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  1. there is a lot that can be said about the Australian Government and the old age pension, the number one being the government want to get their greedy hands on the pension money
  2. you do not get that kind of money on an Australian pension, if you not have money of your own you are left to die, she would have more hope of living if the TV news follows up and makes a story out of it, and shames the Australian government into helping her
  3. but you would need to photocopy his accounts now and after, would that be gambling? sort of like betting on the odds
  4. he probably has a language translator on his mobile, my mobile is years old and I have one
  5. a show of power after not being hit by a big brown envelope
  6. the problem with nuclear power is it has been updated like a bloody computer, every five minutes there a heap of changes, so many changes that the people of the world would not be able to keep up with them,but the latest is looking like it might be a good idea, what country has them, what did they cost, how much power do they provide, is there nuclear waist etc.etc. and will they work on Mars?
  7. because of the world climate (not weather) the whole thing should have been called off, but must say a lot of people now get a better pitcher of what is happening, and not the political lies that have been flashing about, now the general should have an idea that it not a good idea to buy subs from China
  8. happens every day, and it hurts like hell when it happens to you, she will be back as though nothing happened,then as always up to the man as to what happens next,one thing to remember "when a woman gets on heat she will do anything"
  9. well the world has seen it, so now the world knows it , and do not forget the general only has a few months of power left, and was thinking to live in China in retirement? where to now?
  10. First off you should check that this news did not come from Facebook they been spreading this kind of story for many years
  11. if it was illegal you would not see the beautiful adds on the right side of this forum
  12. you have to use a Thailand ID number witch is only issued to Thai people
  13. and you are all forgetting what the Thailand government is made up from for the last 8 years, if you were the Thai gov. which way would you vote?
  14. the day he took charge by date signed is his start date, to change that is breaking the law unless that law is changed by law simple as

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