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Everything posted by mikosan

  1. He could even have kept his wallet in his pocket!
  2. Shame he didn't at least burn his balls and d!ck off? What a tw@t.
  3. My dentist has given me the same option as the OP. However, if I go for the cheaper dentures option, they will remove my remaining upper teeth and my concern is what do they anchor the upper denture to. My dentist said something about a magnetised plate. Does anyone have experience of this?
  4. Rest in Peace Joe. Sadly, I didn’t know you personally, but you advised me on a number of occasions and you were always the one to go to for any of us with visa questions. You will be greatly missed and without your unparalleled knowledge there will be a hugh void that will take some filling. My condolences to your family, both here and in the US.
  5. Next week maybe a Swedish man, then a Dane. Then it’ll be too much to be a coincidence. RIP Mr Paal.
  6. I call them suicide buses and you wouldn’t catch me dead on one.
  7. Well played young lady and congratulations. Hope you win many more.
  8. Do you mean that it is an offence to have two Thai passports in the same name? Because in the UK it is certainly not an offence to have two UK passports in the same name. I and many others have legitimately done so, mainly for work purposes.
  9. Incorrect. Try it, it’s a great idea.
  10. Small change for Prayut, maybe he should live up to his own slogan.
  11. How true is that and I absolutely agree and am doing the same myself.
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