling or not, you can pull out a lot easier than a house when the tide turns. And why is it OK to speculate on currency, but not on stocks? Just curious.

  4. and I think the posts proof readers need a kick up the arse. :o

    I suspect some of them might enjoy that too much, too much..............

    And the Post's Letter Box is a good read, any day. Khun Burin is Thai IT, I'm sure of that, just not Thai-educated. But what's happened to Edith Clampwell (Mrs), his prolific predecesser?

  5. I think it is time to get ready to accept Rasism/Nationalism coz the world is going more and more towards it than otherwise. :o

    And why not just accept US hegemony, ecological destruction, nuclear proliferation and totalitarianism while we're about it, Kwiz? What a cheerful world we'll leave our children. Or perhaps you don't have any? You're certainly quite content to accept blatant racism, and call it something else.

  6. ("Holly cows" - Xmas has come early for some, eh? :o _The beers are on Butterfly lads n' ladies next time you bump into the jammy git. :D )

    But, such growth can't be sustained realistically much longer - or so logic dictates. But this is LOS, the Amazing One, and like you say who knows what's happening here. Could be so much funny money rolling in from domestic and foreign sources, that this bull could go on and on before it hits the crash barriers at 120kph. I wouldn't like to predict, but it's like a genuine casino these days. No need to travel to Cambodia for good, clean, legal fun these days, eh?

    PS. Not familar with Ned's classic hits then 'fly/ "Kill Your Television" was one of their best.

  7. Don't expect it was the watermelon per se, that killed him, but the shit they spray on those things. Every nasty chemical known to man sees the outside of those juicy babies we all love to lap up. B):o And the fruit's not much better either.

    But brains on roads, is like runny scrambled eggs, and really puts one off one's dinner, so I can sympathise with Zen following a similar experience a few years back. And everyone does stare and want to get a better look (and often cause a further accident) and the cops are v. accommodating to onlookers (after all they're the ones that flog the grossest crime scene piccies to the gore mags). It's funny what turns people on here - I once saw a monk on a bus reading one of those mags. (But then again, once met a monk who claimed to be Jack the Ripper also). It's all part of Unseen and Amazing Thailand. But don't bring the kids, honey. On second thoughts, they've seen it all on the picture radio since they were in nappies and so no wonder, they come out scrambled............................ :D

  8. Hey, IT, you got to hand it to the Post that they are very liberal in which letters they print, which makes it a beacon of free speech, rarely if ever found in the Press of this corner of the world. I've seen letters from lefties, righties, greenies, hippies, gays, straights, transexuals, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Marxists, neo-liberal capitalists, nationalists, and extremists of every sort. I've even seen a series of letters by people defending their rights to molest children! You name it, they've been in there at some time or another. For that they should be commended, not condemned, whether you happen to agree with the writer's point of view or not. Why not write to the Post with your counter-position, rather than this other forum of diverse opinion and poor English?

  9. Brilliant stuff TizMe - all is not lost in Australia then! Which state is Lightening Ridge, if ever I'm back in that neck of the scrublands? UK has it's fair share of racing the inedible, including pitting hounds against foxes (fairly even match, with odds mostly in the latter's favour), but my personal favourite is ferret racing. Mostly done down long plastic tubes with clear perspex viewing areas to check how your bet is doing, it's ahit at any game or country fair these days. Sorry I don't have any pictures to share with you, though I'm sure somebody with more time on their hands than me could probably ferret something out of Google. :D:o

  10. I wonder why nobody commented on the many racist comments and anti Thai sentiments expressed by the farang on this forum. I wonder why so many with this sort of attitude stay on in Thailand.

    Agree wholeheartedly with Dr Pat_pong!

    I sometimes wonder too Dr PP, but maybe it's because a/ the racists mumble and grumble to themselves and their ilk mostly (and occasionally embarass this forum too); and b/ most Thais are largely ignorant of these foreign racists, because of the huge language gap that exists. Having said that, the majority of Thais too, tend to be blissfully unaware of their own deeply held racist attitudes and worldviews, because racism is an issue very rarely discussed or raised in the Kingdom, even though it's simmering in the background the whole time. I don't even think there is a Thai word for "racism", though I'm willing and ready to be corrected on this. It's also a very difficult word to define, as Francois (I think) hinted. Is prejudice against your own countrymen on the basis of their skin colour or language/accent, still considered racism, I still wonder?

