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Posts posted by up-country_sinclair

  1. you also might be able to find an album called 'mermaid avenue' made by bragg and a band called 'wilco' . they unearthed some unpublished guthrie lyrics and put them to music.

    here's a link to an audio file on how the project came together.....


    and here's an amazon link for the album cover (which might help you come across it)....



  2. if you carry around a stick, the dogs will be scared of you, but unfortunately they will still follow you around and bark at you---from a moderate distance.

    i agree with the ronz28---a squirt gun filled with a solution of water and vinegar will make the dogs leave you alone without causing them to think you are a threat. i think you'll notice that they'll keep an eye on you, but not follow and bark.

    good luck

  3. i had major problems with TOT when i tried to get ADSL in hang dong. after several weeks of banging my head against the wall, a kind soul a the TOT office connected me to her friend at TT&T who got me hooked up. i've had maxnet (approx. 800 baht) for about two months now and it seems to be up most of the time.

    so i guess my suggestion is to go to TT&T (i went to the office at airport plaza) and see if they can help you out.

    good luck.

  4. yeah, i'm starting to think that's what they were. let me try to explain myself....

    my dogs were barking so i walked out onto the veranda to see what they were upset about, and i look up in the sky and there were these orange lights way off in the distance . i stood there staring at them for a couple of minutes and they weren't moving......i guess i kind of freaked out a little bit.

    is there an emoticon for completely embarrassed?

  5. as i stated in my OP i saw the lights at about nine. after about 10 minutes they were blocked by cloud cover. now the moon is visible again, but the lights are no longer there.

    c'mon.... didn't anyone else see them?

  6. did anyone else see the 10 -15 orange lights in the south west sky tonight around 9 pm? or am i completely losing my mind?


    perhaps it was some sort of thai airforce operation?

  7. are you referring to a lack of long term or short term parking......or just parking in general? i was hoping to park my motorbike there for a couple of days and am wondering if that will that be possible.

  8. my 2 satang.....

    i'm guessing that just_elaine wants to communicate more effectively with her housekeeper on job related issues. she wants to be able to discuss her duties, provide relevant information, and be able to ask questions when she is unsure of something.

    while her english will more than likely improve at AUA, just_elaine and her housekeeper would be better served by a private tutor because her individual needs would be addressed---this type of learning is referred to as English for Specific Purposes (ESP). a private tutor could work on job related vocabulary, indirect questions, probability, etc...

    again, just_elaine's housekeeper will probably see an improvement in her overall english skills while studying at AUA, but IMO it is a waste of time to have her studying units of 'interchange' that focus on vacations in america, favorite movies, etc...

  9. Our housekeeper has been taking English lessons for the past year or so, but we are having difficulty finding reliable and good instructors.  They seem to fade away or lose interest after a few months. 

    Also, the TB4000 for 20 hours seems a little high.


    if you want to find a qualified and reliable instructor that will improve your housekeeper's english skills, you're going to have to pay a lot more than 200 baht/hour.

  10. thanks for your replies.

    i went out and looked at the basic version of the toyota, nissan and isuzu pick up, and was really surprised at how big these trucks are--5 meters in length! imagining the parking nightmares, i'm now looking for something smaller....

    does anyone have experience with the suzuki sporty caribbean?

    i am a little concerned about their reliability, and down the road i don't think it will be as easy to get parts for it as it would for an isuzu or toyota.

    any insight would be appreciated.

  11. the rooms at baan thai do not have a living area. it's basically one room with a balcony. i'm not good at measuring off memory, but i'd say the rooms are approximately 15' x 15' (not counting the entrance area, bathroom, and balcony).

    if they have a vacancy, rooms are available for one month--and there's no problem getting the deposit back.

    the internet access is wireless only, and it is fairly reliable and quick. you'll be up and running in about 10 minutes.

    the sooner you make a reservation the better---try to get a room on a upper floor on the side facing doi sutep. i'd recommend building 'b'.

    if you have a bicycle, keep it in your rooom---there were a couple of thefts recently.

    good luck.

  12. i've just searched the chiang mai section of the board for 'insurance' and didn't come across anything for renter's insurance.

    i'm going to be renting a house in a slightly isolated area, and would like some type of insurance that will cover my belongings in case of theft (or fire, i suppose). i'm only looking for 200 to 300 thousand baht of coverage.

    can anybody recommend a good agent or agency?

    thanks. :o

  13. never heard of anyone on their death bed saying, "I wish I spent more time making money."

    amen, brother.

    i spent a year making $$$ in korea, and it just wasn't worth it...in fact, it was a horrible experience. some might think that i should be putting my degree to 'better use', but i've got priorities in my life....and amassing a large savings account isn't very high up on that list.

  14. i bought an ipod mini about 8 months ago, and i still love it---maybe the greatest gadget i've ever purchased. a newer version has come out since i bought mine which holds 6 gigs and it has a much longer battery life--i think it's as much as 10hrs.

  15. i was in amsterdam about a month ago and stayed at the bulldog hotel--mainly because of its location. it's a bit backpackerish, but in addition to dorm rooms there are individual rooms available--i paid 80 euros but it will probably go down once autumn begins.

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