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Thomas Hannah

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Posts posted by Thomas Hannah

  1. Never heard of a farang doing this before.Remember the body in the suit case.Never mentioned again on here.He was a runner to cambodia.I spoke to some people in England.He was ex SAS and he was being stitched up for the crime.We will wait and see what happens.You can never trust what news you are fed in thailand.If they have gone to cambodia.Why use the border crossings.Things dont make sense here.If you are going to kill someone.why hire a bike that can be traced back to you.And a room that puts you in the location.Fake passports maybe.This will be interesting this case.nobody could be that dumb.

  2. 13 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


    Not quite true.  His wife, and his children, share his Thai property.  The Thai probate court does not have jurisdiction over any property and assets he has in the UK.

    Yes.What you have said is true.But she can claim in British law.with British lawyer.Also his children will have been registerd at Bangkok and will have British birth certificates.Even if he is dead.They can still get birth certificate.many farangs think there assets are safe in there own countrys because of this law.Only safe when they are alive.

  3. 12 hours ago, z42 said:

    Lots and lots of speculation doing the rounds. I think it is fair to assume that the rosy picture being painted is a veneer for a guy neck deep in 1 or more shady goings on.

    The sun (awful rag I know) even talk of the time when he met the big cheese himself.

    I think it's a given this 1 is gonna go on the "unsolvable" or "scapegoat needed" pile. 

    I feel for the guy's wife and kids. Just hope he has set them up in a meaningful way

    The BBC news said that he had only got married in November.Maybe the sister thinks 5 years because of the party when you meet.Some farangs think its a wedding.they dont understand that its a show of face.Even though they will try to make it look like a wedding and try to get you to give a dowry.Its to do with the wife.She now has the money and control.they know that they can get at the money and control with him out of the way.This guy had money.If he had problem.He would have just paid up.Then theres no problem.He had 2 children with him.It even said that his wife was involved in dispute.Her answer was .I dont control the money.Now she does.They will make it out that he had dodgy dealings.Police paid off.Closed unsolved case.

  4. 4 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:

    Maybe in Pattaya being successful "brings attention" but it doesn't in Bangkok.

    Just two youngish farang guys I can think of off the top of my head drive expensive German and Italian sportscars around this neck of the woods.

    One's an ex-banker from Switzerland, the other's into some sort of AI or high end software.

    They don't have problems, they don't have bodyguards, they're not being extorted and there aren't any Thais trying to assassinate them for competitors or envious losers.

    Yes .but are they single.The guy who was shot only got married in November.his wife gets all his money now.It would not be the first time this has happend.Boyfreind or family.knowing she has control of the money now.But then the police find out who done it.And its lottery time for the police.The case goes unsolved,and they make some stories up about drugs or something.Normal in Thailand.

  5. On 1/20/2017 at 7:38 AM, louse1953 said:

    Can you share this secret list of hundreds or is it mere speculation.

    When you live there for as long as i did,for over ten years.You see and learn a lot.Its not speculation.They are just not reported on the news anywere.remember the police are getting there cut aswell to cover up.The most common suicide  are The boyfreinds paid freinds of your wife help you jump.Then the farrang who has been conned out of all his money and to embarresd to admit to  all his freinds who warned him.Yes these are suicides but a crime was commited that pushed them over the edge.The deaths of the farrangs who have been over drugged by the Kathoeys.When they were robbed.And there are those that just go missing for no reason.(speculation this last one.I may have said year in my block .i meant the hundreds i heard off.over the years.

  6. I remember a few years back Farangs being stopped in pattaya by the dozens,Not understanding what the 200 baht fine was for.They thought that they had done something wrong,So when they went to pay the fine they asked what they had done ,so as they would know the rule.Everyone was for not wearing a helmet.Very strange that they were all wearing one when they were stopped.

  7. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    One wonders at what point will Thailand start taking building safety, public safety, and traffic safety seriously. Frankly, this accident is simply another reflection of what goes happens on the Thai roads daily. Absolute mayhem, with nearly zero law enforcement, on the highway. The only time I see the highway patrol, is AFTER an accident takes place. The rest of the time they seem to be holed up somewhere playing cards. I rarely if ever see speeding tickets being given, and I have never witnesses someone being cited for either reckless driving, or fleeing the scene of a crime. The justice system here is completely broken.

