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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. 27 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me.


    Did she EVER file a police report?    She's literally had decades to do so.


    31 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    Defamation is an area of law that provides a civil remedy when someone's words end up causing harm to your reputation or your livelihood. Libel is a written or published defamatory statement, whileslander is defamation that is spoken by the defendant.  


    Former President Clinton would never file a civil suit against Broderick because that would allow for discovery hearings which would likely include video recorded interviews under oath about his marital infidelities. This would be embarrassing to him and his wife and he wouldn't be able to win damages that would be worth the trouble.   That is why Broderick is able to continue repeating her unsubstantiated claims.


    28 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    .it never goes away,


    The reason "it never goes away" is because this woman has made a nice career off of repeating her unsubstantiated claims to anyone.


    28 minutes ago, Scotwight said:



    Did Bill lie about having sex with women while he was married to Hillary?  


    Without a doubt he has engaged in marital infidelity.  Research indicates that 20% of Americans have had sex outside of their marriage.



    And no, I'm not a supporter of either Clinton and I sure as hell never voted for him or will vote for her.  But to create a false equivalency between adultery and rape is outrageous and the people who do this need to be called out for it.

  2. Of course he's unfit to be President of the United States.  He's an egomaniacal ignoramus.   And as we all expected, he doesn't pay taxes.


    The real tragedy (from a genuine, Republican perspective) is that this was a winnable cycle.  If Trump hadn't bullied all of the other candidates out of the race with outright lies and school yard taunts, we could have taken back the White House and stop President Obama's third term.  All these slurping Trump fanboys have done is guarantee that Democrats hold the White House and most likely take the Senate.



  3. 34 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

    I posted he has been accused of sexual assault by two women and at least eight other women have accused Bill Clinton of sexually harassing them or making unwanted sexual advances toward them.


    1.  After these two women accused him of sexual assault, what did the police and courts bring criminal charges?

    2.  Did the eight women who accused him of sexual harassment file a civil or criminal suit in a court of law?  What was the outcome?


    My understanding is that former President Clinton has never faced criminal charges or a civil lawsuit for any of the above.   


    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  4. 3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    So typical of the social justice warriors who want to supress the speech and people with which they disagree. It's sad Canada and much of Western Europe has embraced your views...luckily at least in the United States there's the First Amendment...without that, you get...Thailand.


    You're responding to a post which took a position against the posting untrue information on forums.  Why would you be against the posting untrue information on forums?


    Was she ever  convicted of the crimes mentioned?  As far as I've read, the answer is "no" .

    It's kind of like her "sex tape" that turned out to be a scene from a reality TV show.  


    Trump and his slurping fanboys need to let this go immediately.  All he and they are doing is hurting the chances of down ballot Republicans.


  6. Just my opinion, and certainly not professional medical advice:


    Do I keep away from adding an incline , until I have used the machine for some time.



    Is it best to use the treadmill before or after having any food.

    Wait at least an hour.


    Should I drink an electrolyte type energy drink while using the treadmill .

    Only if you're running hard for an hour or more or drank a lot of alcohol the night before.  Water should be fine.


    Is it best to stick to one treadmill session per day , or can I just get on the machine when I feel like it.

    Whenever you feel up for it, but I would suggest doing it once per day at the beginning.


    Any benefits by using the treadmill at certain times in a day ( morning / night time ) .

    There is some evidence that exercise in the morning is the most beneficial.  But the most important thing is that you actually get on the treadmill.


    Any benefits / down sides to short stride Vs long stride steps .

    You should use whatever stride feels natural.


    At what point should I consider attempting to move from slow walking to running .

    Why not go from slow walking to fast walking and then move on to jogging and eventually running.


     I have purchased a pair of comfortable training type shoes .

    Good start, but if you're going to move on to running, you should make sure that you can proper running shoes to avoid injuries.


    The treadmill is situated in a spare bedroom with out air conditioning.

    Should be OK, but make sure you have a fan blowing on you.  This might also be another reason to train in the morning.


    Good luck.