  11. Hi Bronco, Kan I use your Avatar, I need it now, as I am on my high Horse with this reply


    To you all,

    I am, a Refugee and always will be one, BUT………………..

    I really hate politic,

    Where do you think this or any Government can pay for the Education for the poor ??????? or any thing else for them ?????

    Me think, first we have (in Thailand) the High-So that lost a lot during the 1997 Thaitanic ???? Baht sank to the bottom…..together with the Middle Class……….

    So now, Thailand is on a roll, but to make this happen, Thailand needed a Businessman our Good Leader, The P.M. and like Khun Anan, before, after the last Coup, to bring UP the “MIDDLE CLASS” to pay for the poor people of Thailand through taxation, visa charges etc… Same Same in all countries in E.U.

    But I must say, “God helped those how help themselves” (not stealing of course) and really the poor do not help themselves. (What did the previous Gov’s’ment do for the POOR PEOPLE, Nil). So is this all of a sudden T.R.T problem ???? No it is not. They have no created this problem. At least they are the ones that are trying doing something about it.

    I see them each and every day (Poor People), as they been before for more than a century ago, and yes, I give them a few Baht, but nothing changes, still they keep on coming, each & every day.


    Me too, Kan,can't stand the body politic. But politics affects us all, like it or not.

    And what you're saying is load of <deleted>, esp. the bit about the Middle Class being needed to "pay for the poor of Thailand" and "the poor do not help themselves". Jeez, where do you come from! Take the silver spoon out your gob and open your eyes man. Don't want to break it to you too hard, but it is the poor of Thailand who pay for the rich and middle class. They pay figuratively, with their sweat and blood and literally with their labour and taxes. Yes, the poor farmers (majority of the popn.) pay far more taxes proportionately, through taxes on their rice and other produce, than any parasitic politician, karachagan or rich businesman ever did. They pay daily their dues, by sweating their hearts out so you can eat rice, live in concrete monstrosities-- built by the poor of Isaan (and now, Burma too)-- and in a thousand other ways you take for granted, but have never stopped to consider as you casually "see them each and every day".

    No, Kan, you have never "seen" the poor, you've only looked at them as you throw down your "few baht". Do me a favour and climb back on your high horse and gallop to other threads where your input is more relevant.

  12. SET is close to 700 already. Time to pull out in a few weeks or even a few days :o

    Thing's are going really mental on SET, eh, 'fly. You really pulling out when it hits 700 or just rationalising a bit? I remember an "expert" in the B. Post, saying optimistically at the beginning of this year that he expected it to finish the year around 450, if the economy grew well. Well, the economy's gone up 6 or 7 % and the SET's gone well over 100 % now. Who's fueling the bull and is it gonna crash or just drop down to a more rational level soon? Or perhaps could it carry on soaring into 2004 before the inevitable happens? Give us your end of year prediction mate. By the way, are you a closet fan of the unforgettable Ned's Atomic Dustbin, or is your avatar just a silent protest against Ongkarak glow worms?

  13. Getting back on thread, anyone read the story in today's Post about the 800 + dogs being smuggled across the Mekong on their way to China. Poor mutts. That's just greedy and gross, but suggests the Sakhon Nakhon market is saturated, (or it's just been a particularly good year for dog births?) Thinking about the latter, I have this pet (groan :o ) theory that with all these farang-type dogs being bought by Thais these days, this just means there's more Maggi 57 varieties kicked onto the streets to fend for themselves. Hence, more breeding, interbreeding and more chow for the Chinese. :D

  14. Good on yer IT for getting out your poll! :o Great to see such unbridled optimism of what the future holds in store for LOS. Only wish I could share it. By the time people wake up to what's going on, then it's going to take a miracle to clean up the spill. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot...............

    PS Impressed and amazed at your son's knowledge and studies, so there's hope yet....................

  15. <font color='#000000'>plachon...I've seen it now and I believe it. As we were returning home from Tesco on a small rural road we were behind an over loaded truck carrying tanks of fish. The truck hit a bump and a fish plopped onto the road. My eagle-eyed wife and her brother who was at the wheel immediately saw the offering. My wife got out and retrieved the fish and bounced its' head...got back in the car and displayed it to me. I said pla...they said pla-chon!!!!

