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Posts posted by jdlancaster

  1. Sevenhills im following the money... starting with naturalnews.com.....https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_News this is a conspiracy theory website that uses articles to sell products. The guy who runs it is an AIDS denialistand 9/11 conspiracist. cdc saying a vaccine doesn't work well for a particular year is what they do.... viruses evolve every year and sometimes scientists fall behind. Many vaccines fail.... so they don't make it to market.... but its honestly published in peer reviewed journas for the world to see....this is how drugs development works (or developing anything new).

  2. Vaccines do work.... and I believe in them. Not allowing those who choose not to vaccinate to go to public schools protects children who can't be vaccinated due to life threatening allergic reactions, being immunocompromised, or have certain medical conditions. Vaccines aren't 100% but when used in populations save lives.... not getting vaccinated is dangerous to the public and reduces herd immunity

  3. Forcibly genetically modified children? Are you referring to vaccines? Eugenics? I am not quite sure what you mean.I doubt you meant eugenics. If vaccines... I don't recommend forced vaccination. .. just that they shouldn't be allowed in public schools as they are a public health risk... as far as gmos a research. . They are studied for long periods of time, some make it, some don't... and one gmo modification has nothing to do with a different gmo product. .. it makes no sense to study them as a "whole"(not saying you implied that but clarifying)..

  4. Let's put on our tin hats... not take vaccines because they cause autism... and avoid gmos... because that is possible 555... they should take off there clothes made from gmo cotton. ..not take insulin or other lifesaving drugs made from gmos... gmos will make farming 2.5x more expensive? Farming with gmos is cheaper per yield... not to mention resistant to pests.. drought...etc... and can be fortified with vitamins. Check out golden rice, vitamin a, and poor children in developing countries going blind.. then there are the gmos made to battle disease vectors such as modified mosquitos resistant to malaria... mankind has been modifying organisms through selective breeding and induced mutagenesis for quite some time.... check out some pictures of what maize looked lije.... nothing like our corn of today.... in an overcrowded world with limited resources we need to maximize yield... and reduce famine in the developing world through drought and disease resistant crops....

  5. not really, you will get seriously injured like that in any fight, it's just the hollywood media portrays vicious fights as something that will just cause a bruise or black eye, in reality the guy who throws a punch at someones face will break his hand and the victim will have serious injuries to his face.. we have no idea what happened or who's fault it really was because there is insufficient evidence. I read in the previous story about this incident that the Girl that they were fighting over is not supporting the victim and that the victim did in fact ask for 10 million baht because he says his injuries will cost that much.

    I would agree that often when people fight they break their hands.... but injuries like jack had usually happen after the fight is over... generally a stomping or beating of a unconscious or defenseless victim... I boxed wrestled and fought mma professionaly a bit... it takes some good shots to do that.... and the average person isn't good for much other than sucker punches and beating a downed opponent or ganging up
  6. That jealousy thing can run both ways.... the girls with "rich" old men can be jealous of the girl with the hot young farang without much cash.hell.... theyll even try to bang him sometimes. If your young hot and rich... welll.... you probably aren't worried about any particular girl.

  7. Fat at its simplest is a glycerol back bone a 3 long chain fatty acids (can be more complicated). Just carbon hydrogen and oxygen. The energy converts adp and gdp (less so) into atp and gtp. The glycerol eventually goes through glycolosis and then the krebbs cycle and then oxidative phosphorylation. The long chain fatty acids are cleaved bit by bitthrough beta oxidation and then enter the krebbs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. ... end result is water and co2 with perhaps a few minor byproducts. .. but many products created along the way and many reincorporated into the body.

