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Posts posted by mick01827

  1. It's not all about your circumstances, a big thing they want to see is that she has reason to return to Thailand. My wife, gf at the time when we first applied for tourist Visa, was denied twice after doing the application ourselves so we decided to use a agency(man who owns the agency works at the embassy) you can figure out the rest, he more or less guaranteed her visa, we've just used him for a partner visa for uk, it was granted. Be careful if you keep reapplying if she fails because after so many times, think its 3, you get a ban for a certain amount of time. 

  2. On 12/7/2019 at 3:35 AM, ezzra said:

    Sure... no surprise there when farmers are insisting in using banned fertilizers and other cancer causing agents for better yield and the hell with consequences...

    You need to look at the position the government creates for the farming community. Cancer uk has been going for over 100 yrs with millions and millions of pounds donated yet they still haven't found a cure????????? Imagine the money governments of the world would lose if they found a cure, CANCER IS AN INDUSTRY!

    • Like 1
  3. On 6/7/2019 at 3:13 PM, darksidedog said:

    Jesus! The fella seems like a one man crime wave. Everywhere he goes there is trouble.

    Hopefully he will not be bothering anyone outside of a UK jail for a while though.

    This is the sort of person Thailand doesn't want and neither do those of us farang who live here.

    To be honest, the world would be a better place without people like this! I hope he doesn't fall onto a sharp instrument in prison!????

    • Haha 1
  4. On 6/1/2019 at 8:25 AM, toenail said:

    So sad ...very few people know “Southern insurgents have killed 184 teachers in three southern border provinces since the violence flared up in 2004.” Now one more. 

    btw Who are these “insurgents”, South Thailand Muslim fanatics indoctrinated by Middle Eastern fanatics who preach hate? 

    And yet the world trades with Saudi Arabia! its all about the money! How very sad this world is.

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