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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 123 seconds  
  2. Earlier this year my AIS and DTAC 1 year data sims sent me renewal sms offering to renew the same deals just topup xxxx each account working well.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 208 seconds  
  4. I did my first report after my return by mail to CW, to was accepted and approved no problems, subsequent email reports also approved.
  5. You will need a hard copy of appointment this can be obtained on level 1 photo copy desk
  6. I read it as " income for personal services provided to employer". Just my take
  7. I returned with a re entry permit in June 2024. 75 days after my return I mailed my report to CW. On the due date it was approved and receipt arrived 30 days later. Subsequent online reports have been approved
  8. Call DTAC They will reset the area where you are having problems. Continue complaints until network problems are resolved
  9. Telstra could provide a key to unlock if certain contract conditions are met. (Completed 2 years of contract) Probably cost a fortune in phone calls to Testra
  10. I did a transfer this morning, Setup transfer in Wise as usual,opened my Westpac app,sent payment via PAYID to my existing Wise account xxxxx,wise.com. Payment and transfer successful (11 seconds). No messages,no emails re new Wise account details
  11. Yes pretty pathetic that they cannot redirect unique PAYID address to target their new account.
  12. Westpac indicates 24 hours to verify new payee. Some time ago I changed Wise bank details ,when they changed from St. George bank, I made a transaction and it was completed after 12 hours. Hoping the next one goes as smoothly
  13. I have posted several times re my visit to BKK Revenue Dept. The advice I was given when my application for a TIN was rejected, You do not qualify as you have no income from employment in Thailand. You have a "retirement visa" so you are prohibited from working in Thailand. Your pension income is paid in your home country,so it is not assessed. Note this is about my circumstances only
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