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Posts posted by Dene16

  1. 4 hours ago, norfolkandchance said:

    On a trip to Sardinia once we sat down for lunch and ordered  Antipasto. It arrived with meats and cheeses and included Casu Martzu ( soft cheese with maggots ).

    So strange what we will eat. At the same place i stated that i was going to try every one of the 30+ cheeses we had on sale. Everyone laughed so much that day as i heaved my way through the blue and creme cheeses. Each to their  own, like marmite, i don't see how anyone can eat and like any of the mouldy blue cheeses. why not just go and lick the mould off a rotten orange. It tastes the same!!!

    • Haha 2
  2. On 8/14/2021 at 5:32 AM, norfolkandchance said:

    Your next project. Prosciutto. Takes 6 weeks +.

    Whats the difference between this and Parma ham. When i was a youngster i worked at a delicatessen within a supermarket where we sliced our own bacon. Guy used to come in and ask for it to be sliced on number one ( could only slice on number 3 without shredding the bacon) every month he would come in and ask the same and i would tell him the same and cut it on 3. He was obviously eating it raw so i tasted some too. Years later on a cruise i was given some Parma ham and surprise surprise it tasted exactly like raw bacon., pushing it away i  could not believe people were fighting over who was going to have my raw meat /bacon

  3. 17 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Bit confused. 

    You plan to enter on a tourist visa? 

    That allows 60 day stay. Not 3 months.

    I understand your confusion

    Had to look at my passport as i knew i had stayed for 3 month on a tourist visa (7 years ago)

    Not relevant but i got a multiple entry tourist visa. left for Cambodia after one month so still had 2 months on my return ( if i remember correctly you could stay for up to 6 months at the time) 

    I do not wish to apply for a Non 'O' based on retirement as i want to take back 400k of the money held in a Thai bank account. So, yes,i am the parent of a Thai national but my previous OA was based on retirement.

    If i were to come on a 60 day tourist visa my worry is that they will question why i have a return ticket for 3 months later and thus create a problem. Also do they need to to see airline booking before they issue it in the UK.

  4. 23 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    You can also enter on tourist visa or visa exempt and then obtain a non o (retirement) at immigration in Thailand.

    I thought they had stopped (temporarily) changing a tourist or visa exempt entry into a non 'O'

    I was on an OA extension but it expired due to Covid and not returning in time.. From the UK perspective the OA is just not worth the trouble, need police check, medical cert, documents signed by solicitor, be in London for 2 days, if not local, due to not being able to do by post. overpriced or useless insurance. One small mistake on documents  and London traffic cost me another 2 trips to London

    So i now have to bite the bullet and return in Oct/Nov and do the quarantine. I already have 800K in a Thai bank account. 

    Is it definitely possible  to change tourist visa to Non 'O' as i would like to get a 3 month tourist visa and change to non 'O' as a dependant (child). Can you do this at any time during my stay as i need to purchase a car and put it in my name as soon as possible, on arrival.

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  5. 3 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    There are more than two types of vaccines, working in many more than two different ways.

    It seems you are correct . The reason for my statement was because the article i read which had conducted the trial gave the impression that there were only 2 mentioning just the mRNA and the vector. It seems that most of the vaccines being administered are of these type, but as you state many different methods of how they work. thank you correcting me.

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  6. On 7/23/2021 at 2:29 PM, Uroller said:

    And what are they going to vaccinate people with Gatorade

    Apparently Thais everywhere now have the belief that if you mix a number of different roots and barks of tree, boil them all up and drink the fluid it will protect them from the virus.

    i came across it when the gf's mother got it for her when she was really ill for a number of days,

    M Gf has also bought it at the request of her brother in Bangkok.

    I have no idea what the roots are as she cannot explain it to me but it's obviously some natural remedy that probably has some but very little health properties..

    It's a common rural thali cure but i can find nothing about it on the internet. i would be interested if anyone knows what it is just out of curosity to know exactly what health properties it does give


  7. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    The case was reported at the IB's press conference at Suan Phlu, Bangkok yesterday with a large vinyl board erected that referred to the US man's skin color saying that he had tried to pick a fight. 

    Whether you agree or not about him wearing a mask i don't think a fair scenario has been given of the event. In the video he clearly states that he is not going to fight the man. although states that if he were in his country he would now be six foot under now.

    He is obviously aggrieved that the other guy has heckled him about having no mask and is trying to claim that when he hands over his money he has just as much chance of spreading the virus to the other person.

    If he had been asked by a member of staff to wear a mask he may of been compliant without any issue.

     It is always hard when someone out of the blue starts heckling you in a harsh manner where upon you will then not comply even if you think they have good/some reason for their actions.


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  8. 7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    I'm actually surprised there have not been an outbreak of oxygen wars and accusations of the rich getting oxygen at the expense of the poor. Going to get very bad in the coming few months

    Gf's sister in law went to the hospital with severe covid  symptoms ( she is very overweight and diabetic), they took a blood test and sample swab then sent her home saying that she needed to wait 24hours for the results. but there was nothing they would be able to do as no beds. 24 hrs later they told her she had covid but had to wait a further 24 hours until a bed became available (luckily)


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  9. 4 hours ago, Dialemco said:

    If the Chinese vaccines are ineffective does anyone know what is happening in China?

    when the Delta variant hit the province of Guangdong (11 cases by port workers) China immediately stepped up to the mark locking down total areas and even streets with no movement out of the area unless vaccinated. Then vaccinating 60 million people in one month. The area was basically under martial law.

    These actions would not be tolerated in the west but the bottom line is it seems to have kept the virus in check, 'so far'.

    Chinas response to the whole virus debacle has been controlled by its experience of similar virus outbreaks and its continued research in controlling any outbreak. Yet the rest of the world still seemed to think it could use alternative measures that would not cause such public outcry and create minimal economic consequences. 