    A big fish...about 2-3 pounds...cooked it up and it was good eatin'...

    road kill adventures in the hinterlands (the foregoing is true...I kid you not)

    best regards</font>

    Tuts, you bar steward you, that was my little Central cousin you snaffled. But he has a big brother whose got his evil eyes on you now, so don't go swimming in any of those ponds you're gonna dig, ducks or not...........the Nakhon Nowhere Snakehead is what you need to worry about now dude.

    Actually, you're right we're a tasty bunch of slimy critters, who put those Pacific finny things to shame - try 'gaeng som paesa" in a fish shaped bowl and all the trimmings for a culinary delight you won't forget, if you haven't yet had it.

    I've never had a plachon off the back of a lorry, but I've picked them off the road in the rainy season when they have a funny habit of going walkabouts on rainy nights, looking for a new home to spawn in. So you better warn your Mrs too!

    You better watch out, there's a snakehead about!

  16. See nobody wants to touch this thread with a 20 foot bargepole. Too hot to handle or have ya all got Toxinosis? Actually, I think the comparison is unfair and too extreme, but a Lee Kuan Yew with a dash of Peron and Mahatir thrown in for good measure comparison, would be much fairer and nearer the mark.

  17. <font color='#000000'>hmmm! quite a story, im curious, can you actually living in and airport terminal, i mean wouldn't the gaurd, police, immigration officer, or any body do something, atleast put him in jail or something, as what i know in the state when that situation happen the immigration officer would arrest him and send him some where, i guest or either deported him back where he came from, free of charge, they will not let anybody wondering around in the airport, strange story, but i guest its actually happen   ???</font>

    Like put him in jail for what? He's stateless, hasn't broken any laws of the country he's in and no country will have him. If you slap in the clanger, he becomes your country's problem and somebody has to make a decision. If he stays in the airport, he can remain in limbo indefinitely, so long as he doesn't hassle anyone or create a nuisance. However, it makes the airlines and airports doubly careful to make sure other travellers do have valid tickets and travel documents before traveling.

    As an aside, I once read that Thais are the most common nationality to request asylum in New Zealand. Wonder what they're running from, if Thailand really is the best country in the world? Just curious.

  18. did someone mention something about 'bush supporters/enthusiasts'?

    Something to think about outside of the political domain...

    Yep, I'm all for small case bushes, Tuts. In fact, I'm having sleepless nights picturing those bush fires in California. (I have no TV at home you see). Sounds a really cruel twist of nature to me. Let's hope Arnie is up to the task.

  19. Quiz, I appreciate there's some tensions and issues between Thais and Indians living in Thailand, but the same would be true for Indians and Sri Lankans, huh? You always sound a pretty reasonable guy, but in that particular posting, it seemed more like tarring all Indians with the same brush, even to the extent that you'd like to change your own racial make-up to avoid being confused with the Sub-continentals. Be proud of who and where you were born, man, and not let others' racial bigotry get you down (in this case the Thais). I wouldn't envy being an Indian in Thailand, purely for the fact, that they do get such racial abuse heaped on them, often for no good reason. Yet look where half of Thai culture, religion and language originates from!

    I used to get a bit peeved, but now i just laugh, when I invite Thais round to my house and make some Thai food, perhaps a farang dish, and a curry. I like making curries and love Indian food. I love Thai food too, but think variety is the spice of life. If I just say the curry is "gaeng curry" most people usually just eat it and like it, but if I said it was "curry baeb India", people would turn their noses up and ignore the dish. That's how deep the psyschology is ingrained in Thai people about the inferiority of things Indian compared to Thai. Similarly look at the clientele of most Indian restaurants in Thailand, compared to farang-style "fart-food" restaurants, despite the love of chilli and aversion to "ahaan jeut". It's comical really, if you think about it (unless you're an Indian restuarant owner outside farang areas or little India).

    This is for Chon..

    You always change lines..

    Have I defended where I come from and only criticised Indian’s?  Let me clear one of your myths. Sri Lankan’s and Indian’s do not have any problem. Not at all. You are totally out of your mind here and first find the actual facts and then put your points rather than just making bold statements about me.

