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Posts posted by midzo

  1. I have had fb exchanges with this guy and I have seen his reel.


    He claims to be the best actor in Asia. He comes on very strong, indeed. Grandiose, delusional and narcissistic. 


    He is talented, no doubt. But hardly the best. I, myself, have worked with better. And he's undeniably nuts. 


    His mental health condition seems to be worsening. He is likely to come to the attention of the authorities. It's unlikely that will have a good outcome for him.

  2. On 8/2/2017 at 7:03 PM, thequietman said:

    Good ones you say ................. names please. I am partial to some dye but the ones available make the scalp and hair black and don't last. A more natural black would be nice not jet black which is available here.


    The imported brands, Garnier, L'Oreal, etc. are much better than the cheaper, local products. 300 baht vs. 35 baht, but you can mix partial batches. I have short hair and get 5 or 6 dye jobs per package.


    Many colors are available. I have very dark brown hair, but use a medium brown dye. This keeps my hair from looking too uniform and presents a more natural appearance.

    • Thanks 1
  3.  Have you ever seen a Chinese person shit on the street?

    Personally? No. I avoid areas with hordes if Chinese. But I've seen plenty of photos.

    I have seen a Chinese holding a toddler over the fountain in Siam Paragon for a piss.

    I have seen Chinese touch buffet food, then place it back.

    I have seen Chinese fill their bags with buffet food.

    I have been pushed and shoved many times.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  4. On 8/1/2017 at 4:31 PM, ALFREDO said:

    He has a kind of incurable kind of Elephantiasis - you have some other sickness, lol :blink::shock1::smile:


    On 8/1/2017 at 4:38 PM, ALFREDO said:

    No fear - not much to win in Lao anyway - he sure spends there money not wins - so good for economy - you by the way must have a good and easy life in Chiang Mai, if these are your problems, = a begging Elephantiasis man on a European and Asian trip. LOL

    No other, better ideas to heal the world?  :blink::smile:

    Not elephantiasis. Macrodystrophia lipomatosa. Unsightly, to be sure, but painless and non life-threatening. Generally viewed as a cosmetic issue unless it interferes with mobility. He seems to get around just fine.


    He brings no outside revenue into Asia. And he's not merely begging...he's scamming kind-hearted poor people who have little to share. Claims he's been robbed, passport stolen, no ticket, etc.


    Then spends the money on fancy restaurants, booze and prostitutes. Brags about it in his facebook page.


    Check it out for yourself. Then tell me he's not a waste of space.


    And, yes, thank you, I do have a good and easy life in Thailand...the result of many years of hard work and self-reliance.

  5. On 4/30/2017 at 0:42 PM, Andaman Al said:

    I am amazed the Japanese don't turf him out the country. I can't remember seeing many beggars in Tokyo when I last went, but maybe I didn't look.

    They did. He was detained and deported.


    He was not charged with a crime, but the authorities dragged their feet on the deportation so he could enjoy Japanese jail hospitality. 23 days. 


    He has announced his intention to go next to Laos and has posted his itinerary online.


    I'll wager more than one person will forward the info to Lao Immigration. 


    I'll be quite surprised if he's admitted.


    He's running out of SEAsian countries. He's barred from Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, the Phillipines, Malaysia and possibly Indonesia.


    I devoutly hope he tries to pull his scam in China. We won't hear from him for quite some time if he does.

  6. 9 hours ago, thailand49 said:

    Confused?  It sounds like from your post you were having two separated problems?

    1. Voltage

    2. Taping into you house line?


    It sounds like you have resolved number 1, are you still having problems with 2?


    To know for sure #2,  once the lights are turn on,  completely shut down your house, go out to the street and check you meter if it is still spinning then something is wrong?

    Yeah, I did bitch about two issues in one post. Sorry 'bout that.


    No doubt about the street lights. Easy to follow the lampwire(!) tap to the photosensor to the fixture run. 


  7. 6 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Don't forget that the biggest single-phase supply generally available is a 15/45 (50A max) which may not be enough for a larger farang home.


    A slack handful of decent aircons plus on-demand water heaters will certainly stress a 15/45.


    Probably why the home (purportedly) has a 100-amp  three phase supply.

