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Posts posted by midzo

  1. On 6/13/2017 at 1:28 PM, balo said:

    If your relatives can't afford to fix a roof , they must be very poor. And in  their eyes you are probably very rich.  If you love your family , give them 100k as a "loan" , but don't expect anything back .

    If 100k is too much for you and you can't afford losing it , then just say NO. 










    Years ago, my then-boyfriend's family was a victim of a scam. (<deleted> husband convinced his wife to "borrow" 100k from her employer, promising quick profits and a return of the cash within 24 hours. He then disappeared.) They desperately needed the 100k to avoid criminal prosecution.


    They went to the Indian loan sharks and were struggling to pay the horrifying interest. Threats of violence and destruction of property were common. There were no men in the family.


    My boyfriend asked me to lend his family the 100k. He was terrified his 14 year old brother would be beaten or killed.


    I thought about it and told him I would not lend the money. His mother worked two jobs for little money already and I was not going to lean on them for repayment.


    Instead, I offered to make it a gift, under two conditions.


    1. They would not go back to the loan sharks.

    2. This was a once-in-a-lifetime gift. They  were not to ask again.


    Loanshark was paid off, no legs were broken, my status in the neighborhood rose markedly and 5 years on, there have been no other requests. We do help out monthly and are covering educational expenses for the kids. 


    I feel good about it.



  2. On 6/9/2017 at 3:07 PM, OldSiamHand said:

    One reads many odd and inaccurate things on these boards, but this one is worth commenting on more than others.  


    Credit card companies will not refund you the money you spend at True Fitness if you tell your credit card company that you did not receive the goods or services you requested.  You can file a complaint with the credit card company, and they may contact True Fitness about the charges (depending on your card), but they will in no event refund you your money.   They will reverse the charges if True Fitness agrees to reverse the charges.


    This will depend on where the bank that issued the card is located. In the US, card issuers will indeed reverse the charges if the charge is more than $50, the goods or services were defective, undelivered or not as described and the purchaser has made an effort to resolve the issue with the merchant. I do not know if this protection applies to purchases made outside the US. Interesting question.


    They do not make any adjustments, it's a 100% chargeback. 


    The issuer will claw back funds, if available, or will become a creditor in the bankruptcy proceedings. Often, the issuer eats all or part of the chargeback.


    This is done to give consumers confidence in using credit cards. It's a cost of doing business.


    I have done three chargebacks in my life. In all three cases, I got my money back, in one case far more than I deserved.


    I bought two Eurail passes from a US company. Cost was $1600. Their marketing materials and maps clearly showed the Channel crossing between Dover and Calais was included. British rail was not.


    When I showed up in Dover, the ticket agent said the Channel crossing was not included. She was well aware that Americans had been told it was. I had to purchase two ferry tickets. $160.


    When I got home, I contacted the agency that sold the tickets and asked for the $160 I spent. They refused, saying it was a printing error. I spoke to a manager, no joy.


    I went to my bank and asked for $160 charge back. They said that was impossible, they could only reverse the entire transaction. Fine with me.


    I got the $1600 back within a couple of weeks.


    The company that sold me the passes called me and said "OK, you win. We'll pay the $160. Send us a check for $1440.


    I got a lot of  pleasure from telling them to pound sand. 



  3. I asked my Thai Immigration attorney this very same question.


    He's especially qualified to answer as he was an attorney at CM Immigration for many years.


    There is zero problem under the law with working on a home you rent or own. He equated it with cooking your own dinner or doing your own laundry.


    This being Thailand, though, what the law actually says won't stop angry folks from bothering you. As others have said, good relations with the neighbors and the Phu Yai Baan will go a long way toward a hassle-free project.

    • Like 2
  4. Chinese nationals pay only 100 baht ATM fees while in Thailand. 220 baht if you're from anywhere else.


    Chinese nationals get a 15% discount at Shabushi restaurant, paid for by a 15% price increase for everybody else, including Thais. 


    The Chinese are exempted from the 2,000 baht visa on arrival fee.


    What else do they want?


    Chinese tourists collectively spend more money than any other nationality, it's true.  However, less than 10% stays in Thailand. 