    It should be noted that the Chinese vaccines are not totally ineffective and can probably be tweaked to get a better performance. I have not seen much information on the non effectiveness of the sinofarm vaccine.

    Thailand had the chance to learn from everyone mistakes but stood on the fence for too long and is now in the same boat or worse


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  10. 23 hours ago, dingdongrb said:

    So why Makro make your repeat customers have to wonder around longer than desired to find what they had always bought before?


    The same reason every other supermarket has done it(every year) for as long as i can remember.

    You have already stated the reason why they do this you whizz around and buy your essentials and go, in other words, no impulse buying.

    Now, in your search for your normal shopping you may well come across other items that may take your fancy.


    by the time i wrote this at least 3 people had written the same thing. It's not a competition? ????


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  11. 1 minute ago, Captain Monday said:

    Last I read all charges  were dropped.

    There was a statement made last year that all charges were dropped but due to the outcry from the media Prayut ordered an investigation and a independent panel recommended that charges were re-instated including the addition of drug use. Then all went quiet again. 

    Possibly once all the initial reaction had subsided nothing was done. Money and influence wins again.

    • Like 2
  12. 52 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

    I ran out of breath. It was all gone from laughing after reading the headline.

    Same here. We hear the same thing every year. As sudden as the news reappears it then just disappears again for another year . They claim they do not know where he is is but Interpol will have that information or access to it.

    Which ever country he is in i don't think it would be hard to find him he has hardly tried to hide himself. 

    A extradition order has never been issued, they claimed he was on the most wanted list with Interpol yet he is not listed there.

    All we hear are more and more lies that the powers to be are doing everything they can.

    Just like some people i have been (watching) in Thailand it is all about who you know or what you have.

  13. 1 hour ago, fishtank said:

    Who do they think will want to come to Thailand for a holiday knowing they face quarantene when they return home?

     Exactly. The covid tests on returning to the UK plus the extra covid insurance will add at least £400+ to the holiday. In addition there is only mention of certain cities within the program, how am i supposed to see my son in Surin? Just another shambolic statement with no fore thought. I will be there in October one way or another, can only hope things have changed by then.

  14. 1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

    My opinion is they still taste great, but the amount of meat in them has reduced drastically in recent years. 

    These are quite often only 99p in my local store in the UK. When cooked the pastry is nice on the top but is all doughy underneath which spoils it for me. Still taste the same as they they always did to me and as you say the meat has reduced. Would rather spend the 200 baht on some HP sauce

    • Like 1
  15. On 4/28/2021 at 6:57 AM, BritManToo said:

    The treatment for cancer appears (to me) to be worse than the cancer itself.

    You lose all your remaining life in the hope of gaining some extra life.


    It very much can 

    A tenant of mine whom i got on very well with was struck down by this disease just over 2 years ago.

    On his very first prognosis he was given 2-3 months to live and up to a year with treatment

    Only months before we were laughing and he was explaining his sudden loss of weight  by not eating mars bars at work all the time, He had also told me of the pains that he had been having which were being investigated.

    over the next 9 months from his first diagnosis he deteriorated quickly until his eventual death. Each time i saw him he looked worse and he would tell me that he did not want to take the meds because all they did was make him sleep and he did not want to spend his remaining time in a bed asleep.

    I couldn't wish that experience on my worst enemy 

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  16. 10 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    The vaccine is supposed to protect one from being sick, not from being infected.


    Yet, there are more and more cases of people getting sick from Covid 19 after having been vaccinated, some of them even dying.


    I agree with your first statement as the vaccine artificially gives  your body the antibodies to kill any infection. That does not mean that you will be sick in any way as the previous op suggested as your antibodies attack the the disease immediately killing any harmful bacteria.


    The situation in the US regarding the increase in cases has not caused any undue alarm. This has been explained away by new strains/variants of the virus coming to the fore, amongst others.  More importantly they claim that it is only a matter of time before cases do start to drop. I hope they are correct. Although 50% have had a first inoculation it would still not of reached herd immunity, as they call it


    In China they are now getting originally infected people that are suddenly testing positive even though they have no symptoms. 


    Everything is not an exact science at the moment  but every time there is the smallest deviation the media jump on it and escalate out of proportion to sensationalise the news



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  17. 2 hours ago, johnarth said:

    it would seem 90% of people have the wrong idea about vaccines, the only thing the vaccines do if they work is to stop you from getting as sick as you would if not have it, other than that nothing has changed


    You will need to take that up with the publisher of the oxford dictionary and Wikipedia as they seem to think different

    Note the word immunity

    A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease

    If you were correct the virus cases would still be rising as everyone would still be getting infected

    Unless you are claiming to be one of the 90%



    • Thanks 1
  18. 14 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    People are also asked to only leave home if absolutely necessary.


    14 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    Shopping malls must close by 9pm.


    If people should only leave their homes when necessary why would they need to go to a mall

    Do shopping malls need to be open at all?

    Restaurants that close earlier just means more people go earlier so more densely  populated then before (another stupid idea that did not work in the UK)

    Having seen the devastation caused by people suddenly going shopping in the UK (allowing people to go shopping at Xmas) and the immediate enormous spike in cases and deaths. The exact thing happened in multiple other counties in the EU so why is Thailand not learning from other countries mistakes.  The vaccine won't be given out in any large enough numbers for some months yet, so why risk it 

    Now they are increasing the isolation period back up to 14 days (people that have been vaccinated or tested free of the virus). The very people they want in the country but hold no risk.

    Hospitalizing everyone that tests positive, every hospital will be full my the end of next week at their present rate.

    They may be trying to emulate China in that respect but they don't have the means to do it so need to be looking at other strict options to minimalize the effect.



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