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Posts posted by plachon

  1. Just for my own info,,due to the fact that we have both Aussies and Kiwis on here now,,

    Who shaggs the most sheep,Aussie or Kiwi? I have heard both ways and would like to know the truth..

    I don't know who's ahead but the Kiwis actually started it and we only copied them coz we couldn't catch up to the roos! :o

    If you antipodeans carry on like this, it's only a matter of time before the Scots and Welsh join in to demand a bit of the action. After all, this is where the sport originated, cos i can't imagine the Maoris and Aboriginals being much into that kind of stuff. B):D

  2. If you do not like this topic, then simply help your President to widraw from Iraq.

    By the way, he is getting a very worm welcome in UK even before he steps in. What do you think about it? :D

    Hmmmm, I'd second that first sentence Kwiz. But, personally, I always find maggots are a more effective WBE (Weapon of Bush Eradication) than worms. Some prime wriggling maggots, mixed in groundbait ball, put in a whopper-dropper catapult and fired at a high trajectory over the heads of the massed constabulary would do the trick nicely. Let's see if anyone can bung a tomato that far. B):o

  3. Hey Plachon, thanks for bringing us Yanks into the Brit hating page. Now I know for sure that the world revolves around us. B)

    No worries mate. I guess you just can't keep a good thread down, eh? B):o

    SoCal, some time you'll have to explain the "hate" reference. You're not confusing me with Butterfly are you, who I agree, on occasions has stepped over the line and I once took him to task for it. But, I'm curious to know when I've been "hateful". In fact, I'm curious to know why this has been dubbed the "Brit hating page". Hey man , mellow out, read my posts and you'll see I'm even having a laugh at and with my own nation. You too, Chon, brighten up boy. :DB)B)

  4. Maybe there's so many compatriots doing porridge in Thai jails, cos they feel an affinity with their Commonwealth cousins, especially the Nigerian boys who come here for the fine weather and scenery? Or maybe there's just a profusion of Brit-idiots with passports, unlike the majority of US citizenry who bear arms instead of passports?

  5. All I can say is the lad must have been doing bloody well getting pissed within an hour of take off. As the first half or so, they're not usually even serving booze, that gives him half an hour to get plastered. I reckon there's something else going on here, that the airline's not owning up to and blaming it all on this "drunk". Perhaps the guy was a schizophrenic and one drink and the change in pressure was enough to set off an attack. Needs a good hack on the case to squeeze the real story out of this one methinks. :o

  6. Up in central Isaan, every dish mentioned has to be hot and spicy, or people complain. It's like a kind of macho thing that has got out of hand in some villages. I swear the other day, the lady put more chillis than papaya in the mortar when she pok-pok'ed it. I believe you Chon about your wife's nam tok, but unlike somtam I bet you don't eat that shit every day. Some of my wife's rellies eat somtam twice a day minimum. Raving mad pal!

  7. I like to discuss plans for house extensions or furniture with my love, over a glass of Johnnie Black with the sun setting, and a harvest moon rising behind the house.

    Nice one.

    I personally love waking up in the morning in the deepest darkest northeast and watching many of the locals going to work on a buffalo.

    Yeah, far out man, and riding the kwai lek home. Can't beat it, as the red sun's setting in the haze and the dust is kicking up behind after a hard day's drinking lao kao and eating dtom gai, (with some prime herbs added), out in them paddies. Know what i mean man? Sets you up for the evening with a good hunger for some groovy morlam tunes and a toke or two. Peace bro. :o

  8. I think there is an issue of "moneyism", in the racism debate in Thailand too, but for ordinary Thais, skin colour is far more of an issue in who they decide to fraternise with or reject out of hand (even running to the extent of rejecting curries!). After all, most ordinary Thais, have been stereotyped from birth that white is "suay" and dark skin "mai suay". Rather than rueing your own skin colour, why not make a positive effort to engage Thais (or anyone else) on confronting their own stereotypes and see if it can make a difference. Otherwise, go and see Mike Jackson for advice on lightening up.