    India, Sri Lanka and even Thailand has very close ties and all these 3 countries do not have any problem among them.

    You read my post again. I have highlighted why Thai People do not like Indian’s and even the way I look.

    Hello..The conflict in Sri Lanka is nothing to do with Indians. It is between LTTE [a terrorist group] and Sinhalese people. LTTE is demanding to control part of the Sri Lanka. Tamils do live in Colombo, India and all over the world and they do not have any problem with Sinhalese.

    Also you have advised me to be proud of where I come from.. Hello, I am proud of where I come from but not proud of every thing we do. I am proud for the History of over 2000 Yrs we have and the contributions we have done to Buddhism in general and many other good things. If I think anything we do is not correct, then I say it. If I think that we have not changed according to the changes in the world and we are in dark when it comes to religious believes, then we should highlight it.

    For example:

    If an “Indian women have to jump to the fire when her husband is dead” it is not fair for her [This is called "Sathi Puja". So that is what I am trying to say. Thai people do not like that type of a culture.  Did you understand now?

    Oh..the racial make up thing...

    You know why it is not still possible to do? Normally guys who are capable of discovering this type of Colour changing formulas are all White. :D So when all of us, Black people change to White, then all gets equal rights and they will have to then compete with us. B) [just joking]

    All what I have said above is, why Thai People do not like Indian’s.  It is not only me. Majority of replies from European and US nationals above has stated the same.  But no one was sure why they do not like Indian's. I have given my contributions with some reasons why I think; “Thai people do not like people looks like myself?”


    Hey, I'm no expert on Indian-Sri Lankan affairs and am first to admit it. However, I do know the general vibes i got from most (Sinhalese) Sri Lankans to Indians and India wasn't too positive when I visited your country several years ago, And wasn't it a Tamil who assassinated Rajiv Ghandi, so there must be something going on between the Tamils and Indian govt. too (at least back then)? And don't feel the need to patronise me on the Tamil-Sinhalese civil war - those are your personal opinions you're posting and not everyone in the world sees the LTTE as a "terrorist group". (similarly, most Americans thought of IRA as "freedom fighters" til Sept. 11th)

    But as this subject was supposed to be centered on perceived Thai racism, I wanted to focus on that side in my anecdotes, not on the wider region. However, I may have strayed and touched a raw nerve, and I'll stick to what I know and see on this issue from now on.

    I think there is an issue of "moneyism", in the racism debate in Thailand too, but for ordinary Thais, skin colour is far more of an issue in who they decide to fraternise with or reject out of hand (even running to the extent of rejecting curries!). After all, most ordinary Thais, have been stereotyped from birth that white is "suay" and dark skin "mai suay". Rather than rueing your own skin colour, why not make a positive effort to engage Thais (or anyone else) on confronting their own stereotypes and see if it can make a difference. Otherwise, go and see Mike Jackson for advice on lightening up.

    ::o:  B)

  20. There is always demand for property, but at what price ? if people are going to be "house poor" because the low interest rates mean higher buying prices, where is the "real" savings or the incentive to buy property ? how these people are going to pay if there is a serious "correction" in the economy ? This is 1997 all over again. Of course it will be different but it will have the same damaging effect.

    California and SF in particularly are getting hit pretty bad for rent capacity. The next phase is real state crash in California. This is exactly the same scenario we had in the late 80s. Funny how cycles work.

    I don't know where Montitor is talking about exactly, but wherever I go in Thailand, I see empty property, esp. townhouses, mostly left over from the last crash (some even have 20 foot trees growing up inside them!). Sure demand is picking up, but supply is outstripping it again, IMHO.

    Butterfly & others on a v. long earlier thread (started by a now v. silent Mrentoul) knows my opinions on the likelihood of a coming crash in the next 2-5 years. Nothing I see has changed my opinion on that, though I would say an earlier scenario is more likely than the later one. The SET is now totally mental defying the real economic growth, so a significant correction in that could precede an overall crash, just as it did pre-97.

  21. I wouldn't eat dog myself, but can see no problem with others that choose to. As long as it isn't someones pet that has been put in the pot.