    It can only be broken ,If there is one to break.

  8. 16 hours ago, Arandora said:

    If that was from a Consulate it is right for them to continue to charge an Admin Fee. That is not part of the Visa cost. Consulates rely on income from visa fees for their very existence. Nothing from the Thai Government or Thai Embassy. Has anyone seen anywhere that they are going to be compensated for the loss of income from the SETVs? Don't all shout at once! :post-4641-1156693976:

    You dont need a single entry.You get 30 days anyway.do you mean a double entry.So as you can stay 2 months.

  9. Well,I will run and book a flight before they all go.I think not.the baht is at 43 to the pound.The hotel, cigs ,beer ,women,food, prices.Have all gone expencive to what they used to be.The attitude towards us stinks.They dont cut your nails ,wipe you down with a nice iced flanel.And leave you to enjoy your beer in peace anymore.Ask you for a beer,and you havnt even got yours yet.Young men make you walk around them to get past.Do what they want to you in numbers,because they know nothing will happen to them.Drug you to steal from you.etc etc etc.There is nothing good about thailand anymore.I lived there for 10 years.Not been for more than 2 years now.Think that i will never go back.And so so many of my freinds from there, tell me they think they also, will never go back.They think a thousand baht.That we will forgive them,and come back to be abused.They made there bed,Let them lie in it.

  10. On 8/9/2016 at 11:23 AM, ClutchClark said:

    So a friend who apparently didn't even know him well enough to know his Thailand plans except that they may have included wanting to help poor people has raised suspicions?




    Just what his family needs to help with any closure.


    The answer will never be known with certainty. 


    He fell.



    Or was he pushed.No mention of the cctv in the hotel.Or were they not working again.

  11. I would like to read just one time when 6 Thai,s are beating on a one farang that 5 farang,s jump in and beat the Thai,s silly. I would love to read a story of some Thai,s being beat senseless.by farang,s in self defense.

    Will never happen.First the thai,s will not start anything unless they know they will win.ie many of them and the person drunk or very old or both.If it was the other way.There would be very large fines and jail time ,then deported.Nothing will happen.Its normal now in thailand,not just pattaya.I know the place very well.Ive lived there for over 10 years in many places.Have a son there.I have not been there for over a year. as well as many freinds of mine dont go anymore.I tell everyone not to go anymore.Up to them.The place is now expencive.and its a free for all to be robbed beaten,and even killed that is put down to suicide.On this forum you see nothing that is realy happening there.The thai,s care one thing.And that is your money.

  12. 64 Year Farang men are OK, but Thai Men not OK or what ?? bah.gifbah.gif

    Thailand should bring strict law for marrying young girls by old men.....whistling.gifwhistling.gif

    How can you bring a law .Age does not matter.Only that they have to be old enough.The young girl who was married is very happy,because she in her eyes has done good for the family.It is normal in thailand for older men to marry young girls.It is normal for young men to get them pregnant,then leave them to it,and move on to another one.It is the stupid farang that thinks he is seen the same as a Thai.The farang is seen to be ripped off.The thai is respected.As to the mayor having reporters stripped to there underwear.This would be normal to make sure that they are not concealing something.Even in the western world young marry old.But in the western world its normaly for 3 years to get a big chunk of money.

  13. Total idiots.They think there in benidorm.These kind of people make me so angry.You wonder why farangs receive no respect anymore.If she is raped walking around like that .She will be to blame.Why before they come ,They not try to learn what you should not do in thailand.I hope that they are given jail time,and it put on western news.Maybe then,they might come and respect thai culture.

  14. Ive been going to thailand for over 20 years and lived there in many parts of the country.I have never seen anybody playing scrabble.Or on tv.If they are not working.The women are watching soap movies.and the men are sitting together drinking whisky of some sort.If its so big in thailand ?.To me scrabble is one of those games you buy as a christmass pressent.And it might be played once every blue moon.

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