  7. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    i just started to notice overweight people and what they eat and most were not eating healthy and not eating a little bit. I wanted to know if it was really true that overweight people ate more.. and in general what I have seen it definitely looks that way. I see way more fat people eating at the KFC for instance then the salad bar that i often visit.. coincidence ?

    No, it's not a coincidence.

    Fat people are fat because (for whatever reason) they are unable to display self-control.


    To anyone reading this post:  You can lose weight.  It is possible.  But you will have to do what is necessary to lose weight before you will lose weight.    Some on here will look for any and all excuses under the sun.  But deep down everyone knows the truth.  And they also know what they have to do about it:  Eat less and exercise more.

  8. On 9/29/2016 at 4:02 PM, SummerHaze said:

    I think that the more important are healthy diet and intensive workouts. I am on the way to lose a few pounds


    Yes, of course it's more important.  Continue or this path of reduced calories and increased exercise and you will lose weight.

    No, it's not easy but people can and do lose weight doing just this.  "Sleeping your way to fat loss"?  Not so much.


    Good luck in reaching a healthy weight.  :)

  9. 13 minutes ago, Scotwight said:


    Miss Universe Alicia Machado who sparked Donald Trump Miss Piggy row had SEX on a reality show called The Farm




    Just out of curiosity, why did you type sex in all caps?


    And since you're now admitting the incident took place on a TV show, how can you call it a sex tape?  Or should that be SEX tape? 


    And by the way, you and the other fanboys aren't doing Trump any favors by referring to this woman as Miss Piggy.  So guess who is happiest that this is dominating the news?  Hillary Clinton and all the down ballot Democrat.

  10. 5 hours ago, Scotwight said:

    It is an an** sex video. 


     I don't believe this to be factual at all.


    My understanding is that the video is actually taken from a "Big Brother" type TV show where she may or may have been engaging in a sexual act. It's impossible to know because everything in the scene takes place under the sheets.  The scene is said not to be explicit at all.


    In fact, to even call it a "sex video" is ridiculous.  It was broadcast on television.

  11. 3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Because he knows that he HAS paid them and the fact checkers have confirmed it.




    According to your link there is no evidence of Trump paying Federal income tax since 1977.


    Trump wants to be the head of the executive branch but can't prove he's paid even a single dime in 40 years.



  12. 4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Maybe I should have said important scandals - instead of petty stuff. 


    Yeah, who cares if the president is beholden to the mafia.  What could go wrong?  :rolleyes:


    And I can only imagine what you and the other Trump fanboys would be posting if it were Secretary Clinton who had defrauded so many people with a phony university.  And if she had undocumented foreigners working in her building there would be calls for her head.  If she was thrice married?  God only knows.


    Unfortunately the biggest Trump scandal is that he's an ignoramus.  He doesn't know anything about the government and he's not making an effort to learn anything.  THAT'S the scandal.


    And just to make it perfectly clear.  I'm not voting for her(the allocation of electoral votes in my state are not even remotely in doubt).  But if it comes down to her or Trump, for the sake of the Republic (and the world at large) I really hope she wins.



  13. 2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    The moderator questioned Trump about every single scandal 


    I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump "University".

    I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump's connection to organized crime.

    I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump intimidating tenants to move out of buildings in the 1980s.

    I didn't hear any questions from Holt about Trump having undocumented workers at Trump Tower.

    I didn't hear any questions from Holt about how Trump divorced his first wife to marry his mistress.

    I didn't hear any questions from Hold about how Trump divorced his second wife to marry his other mistress.


    And the list of scandals not brought up goes on and on and on.


    So, do everyone a favor and at least try to stick to the truth because these blatant falsehoods are not only embarrassing but they also waste everyone's time.

  14. There is a certain type of Trump fanboy who will repeatedly state, "Oh, not me.  I don't support Trump".  Yet all the while they are oscillating between praising and excusing his untruthful and outrageous statements.


    This is particularly noticeable when the closeted fanboys go on and on about Secretary Clinton's lies (of which there are many) but Trump's multitude of lies are ignored or laughed off.  For example, they'll use the dreaded all caps "She's a LIAR" about Secretary Clinton but Trump "never really meant what he said".



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