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Everything posted by TDCNINJA

  1. The Thai animals' default mode is always violence. So much for peace-loving Buddhists.
  2. Actually that's completely wrong. The price at private schools is the same for everyone. At state-supported public colleges and universities, all students, regardless of nationality, pay either in-state or out of state tuition.
  3. As noted in “Adolf Hitler” by John Toland, Adolf Hitler in 1927, at Clou restaurant center in Berlin said: "We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
  4. As noted in “Adolf Hitler” by John Toland, Adolf Hitler in 1927, at Clou restaurant center in Berlin said: "We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions."
  5. In the US, there is a product called 'Beano,' that works quite well. See if its available in one of the foreign groceries or order it on Shopee or Lazada. Take one capsule before bed you should be good.
  6. Sam, my apologies. I go to a clinic in Cozy Beach that is only for use by US Veterans enrolled in the US Department of Veterans Affairs Foreign Medical Program (VA FMP). I would have listed her contact info if she were available to the general public.
  7. 2024, and these idiots are still wearing masks...
  8. I'm sorry to hear that both your daughter and many on this thread have been dismissive of your attempt to address your pain and condition. It's disheartening when our efforts are not acknowledged or understood. I experienced similar symptoms and decided to seek help from a skilled physical therapist in Pattaya, Thailand. She provided me with a comprehensive regimen of stretching exercises tailored to my specific needs. Additionally, she used an ultrasound machine and a tens device as part of my treatment. Since beginning this treatment, I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my neck pain. I hope that you find relief soon.
  9. I hope Trump wins for no other reason than to see all of the woke, Marxist, nanny state radicals lose their collective minds
  10. Is she black or is she Indian?
  11. Every of them should be forced to wear a shirt that says, "Boot licker."
  12. Who donated money to ActBlue, a Progressive, Democrat donor organization.
  13. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Many members of this website spew violence against Trump on a daily basis.
  14. See what happens when you give your ATM card and pin to a bar girl?
  15. Really? The Indian tailor is named Taylor?
  16. Thais are the worst drivers on the planet. They are the worst mothers, too. They kiss their sons' asses with no discipline whatsoever. The sons grow up having never learned accountability and consequences. 3 more weeks and I'm out of here. I'm canceling my retirement visa and headed to other parts. Who needs this crap?
  17. Another follower of the 'religion of peace.'
  18. They probably charged him for the extra time aloft.
  19. Maybe they could start by telling the Indians to use the sidewalks instead of walking down the street and blocking traffic.
  20. Years ago, in the Philippines, I was in a hotel swimming pool with a friend. A Filipina, who could not swim, inched her way too far in the deep end and began to drown. Not wanting to get hit with flailing limbs, I dove underwater and simply grabbed her at the knees, pulled up, and lifted her head out of the water, walked to a more shallow point, and set her down. She coughed and spit water for a few minutes. No thank you. Nothing. My friend was a Vietnam combat veteran and quite inebriated. He got rather upset and shouted at the woman "Jesus Christ, lady, you could at least give the guy a bl&wjob!
  21. It's nice to see some positive news about Farangs for once...
  22. If you want to sell anything in Pattaya you have to pay the police first......dumbass............
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