    A few years back I lived on a couple of acres. We had a couple of sheep and a bullock that were family pets (grass cutters). I wouldn't have ever contemplated eating one of our animals, but it certainly hasn't stopped me from eating lamb or beef.

    That's the spirit Tiz! It's a reality that in most countries (even the so-called "dog-loving" nations, like UK), that far more dogs are born a year than there are people willing to give them good homes. In the West they get given to orgs. like RSPCA and when they build up to unmanagemable numbers some quiet euthanasia is practiced. Here in Thailand, they're given the chance to live by being dumped at the temple and hoping the monks will look after them to their dotage, or sold off to a man in a pick-up truck from Sakhon Nakhon (at least in Isaan), who swaps them for a bucket. It's never the family pet that gets sold off, but the hangers on that are a drain on limited resources. They then get fed-up in some pound before meeting their fate. Very shocking for sensitive Westerners, but it's being going on for along time and is not going to change overnight.

    Irrespective of their anthropormphic origins and dependency, dogs by many are regarded as just another farm animal, to be reserved for eating on special occasions. I was once invited to a really out of the way "Brou" village celebration in the wilds of southern Lao. It was really humming and no expense was spared for the guests - huge great clay jars full of sartor (rice wine) were scattered around and even kids were helping themselves to the grog. I sat down on the floor with some village elders and some food was produced. There was a kind of curry and some Bar-b-qued sun-dried meat. It tasted OK ( a tad chewy perhaps) and I asked if it was buffalo. They shook their heads and put some fingers up to their heads as ears and started barking. We all had a good laugh and the party went on. Would I have still eaten it, had I known before what it was? The answer is yes. It was their party and traditions and I'm not so arrogant as to dictate what they should or shouldn't be eating, despite being brought up in a culture that doesn't eat dog meat (apart from the stuff they serve up in cans as Campbells meat balls, etc.).

    Having said that, I'm a vocal advocate of animal rights and the right to a decent life and death fro farm animals. The most cruel and vicious establishments on earth are those factory farms which produce food for the urban masses, who wouldn't know the difference between a free-range "gai baan" and hormone-fuelled CP chicken, even if it was in a "bon gai" before them. Enjoy your KFCs folks!

  22. Quiz, I appreciate there's some tensions and issues between Thais and Indians living in Thailand, but the same would be true for Indians and Sri Lankans, huh? You always sound a pretty reasonable guy, but in that particular posting, it seemed more like tarring all Indians with the same brush, even to the extent that you'd like to change your own racial make-up to avoid being confused with the Sub-continentals. Be proud of who and where you were born, man, and not let others' racial bigotry get you down (in this case the Thais). I wouldn't envy being an Indian in Thailand, purely for the fact, that they do get such racial abuse heaped on them, often for no good reason. Yet look where half of Thai culture, religion and language originates from!

    I used to get a bit peeved, but now i just laugh, when I invite Thais round to my house and make some Thai food, perhaps a farang dish, and a curry. I like making curries and love Indian food. I love Thai food too, but think variety is the spice of life. If I just say the curry is "gaeng curry" most people usually just eat it and like it, but if I said it was "curry baeb India", people would turn their noses up and ignore the dish. That's how deep the psyschology is ingrained in Thai people about the inferiority of things Indian compared to Thai. Similarly look at the clientele of most Indian restaurants in Thailand, compared to farang-style "fart-food" restaurants, despite the love of chilli and aversion to "ahaan jeut". It's comical really, if you think about it (unless you're an Indian restuarant owner outside farang areas or little India).

  23. Scary... except for the fact that Thai Rak Thai has a huge following of academics and is made up (a large part anyway) of academics.


    Heng, I think you're getting confused between "teachers" and "academics". Granted many teachers, for some strange reason, seem to get off on Thaksin, but real "academics" (in the free thinking Thirayuth Boonmi mould of Uni profs), don't seem to be quite so enamoured with this new brand of totalitarianism sweeping the country. Maybe it's just me, but the two year honeymoon period for the PM, I would say is over now and now everyone's got a mobile phone, a new car and a whacking great debt to boot, he's gonna have to be continually more creative to survive the course. Trouble is there's no obvious replacement leader on the ascendancy, so a bit like Blair in UK, he may be able to rule by default. Scary indeed.

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