    As individuals, they don't even make the top 25 list. 


    If Thailand wants to boost tourism revenue, she needs to turn away from the Chinese and focus on Emiratis, Indians, Kuwaitis, Europeans and Americans. These groups cause far fewer problems, spend far more money per capita and the money they spend stays in Thailand.


    And I have yet to see a German shit on the street.

  5. 22 hours ago, CLW said:

    I have to defend the Chinese a bit.

    When I was backpacking this year in China I conceived them as friendly, helpful and interested to contact foreigners.
    Although before I had the worst expectations and opinions about them.
    Sure, the have different behaviour and their manners are not on par with western understanding.
    But I had no problems at all during my travels.

    On the other hand, I don't know how to describe or explain it, the Chinese here in Thailand are different from most of the ones I met inside China.
    Probably the same thing you should not judge all English people from the ones you meet at, let's say, Ibiza or Mallorca.
    Maybe it has something to do with, that different places/destinations attract certain kind of people.

    My (admittedly limited) experience in China was vastly different. I found the PRC Chinese to be unbelievably selfish, loud and rude. Not to mention filthy.


    Taiwan was lovely. Friendly, helpful people who queued up at ticket windows, didn't clear their sinuses in the streets and didn't shove me endlessly.


    Clearly a cultural and not a racial issue.

  6. 18 hours ago, samsensam said:


    can you prove the conversation took place? recording? confirmation letter/email? otherwise it's your word against his word and the fact you didn't understand the document you signed doesn't make it not legally binding. ignorance is not a defence.


    as others have said the return promised should have warned you, or at least encouraged you to dig deeper.

    I did bring a Thai interpreter. The interpreter is willing to testify, if needed. I have no idea if his testimony is acceptable. In the US, I think it would be considered hearsay.


    On 4/2/2017 at 9:06 AM, Langsuan Man said:

    At this point your only hope is the Office of the Consumer Protection Board,  you can file a complaint online and they will investigate.

    Just the threat of using them made SCB to return my funds that had been accidently transferred to SCB's own charity



    The plan is to go to BOT and the OCPB. Having other victims gives the case a higher priority, apparently.

  7. I got a call from my national Thai bank regarding my 800,000 baht retirement visa exemption deposit account. The rep suggested I would be better off with a timed account.


    I met with the rep, who laid out a very attractive offer. Much higher interest, free gym membership, platinum credit card, access to first class lounge at Swampy, etc. I could add to the account at any time.


    Sounded good. I had three questions.


    What is the interest rate?

    May I withdraw the money at any time?

    Will this account still be acceptable by immigration at renewal time.




    Yield 7.125%

    Penalty for early withdrawal.

    Yes, no problem with immigration, we do this all the time for foreigners.


    A year later, when getting my bank letter for visa exemption renewal I discovered:


    Yield was 1.125%

    200,000 was on hold to secure the credit card.

    255,000 baht was gone. It was transferred to a life insurance company.

    I no longer had 800,000 baht. I had 345,000 baht.


    Life insurance company said I was on a savings plan. I could give them another 255,000 a year for 5 years, then wait 10 more years and get 2 million. No way to recover any money, unless I gave them the additional 1.25 million. Then they would return a portion of it based on how long they held it.


    Yes, I am an idiot. Yes, the guy lied through his teeth. Yes, I should never have signed anything I couldn't read. No need to beat me up about this, I've self-flagellated at length.


    My attorney says this is not uncommon. He's suggested I find others who have suffered the same fate. Bringing more than one victim to the authorities substantially increases the chance of regulatory action.


    Anyone else been burned by this scam? There may be a chance of restitution. 




  8. I stay here because I am married to a Thai. Were I not, I would have moved on long ago. The world is a big place and there is so much more to experience.


    My my spouse is educated, gorgeous, speaks good English, (and four other languages), has a good job, is a terrific cook and pays roughly half of our living expenses. 


    Was never a bar girl.


    Together 5 years and every year gets better. 


    A very happy marriage. I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones


    We got married in South Africa, the only place it was possible for legal and visa reasons.


    We're both dudes.



