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Everything posted by TDCNINJA

  1. Exactly! I fly often and many around me unfasten their belts. I never do. It even makes me nervous when I have to get up and use the toilet. I go in, do my business, wash my hands, and get out and back to my seat as soon as possible.
  2. Thailand aims to be the leader in just about everything but always fails.....that is, except traffic fatalities.
  3. I'm not wearing YOUR f'ing masks (that didn't work), I'm not taking YOUR f'ing vaccines (that didn't work), and I'm not going to social distance (that didn't work). Send me to jail, put me in front of a firing squad. I don;'t care. WE are not going to play YOUR game anymore and WE ARE NOT going to be controlled.
  4. Most British tourists have been killed in Songkran accidents....
  5. Does this mean the radical Marxists who post here will finally be held accountable?
  6. And how exactly did the Thai man conscent to having photos taken of his procedure and subsequently having them published. I'm guessing there no HIPPA laws in Thailand.
  7. This behavior is not limited to a certain nationality. I'm an American. I take no joy in hearing that the accused is British. The United Kingdom has always been a loyal and steadfast friend to my country. I dont understand the constant nation bashing that goes on here. I wish the moderators/management would put a stop to it.
  8. What politician, bureaucrat, or government employee is not a criminal in Thailand?
  9. Why don't they just come out and tell the Thai people directly that the reason Thaksin is being given special treatment is that he has money, power, and political connections, and you, the common man, do not.
  10. Someone switched curry powder for yabba...
  11. Truthfully, yes. Thailand is not a democracy nor a free country. Never has been. Why do you think Thailand is so pissed off at Facebook for allowing anonymous posting?
  12. I guess we know who wears the pants in your household.
  13. I feel the same way about you. Not your country, just you.
  14. And of course, the plane was a scarebus, I mean, airbus.
  15. Damn, I read 'foreigners banned for life' and I was hoping it was the moderators......what a letdown.
  16. You'd be surprised at the things some Thai women will do for a big ding dong...
  17. How's it feel to be on the other side of the scam for once, ladies?
  18. It's almost as if you were smart enough to realise that the American have no desire for any type of base whatsoever in Thailand.
  19. You do know that you're a bad person, right?
  20. Why do so many people like you spend your time making disparaging comments to posters? I'll assume you spend much time being negative than him doing his survey.
  21. If your erection lasts longer than 4 hours please seek medical attention immediately.
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