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  1. I switched from using an agent to my own extension at CW in January. So long as the financials were in order there was no real issue, i had over 800k in the Thai account in my name for a full 12 months. They did ask whether I had come with anyone to do the extension (presumably asking was I with an agent) I said no but they asked had I come with someone the previous year to which I said yes. That was it. Everything was fine and I obtained the extension despite having used agents and having extensions from a range of different remote provinces! I had a TM30 with my Bangkok address in the system
  2. i had to do a TM30 during last year and paid the 2000 baht fine but that put my correct Bangkok address into the system and so that along with the 90 day reports all lined up for my Bkk address before doing this year's extension. One of my previous extensions was done in Nan, a province I had never heard of let alone visited lol.
  3. I tried a number of agents last year where I specified that I wanted it done at CW. Only one agent was able to do it all the others were only able to secure the extension at provincial offices. So last year I went with the agent to CW (I did not provide any financials) but had a photo taken in CW and the agent handled everything else. The previous extension had been done in Kalasin.
  4. UPDATE: Went to CW yesterday. Had an online appointment for 15.00. Finished updating bank book bank letter and a statement for January as my 12-month statement only went to 17/01. I therefore arrived at the Immigration office at just after 14.00. On checking my docs (the first cubicle in section L) the very nice IO handed me back the photocopies of my passport as I had copied every page and interestingly the statement for January. The interesting part was she consulted with her colleague and then asked me whether I had come alone, to which I replied yes. She then followed-up with saying "but last year you came with someone?" I said yes that last year I had someone to help me but that this year I was doing it by myself. I was thinking that might be the point where I was going to be told to go back to the agent but thankfully not. So, my docs were handed back and I waited outside L32 which seems dedicated for online appointments in addition to regular ones. No queue number given but at 14.45 a lady popped out and simply said online which was the indication to go in.....so for those using the online booking service you need to listen out for that rather than your name. I then went in to main IO - she took my 90-day report but not my TM30 I had a variety of maps including one hand drawn she took all of them except for the colour one. She spent some time checking my bank statement, I think verifying that I had funds at the time of the last extension and for the few months thereafter. No comment from her about the previous (agent facilitated) extensions. By 15.00 I finished with her and sat down preparing for a long wait. At 15.10 I was called into another cubicle, and I was expecting that maybe at this point they might have told me to deal with by the agent again, but in fact I just signed and my passport was returned with the one-year extension stamped inside it. So, from going into the IO at L32 to getting my passport back was 25 minutes. I was very impressed. It was very busy there yesterday and the online booking was a really useful thing to reduce waiting time. So basically, switching from an agent to self at CW is okay so long as all the paperwork is in order - 90-day reports, TM30 and financials.
  5. is the map still required for the retirement extension at CW and if so, must it be hand-drawn or any preference as to what map type they require? Many thanks.
  6. I called Bangkok Bank and they said that they can generate a 12-month statement which would be sent as an email - although I would still need to request at a branch in person but with the e-statement sent within 1 working day - does anyone know if this form of statement is accepted at CW or does it need to be a paper statement actually printed by the bank (in which will take 3 to 5 working days). Hoping the former is sufficient but.....
  7. So just to clarify. The bank letter can be up to 7 days before the appointment and can be ordered at any (in my case Bangkok Bank) but that may involve some time for it to be issued and payment for that is 100. A further statement showing all transactions for the previous 12 months is a separate requirement, and again ordered at the branch? The bank book should be updated on the date of the appointment for the extension? Would the Bangkok Bank at CW be able to handle all of these requirements "on the spot" if I went there sufficiently prior to the appointment time? Many thanks.
  8. Thank you. Very useful advice. I will apply early and see how things pan out. You are spot on that getting it done by an agent at CW was not easy. Only one was able to assist me the rest were going to be places I have hardly heard off let alone visited such as stamps issued in Nan and Yasothon! I know that the stamp was definitely issued there as I had to go to CW in person with the agent for photos etc.
  9. I have used agents to secure extensions but am thinking about doing it myself this time. Have had >800k in a Thai account in my name for the entire year. My last extension through an agent was at CW. Has anyone had any experience of switching from using an agent to doing it personally? Any issues with the IO at CW wanting to not provide such extensions? My TM30 and 90-day reports are all up to date. Any experiences particularly at CW would be most welcome.
  10. UPDATE: Was sent approval at 19.00 on Friday 25/11 following online submission on 21/11 (Bangkok Division). So a slight backlog which they seem to be getting through.
  11. Normally quickly processed. Bur submitted 21/11 and still pending. I submitted 15 days beforehand so hopefully have a chance to resubmit online if rejected in sufficient time before due date. But from the above posts it does look like there is a backlog.
  12. Thanks KhaoNiaw for that info - at least it seems to be on their side that it is backlogged.
  13. Yes, I changed address. The TM30 I had was for the old address but they still accepted the 90 day report but put a comment on it that I would need to show the new TM30 on doing the next 90 day report . Also apologies I miswrote Udonjoe instead of Ubonjoe - as always many thanks UJ. The booking link works great ????
  14. At MTT it was possible to book the appointment in advance, now that the 90 day reporting has moved back to Chaengwattana is this still possible? I tried the link that Udonjoe kindly provided but that no longer seems to work - any advice, please? also any recent experience on average wait times in the afternoon at CW? Many thanks. PS I was told I would have to go in person and not to use the reporting systemas as they needed a new TM30 hardcopy submitted in person.
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