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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. 3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    Examples of this so-called 'sleaziness ?


    You must be joking.


    Here is my personal favorite:


    He spent $20,000 that other people donated to his "foundation" to purchase a 6 foot portrait of himself.  



  2. 13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Obama let his feud with the PM of Israel get personal and refusing to veto the resolution was shameful.



    President Obama made the decision to abstain because he puts the interests of the United States first.  While this sort of loyalty to the United States may make the Israel Firsters confused, there are many of us who applaud his decision.  Even though we disagree with him on many, many other issues.  


    And as has already been pointed out, President Obama granted Israel the largest ever welfare package just 3 short months ago.

  3. 1 minute ago, yardrunner said:

    the government needs to look in the mirror 


    Sure, but it's the people who elect fanatical politicians which perpetrate these violations of morality and international law.  


    The people themselves need to look in the mirror.  But they won't, because they're afraid to see that they've turned into what they once denounced as monstrous.

  4. 1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

    Today's @UN vote is the culmination of the Obama admin's systemic agenda to weaken #Israel & strengthen its enemies. http://bit.ly/2hl6CdR





    The Obama admin's systemic agenda to weaken Israel?


    Is that some sort of sick joke?


    3 months ago, the Obama administration gave Israel that largest military aid package in history.



  5. 1 hour ago, rooster59 said:


    The resolution said the establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.” It was adopted with 14 votes in favor, to a round of applause.


    The world has spoken:  The settlements are illegal.

    The world has spoken:  The occupiers have flagrantly violated international law.


    Everyone knew this to be true before this landmark vote, but now it is official.  


    Yes, the Obama administration should have taken this step back in 2011, but this is truly a case of "better late than never".   




    :thumbsup:  :clap2:  :thumbsup:  :clap2:

  6. OK, I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but people shouldn't be surprised that this sort of thing can happen on Pattaya's walking street at 3 am.  By no means am I stating or implying that this poor guy deserved what happened to him, but he was engaging in risky behavior and sometimes there are unfair consequences.


    Alcohol + Pattaya's walking street+3 am= the potential for a bad outcome.  


    People do it because it's not available in their countries and they want to have fun.  But,  there's a reason it's not available in their counties:  It's very often not safe.

  7. Are there rules about carrying a loaded handgun in Thailand?  I know in some countries you need a special permit or license to carry a "concealed weapon".  Is this true in Thailand?  What about having a loaded weapon in a car?


    Yes, I'm asking because this is apparently what my idiot brother in law is up to these days.

  8. 3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

    Some how I don't think some of our right wing "friends" understand much about General Mattis. I don't really think they would like him much after a face to face. The soon to be fascist in chief may not like too much either after a short period of time. http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/in_2013_gen_james_mattis_compared_israeli_occupation_to_apartheid_20161203


    I doubt Trump was aware that General Mattis made this accurate assessment back in 2013:  



    I’ll tell you, the current situation is unsustainable ... We’ve got to find a way to make work the two-state solution that both Democrat and Republican administrations have supported, and the chances are starting to ebb because of the settlements. For example, if I’m Jerusalem and I put 500 Jewish settlers to the east and there’s ten thousand Arabs already there, and if we draw the border to include them, either [Israel] ceases to be a Jewish state or you say the Arabs don’t get to vote — apartheid. That didn’t work too well the last time I saw that practiced in a country.


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