    ::D:  B)</font>

    The Whacko Jacko point has already been made long, long ago Mr Charles, but mai pen rai. Just pay attention Pike! But while we're on the subject, anybody seen the guy's (????????) nose lately? Last time I saw it, it was all caving in along with the rest of his face. Think he was even trying to sue the surgeon for making a pig's ear of it. Unbelievable really.................until you read dear old Bud's posts! B):o

  9. In the last few days, I've been replying to posts but the system just jams up and refuses to send them i.e. that bar thingie at the bottom goes half way along its axis and then just stops. What's up. Is it with the system or is it with this particular computer (which is pretty fast otherwise as sending emails, etc.)?

    Cheers guys.


  10. Thankx Megashox for that posting to put a balance on Kwix's earlier rant, as I knew there had to be some Indian decendants out there who could put their side of the story of being a south Asian in Thailand, which didn't fit into Kwiz's earlier huge generalisations. I've seen Indian's married to Thais too, and they look as happy as anyone. Your post started off well, but degenerated into a personal slanging session by then end, which while being entertaining for onlookers, might lose you friends on the thread in time. Just a gentle word of advice hombre. :o

  11. Thelocals tell me that the mosquitos outside town carry malaria, be careful up there.

    And the Mekong is teeming with Naga..................Get real, Freddie.

    Look on the Danish Bakery website on the main page of thaivisa.com and you'll find a link toan agency renting property round that neck of Isaan, Hope this helps.

  12. Thanks Alan for these postings. With these levels of hurdles and all the hoops to jump through, it's surprising that as many people apply for PR as the 100 per country quota. Wonder if this quota still applies to small countries like Luxembourg or Iceland? i.e probably be easier to change your nationality to one of these first, if you come from a populous country like UK or Germany.

  13. Utter &lt;deleted&gt; , but amusing nonetheless........

    sounds to me Chon, like we got ourselves another regular Roger Melly: Man on the Telly to me. Whadya reckon?

    Could be right there Plachon , with a touch of "Aldridge Prior the worlds biggest liar" in for good measure!


    Nah Chon, you forgotten already..........you already dubbed Mr Vietnam with that accolade. While we're on the subject though, who do you reckon on this forum deserves the title of "Sid the Sexist"? W'hay lads! :o

  14. Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

    Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

    Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

    So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides. :o

    Whole lotta logic and rational thinking went into this post, eh SoCal?

    With arguments like these you could give Bush and Cheney a run for their money and enter the '04 race yourself. Go buzz an oil company for the campaign funds. Oy maybe millionaire Mr Vietnam could help you out. :DB)

  15. have to agree with ######. also isn't it a national hobby in England? besides if charles was running around the country doing social work projects and keeping his xxxx in his pants then there would be a great deal more respect given to him.

    really, shagging camila on his wedding night???

    Never mind his sex life, which is his own affair, but to give credit where credit is due (you're either poorly informed or you choose to filter out info that clashes with your own prejudices Lizard), Charles does run around the country and world doing valuable social projects, through such charities as the Prince's Trust and is the patron of many more. He was in Oman only a few days ago, meeting kids with learning difficulties (photo in the Bangkok Post), which is v. similar to the kind of work that Diana became an "angel" for. People can be v. selective in what they choose to see, eh?

  16. Plachon,

    Thank you for taking out your time to respond to my post.

    And yes, I will, as you quoted “Do me a favour and climb back on your high horse and gallop to other threads where your input is more relevant.” Because I hate Politics.

    But, as you quoted “No, Kan, you have never "seen" the poor,” in Thailand, you mean ?, I was one of then, Not in Thailand but in Europe and yes I put that Silver Spoon in My Mouth, no one helped me only myself. That was what I tried to say in my quote “God helped those, how help themselves” Opps should have been “who help themselves” Beg my pudding.

    Once again, thank you for your response.