  8. Well, pid term is upon us and I am not sure where I should go. I am thinking of touring on my scooter (110cc Honda click 555). A little background, I am 32, a teacher, don't have loads of cash, but can speak, read, and write Thai. I have two segments of time open to me, one 8 day and one 7 day span. One of these, my German friend will be visiting and he doesn't speak Thai and isn't familiar with northern Thailand, the other I will go alone. I live in Phrae and will be venturing out from there. I have already been to Nan, Lampang, Uttaradit, Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Kwan Phayao, and have done Chiang Mai to death. I've also been to Chiang Rai, but it was a short amount of time with students. Anyone have any recommended routes; i am trying to see something new?

  9. Tuskegee ben.... a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square.... a colleague most certainly can be a friend. Many of my older colleagues do invite me to their homes whether they are friends or acquaintences.... and many of my younger colleagues are single and live far from their families so I haven't met their families ...others I have. I wouldn't use seeing one's family as a friendship barometer. It is up to each of us to define what we are looking for in friendship. .. everyone has different needs and expectations. ...

    and I wouldn't punish my friends by making them see my family (parents and siblings)... that would just be cruel.

  10. Lorn, I would have to respectfully disagree with you that language learning has nothing to do with "the way male and female brains work." Burman et al. 2009 suggests that "Bilateral activation in the inferior frontal and superior temporal gyri and activation in the left fusiform gyrus of girls was greater than in boys. Activation in the left inferior frontal and fusiform regions of girls was also correlated with linguistic accuracy irregardless of stimulus modality, whereas correlation with performance accuracy in boys depended on the modality of word presentation (either in visual or auditory association cortex). This pattern suggests that girls rely on a supramodal language network, whereas boys process visual and auditory words differently. Activation in the left fusiform region was additionally correlated with performance on standardized language tests in which girls performed better, additional evidence of its role in early sex differences for language."

    But, I do agree that females are better behaved and more motivated and that is a significant factor in females outperforming males. And, I do agree with you that societal factors are, yes, a factor but one of many (Rua, 2006)


    Burman, D. D., Bitan, T., Booth, J. R. 2008. Sex Differences in Neural Processing of Language Among Children. Neuropsychologia 46:1349-1362.

    Rua, P. L. 2006. The sex variable in foreign language learning: an integrative approach. Porta Linguarum 6:99-114.

  11. I would agree that much of the money doesn't make it to these villages.... I have a few great students. .. and I know their potential will not be reached... just because their family is poor and can't afford the city schools. I am just a grad student finishing his thesis while teaching here... but I wish I could help more. But, I still have made many friends here and love to show them what is out there for them and their kids if they can beat the odds.

  12. As far as paying for beer... I find it is based on who is drinking and their ability to pay. If I'm drinking with my principal pooyai bahn or the older male teachers (old enough to be my father) they won't allow me to pay. If I'm drinking with teachers my age we each contribute or take turns. If I am drinking with farmers I will often "lieng/feed" buy them a beer or two or some snacks for their lao khao. I don't see this as a farang thing... the higher status and wealthier members of the village often buy a beer for the poorer villagers drinking at the minimart. They often will drink a glass and leave a bottle or.two after a quick chat. This is especially so with our pooyai baan.

  13. I teach at 5 rural schools and have both males and female friends but each group is different. My male friends consist of older teachers, pooyai baan, and 2 of the principals. Have alot of aquantinces that are male. Generally hangouts tend to be drinking fishing bbq and occasional karaoke. Alot of joking about mia nois.. and work life stuff. no english spoken.

    My female friends tend to be younger english teachers or university students. Most can speak English. Activities tend to be dinner drinks or an occasional disco. Language mix is about 50/50 but changes depending on who is there. My gfs tend to not speak English as I am wary of dating anyone from work.

  14. No you can't join if you never served in the american military but you could join the royal British legion if you're British. .. or whatever fraternal civic organization is available in your country of citizenship. you can join the royal British legion without even having served.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Royal_British_Legion and there are many legions.... not one... or if a fraternal or civic organization isn't your thing I'm sure you could find any number of charitable organizations that you could contribute to. Have a great day.

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