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Posts posted by dexterm

  1. 2 hours ago, Morch said:



    As for you first paragraph - I'm not, and wouldn't know that it's 'stupid' not to do so. IMO, Corbyn wasn't going anywhere much anyway politically, so would seem a waste of energy.


    As usual, you do your best to conflate Zionism and Israel with it's right-wing government. That right-wingers there, especially under Netanyahu, would associate with pretty much anyone (including elements such as you mention) politically supportive of their agenda does not get Corbyn off the hook. Because, you see, this is not a zero sum game. It is perfectly possible for both left and right to hold anti Semitic views or be despicable in their own way. That you try to paint right-wing oriented antisemitism as 'genuine', and imply left-wing versions otherwise is neither honest nor correct.


    And still dodging your own nonsense - no clear explanation as to why them allegedly antisemitic conservatives would strongly ally with Israel.


    Deflection. No point in rephrasing the point because you will side step that too, the same way you conflate anti Zionism with anti Semitism, without ever defining what Zionism is.


    >>And still dodging your own nonsense - no clear explanation as to why them allegedly antisemitic conservatives would strongly ally with Israel.
    ..That's easy, genuine anti-Semites, both from the left and far right, (the mentally ill who hate Jews simply because they are Jews, same as they hate blacks, gender and sexual preferences) have more recently a greater shared irrational hatred of Muslims, who have become the new bogeymen since 911. You see it on this forum all the time. 

    Bigots, ethno-nationalists and racists will jump on any anti Islamic bandwagon, because they admire Israel's fascist way of dealing with Palestinians..ethnically cleanse them and persecute them. That's why you get white supremacists like Tommy Robinson and Richard Spencer applauding Zionism. Peas in the same pod.
    In addition among the British upper classes (Conservatives with a Big C) there has always been an irrational scapegoat dislike of Jews from Medieval pogroms through to members of the aristocracy/royalty even supporting Hitler.


    Please don't spin my words. I am not implying that genuine left wing anti-Semitism is any less despicable. But in the case of Corbyn, his defense of Palestinian rights and his anti the racist supremacist ideology of Zionism has been deliberately and disingenuously confused with anti-Semitism. Zionists orchestrated a smear campaign against him because he was an important pro Palestinian voice.


    And that is exactly why the self professed Zionist Starmer is trying to silence Jeremy Corbyn  too.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Morch said:


    It's a conspiracy, there there.

    While it's tempting to ignore yet another attempt to hijack topics in service of your agenda, got to wonder about the 'reasoning' behind the last bit. According to your post, the conservatives (and therefore, allegedly, the 'real anti Semites') cosy up to Israel. Somehow, that's not quite what I'd expect from real anti Semites. Maybe need to check and see if they aren't fake anti Semites. Can't trust people these days.

    If you were an Israeli government official, wouldn't you have done everything in your power (dirty tricks included) to undermine the credibility of a political leader (possibly next UK PM) who openly criticized Israel and championed the human rights of Palestinians.
    You'd be pretty stupid not to.


    Nothing new about anti-Semites supporting Zionism and vice versa. Netanyahu is great buddy with Hungarian leader Viktor Orban, the far-right pro-Israel prime minister of Hungary who admired Hitler ally Miklos Horthy, the man responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews. Or being joined at the hip with Trump, responsible for dozens of anti-Semitic tropes, and who said there were "very fine people on both sides" at the Charlottesville rally..does that include the ones chanting “Jews will not replace us.”?
    Or UK white supremacist Tommy Robinson declaring "I am a Zionist" or American neo Nazi Richard Spencer describing himself as "a white Zionist". 


    It is bizarre how the Israeli government can remain silent about genuine anti-Semitic white supremacists (who vote Trump), but set its attack dogs on Jeremy Corbyn. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 10/25/2020 at 12:18 PM, Morch said:


    Oh, I'm positive that they were concerned about the implications of being on the USA's little black book. This tends to have negative effects on a country's economy and aid options. The 'outside the UN charter' bit is as usual for your posts, unclear. The list mentioned in the OP is a USA government list, and does not require any sort of 'UN charter' satisfied.


    I have no idea if most Sudanese citizens accept the agreement or not. The link you provided relates the views of political parties, and overall reads more like playing the domestic politics field more than anything else. But generally, yes - decades of indoctrination cannot be easily undone by signing an agreement. In the same way, the peace agreements between Israel and its two neighbors (Egypt and Jordan) are not popular with the two countries' citizens. For all that, the agreements stands, as leaderships see them as more beneficial to either country's interests - despite the the occasional public opinion hits.


    As for your last nonsense comment - democracy is a matter of degree. You want to try and claim the situation of democracy is exactly the same in these two countries, or for that matter, the region? Go right ahead, it will be mildly amusing to see the convulsed arguments on offer. Protests, by the way, can be seen as citizens able to express a democratic right, not automatically implying the absence of democracy. 


    While it is dodgy for a provisional, un-elected government to sign international agreements, it has to be noted that governments in general do not go for a referendum on such matters - even when the agreement implies going against political platforms or voters wishes.

    >>As for your last nonsense comment - democracy is a matter of degree.

    ..what a joke coming from you!

    You seem as usual to cherry pick your definition of democracy.


    Whenever Israel's so called democracy is mentioned with its imprisonment of 12 year old Palestinian children, its more than 300 Palestinians in indefinite administrative detention without charge or trial , and not forgetting a daily brutal suppression of 4.5 million Palestinian human and civil rights in a 53 year old illegal occupation, you excuse it as: yes Israel's democracy may not be quite perfect but.... ho ho ho.


    Sudan's moves 2,500 kms from Tel Aviv, to normalize relations with Israel, despite not having a full mandate from its people, is irrelevant. Would that street demonstrations objecting to a decision made supposedly in the name of its citizens had been allowed to take place in the corrupt unelected aristocracies of UAE and Bahrein.


    Unless Israel addresses the issue of the elephant in the room, a genuine peace agreement with its 4.5 million occupied Palestinian neighbors, Sudan's pathetic venal effort is a waste of diplomatic space.


    Not sure a Biden administration will be any different, although at least the Democrats via Bernie Sanders have a voice. They propose to hold Israel accountable for the $38 billion USA gives them.  Watch this space I suppose.


    All Palestinians need do is stay put until Israel can address the problem that the racist supremacist Zionist project created. 

    Trump's Steal of The Century is in the trashcan. An end to apartheid, and a  2 state solution along the lines of the Arab Peace Initiative or a single democratic state with equal rights for all are the only way.




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