  8. 3 hours ago, Elkski said:

    Did you cut the light power while live? I'm sure with good dikes and proper ladder or boots this can be done safely.  I know someone who had a light installed by whoever and it's using her power but it is also at a very small road intersection in the corner of her property.   Seems common easy way out for lights to be installed.   I wouldn't be happy to pay for a string of lights down the street but I also wouldn't admit in social media that I cut it.   I would be like.   "Funny thing,  but this morning I noticed someone had cut the light power lines a meter away from mine and tidied up the loose ends pretty well."

    Yeah, cut 'em while hot. Boots, plastic stepstool, insulated dykes. Not so much as a  spark.


    Not that I'm recommending others do likewise.

  9. He brags about his scams on his facebook page and shows the steaks, booze, drugs and prostitutes he buys with his ill-gotten gains.


    He has puchased a ticket to Laos (transit in Bangkok) and posted the itinerary. Idiot.


    I'm hoping he gets denied entry. I'd have forwarded a copy of his itinerary to Laos Immigration if I could have found an email address.


    BTW, he spent 23 days in a Japanese jail awaiting deportation. The Japanese apparently dragged their feet by way of an extra-judicial punishment.


    No tears shed here. He's a major douche.

  10. Same in the US. American don't do manual labor, Mexicans do that. Americans will take advantage of welfare until they find jobs that they want to do even though there are plenty of sweaty hard working jobs available.

    Yank here. Not quite so.

    Americans don't want to take "sweaty hard-working jobs" at shit wages.

    I know folks who would be glad to pick lettuce, just not for $1.75/hour.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
  11. 5 minutes ago, Moonlover said:


    Your bigger issue though is the voltage drop. That should not be occurring, especially as low as 50volts. You should keep hammering away it PEA about that one. 

    I called PEA. 


    Engineer called back within 15 minutes.


    He explained that there is a problem in the equipment of a large nearby farm. He's been bugging them for months to fix it, as it causes voltage drops for many subscribers.


    His patience ended today. He cut their service. They won't be reconnected until they fix their problem.


    First world solution! Power is now 238/238/240. Acceptable. 


    Let's hope he follows through on the fix-before-reconnect.

  12. I have three-phase power. Virtually every day voltages drop to 224/181/50.


    Meter still runs as pump and fridge on leg three try to run. They can't, not at 50 volts.


    I went to check voltages at the pole. The same. I reported it to PEA, but have little confidence in a repair. 


    I did notice that someone has tapped my line after the meter for street lighting. Four lights. Not even on my street. I am paying for the power.


    Wonky wirewrap tap, no circuit breaker. 


    Is this typical? Can I be forced to pay for street lighting? I was tempted to move the tap pre-meter, but didn't. 


    Can I just cut it off?

  13. It is fair, in the sense that we are being denied a visa just as if we were a mixed-sex couple.


    And, yes, when the Chinese Army advances over the border to seize SEAsia, I may be very desirous of fleeing to the US.


    Sure would like to take my husband with me, though.

  14. Yes, you understood it perfectly.


    Current situation:


    As my husband is married to a US citizen, he must apply for a spousal visa. US Consulate in Chiang Mai refused to process his tourist visa application. At least we escaped paying the ridiculous fee.


    To qualify for a spousal visa, I must have a certain amount of US income. No other income is considered.


    As I don't work in the US, I have little US income and we do not qualify for a spousal visa. 


    I am married, my marriage is recognized in dozens of countries around the world, but my own country will not admit my spouse.


    Ironically, neither one of us has any desire whatsoever to live in the US. 

  15. Agreed. My Thai husband and I have zero legal recognition here.


    Ironically, our marriage is fully recognized by my native country, the US. But it only makes getting him a US tourist visa, already a difficult task, virtually impossible for us.


    We had to go to South Africa to get married...only South Africa and Argentina have gay marriage and freely admit working-class Thais.


    Capetown was terrific!

  16. 3 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

    Got to love guys who belive the good old US of A can fix anything for any nationality.



    No, the US State Department cannot fix everything for every nationality.


    What they can do, however, is produce a passport that will survive a momentary dunk in a puddle.


    I went swimming while wearing my money belt once. Passport had zero issues once dried.



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