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  1. I did a transfer this morning, Setup transfer in Wise as usual,opened my Westpac app,sent payment via PAYID to my existing Wise account xxxxx,wise.com. Payment and transfer successful (11 seconds). No messages,no emails re new Wise account details
  2. Yes pretty pathetic that they cannot redirect unique PAYID address to target their new account.
  3. Westpac indicates 24 hours to verify new payee. Some time ago I changed Wise bank details ,when they changed from St. George bank, I made a transaction and it was completed after 12 hours. Hoping the next one goes as smoothly
  4. I have posted several times re my visit to BKK Revenue Dept. The advice I was given when my application for a TIN was rejected, You do not qualify as you have no income from employment in Thailand. You have a "retirement visa" so you are prohibited from working in Thailand. Your pension income is paid in your home country,so it is not assessed. Note this is about my circumstances only
  5. Maybe why I have not had any problems or notifications of changes is I pay Wise by PAYID and not bank transfer method. I use Westpac bank.
  6. I agree that you should contact Wise directly as it sounds very much like a scam. I had problems some years ago,phantom transactions, Wise cleared my account but these transactions persisted. I opened a new Wise account using a different email address and I have had no problems since. I then closed my initial account.
  7. Hadn't noticed that it is now missing,it was definitely there for my first and many subsequent online reports. Maybe it was only there in the app.
  8. Lovely booklet with no information about qualifications in regard to applying for a TIN.
  9. My last mail from CW arrived Oct 10 2024 only received receipt approved 9 Sept and a new TM47 form. Had plenty of stamps on large return envelope.
  10. You must remember TIT the middle name has no asterisk because the majority of Thais do not have a middle name. I have Thai friends that entered on foreign passports they must provide TM47's too.
  11. As the TRD have refused my application for a TIN as I do not qualify, I will not be filing a tax return ,so remits are not a problem for me.
  12. A definite answer is available for these posters from their local TRD office. How easy is that?
  13. If these books are not registered with TRD then they cannot be used for tax purposes Simples

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