  9. Terrific upgrade to a hugely popular readers' theater piece. This fully-staged version alternates between powerful, intimate monologues and scenes involving family members, police officers and court officials. Director/Scenic Designer Stephen Turner's  stark set allows the actors' performances take the forefront. 


    Too many good performances to list here, but the cast successfully communicates the losses, hopes, fears and tragedies associated with a disfunctional, racist and failed American judicial system.


    Highly recommended.

  10. I was able to do my 90-day report online, BUT:

    Couldn't do it next time, was now too late for mail, went to Immigration (Chiang Mai)

    Immigration had no record of my reporting. Didn't believe me when I said I reported online sucessfully as "it never work anyone."

    I had my confirmation email and screen shots. Much discussion, calls to Bangkok were made. An hour later it was agreed I had reported, BUT:

    I was now late. Online reporting, unlike mail-in reporting resets the reporting date. If you are due to report on June 20 and you report on June 12, your new date is 90 days from the twelfth.

    They got their 2000 baht and I swore I would again never use any method other than mail.

  11. I have avoided paying the 500 baht bribe for the CR in the past by telling the clerk I was in no hurry. This meant returning in 10 days instead of one. No problem.

    Today, the clerk took me to an immigration officer. This was a first. Officer wanted 500 baht. I politely told him I did not need "VIP service"

    He rejected my photos as "too old." (They weren't) Wanted me to have new photos taken in the Immigration Office for a charge of guess what? 500 baht.

    I went to a nearby copy shop and had photos taken. On return, the Immigration Officer said "This is the last time you get a free one." He told me to come back in 31 days.

    I'm betting my CR will be expired before I get it (dated today, delivered in 31 days).

    My Thai SO wants me to report the officer. I know that's a terrible idea.

    Next time, I will play the game and pay the bribe. Ironic, as there is a big sign on the outside of the building saying that only official fees will be charged and receipts will be issued.

    Absolute &lt;deleted&gt;.

    I need the CR to buy a new truck. Well over a million baht. Dealer can hold it for 30 days, no longer. This officer may cause an honest merchant to lose a big sale. Sigh.

  12. My Thai boyfriend's immediate family is here visiting for 10 days, with my blessing. 7 people, aged 5 to 70.

    All are lovely. Mom and Grandma are constantly cooking and cleaning. Even doing my laundry. Can't stop them. No sick buffalo, no dying uncle.

    Kids are great fun. They adore me.

    I am enjoying the visit very much. Will be sorry to see them go.

    Family is Muslim, seem to have no problem with gay May/December romance. Two great years together, hope for 20 more. Lucky? Maybe. Happy? Definitely.

    • Like 1
  13. Not sure about Zoo's,ect,but if you show a Thai driving licence at national parks, you get the Thai price.

    Never has worked for me. This month alone National Park on Koh Lanta (80 baht Thai/400 baht foreigner) and Phuping Palace in Chiang Mai refused to give me the Thai price.

    • Like 2
  14. It might be useful to distinguish between nouveau riche mainland Chinese and ordinary Taiwanese and Hong Kong citizens.

    I have seen appalling behavior from mainland Chinese tourists. I was apprehensive about the behavior I might see on my recent visit to Taiwan.

    Without exception, I found the Taiwanese to be friendly and helpful. Strangers in the train station helped me carry my bags up the stairs. A passerby walked nearly a kilometer out of his way to help me find my guesthouse. People queued politely at ticket windows.

    Not all Chinese are ruthless monsters of selfishness.

  15. Perhaps my experience is atypical. I have lived in Thailand nearly four years. Just out of n00b status, I think. I have had several encounters with Thai police. In every case, the police have been polite and professional. Some have been outright jovial.

    Of course, I have never committed a crime, outside of an expired registration on my motorbike, I don't drink drive and I am here legally.

    Speaking decent Thai probably helps a bit, too.

    • Like 1
  16. I agree this couple should have been jailed. What's more, they should have been required to pay all the costs associated with the diversion, including the costs born by all the passengers.

    I don't understand the behavior of so many Chinese tourists. We have many Chinese in California and I have always found them clean, hard-working and decent people.

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