    I don't want to presuppose your circumstances Kan, but I suspect there are a few ever so slight differences between your perceived poverty in Europe (where according to the official statistics I too was amongst the poorest of the poor), and actual poverty (a relative term) here, as seen every day in Thailand (if you have the vision to see and not prejudge people's circumstances). Your original posting which I objected to, smacked of being somewhere between Samak Sundaravej's dismissal of the down-and-out poor in Bangkok as being no better than stray dogs (hence his ability to ship them both off to Cambodia, no questions asked), and the PM's rationale for freeing the poor from their condition - all they need is to unleash their locked up capital and bingo! (they'll be well off). That simple.

    Unfortunately, all three of you fail to realise the underlying reasons for poverty, which was hinted at by Leo Tolstoy (I think?) in a quotation, which I can't remember verbatim, but went something along the lines of:

    The rich man worries over the poor man and says he'll help him. Feed him, clothe him, give him charity. If fact, he'll do anything for the poor man, apart from climb down from off his back.

    In Thailand, where the disparity between rich and poor is greater than any other nation on earth, is the prime reminder of this basic truth.

  17. Jeez, this thread is getting like Mummies and Daddies anonymous, so I've decided it's time to lighten things up a bit. This is going back to the original title of the post.

    Turn away now if you're a bit sensitive, squeamish or too politically correct for your own good.

    Question: How do you bring up a child in Thailand?

    Answer: Stick your fingers down a soi dog's throat!

    Don't complain now, I warned you.

  18. Well the Royal story is that Prince Charles buggered the Chief of Staff. When the Bonnie Prince Charlie ascends the throne he'll be the titular head of the Church of England and defender of the faith :o

    Excellent, we can now combine the gay/religious and gay/royal into one super-spat of a thread. (I reckon those pesky corgis got of pretty lightly inthe whole sordid affair - off with their tails and send 'em to Sakhon Nakhon!).

  19. Deep inside of every Thai, he/she loves to sanook (enjoy) and smile but the modern (money) world and globalization have made it harder to do so ...

    Don't worry, be happy! This is always that Thai attitude and we love to live and love to be happy and love to have you be happy with us.

    And of course, every Thai rejects the modern (money) world and it's evil inventions, imposed on it by those non fun-loving farang, who go and spoil the party. :o:D

    Don't you just lurve the absolutes by this ambassador extrordinaire. (Gi'us an Elite card, matey B) )

  20. Nice post Lizard and let's hope he was just a little shocked by the incident, but otherwise undamaged.

    Near death experiences, huh? That's not difficult ----- every time I venture on to the local highways I'd say qualifies for this category. :o It makes the war in Iraq seem like child's play statistic wise. Over 40 do not cheat it, each and every day. :D

  21. first, we are talking about anglican church, whick may I say has nothing to do with other Christians, they are prostestant, closer to some american churches.

    two, this has no chance to happen in the roman catholic church.

    which, may I say, is the one with millions ... (not the one we talk about)

    You're right, Francois, the RC church is still debating things like whether to allow contraception or not, has hardly moved on to abortion so still condemns it outright as a "mortal sin" and whether we should believe the Genesis version of events or concede that evolution might just be possible. In fact, it's so progressive in it's attitudes, I'm surprised they've even forgiven the 16th century renaissance heretics they condemned to death or excommunicated for daring to suggest contrary views to Rome. Nowadays, the White House has assumed the papal role in deciding who is a heretic or not, who shall live or die in the Great Game ....... "you're either with or us or you're against us"......... never forget those immortal words.

  22. Good point. Keep your monarchy... Australia needs a Republic...we need to keep His Majesty.

    Yeah, (sorry I forgot you're an antipodean), you could have Prez. Hawke of Beijing or Prez. Keating (he'll go down well in SE Asia -- I can just see Malaysia laying out the red carpet for him) or even Prez. Dame Edna Everage (just to show you already have royalty down-under). :o

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