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Everything posted by Lopchan

  1. The village "headman" is he a suspect? Sorry
  2. Yes, of course the U.S. wouldn't want anyone doing what they do, would they?! For example using N#zi technology / scientists and medical discoveries after WWII et all.
  3. My son who is 9 loves the imbecilic adventures of this guy and his mates much to my dismay. Personally I'd like to slap him with a dead fish ... obnoxious, over the top, posing, tUrd! Look at me look at me! T@sser
  4. So people here, who supposedly have "lived here for years...and let me tell you..." don't understand the gravity of "a person of influence" coming to your table and forcing themselves into your group / upon you against your wishes. Having owned a restaurant in a smallish tourist village I have seen this happen when the local Police seargeant and Poo Yai Baan tried to force me to keep the restaurant open and pander to my niece who was a waitress. All of my staff including my wife were too scared to do anything / resist. I simply started filming and telling them they were being live streamed (they weren't being live streamed because back then I didn't know how to) this made them cr@p themselves and leave (without paying the bill until I went to the police station and talked to the Boss) The police chief was both understanding and apologetic and assured me there would be no problems in future, which for the next three years we lived there, there were not.
  5. Coercion and fear of a person in "power" happens often, but hey, you go right on and try to blame the victim
  6. What a pathetic, Thai bashing attempt. Medical treatment in Thailand is a lot better than in many western countries. Perhaps you'd like to tell us how good medical care is in your beautiful home country
  7. Austrian NOT AUSSIE "gal" proof read your own post before making humour out of someone's misfortune
  8. Don't often agree with your posts, but this is a good one
  9. Awesome for the students having a cover teacher for their already new teacher twice in the first term... ☹️ not to mention your colleagues who will have to cover your absence
  10. Not long ago (January) in WA (Western Australia) a capsule went missing sparking a massive search. Oz is a "first world" C@nt-tree yet not much comment here. Same happening here? All of the usual detritus have to berate Thailand and Thai people. What a sad bunch of pr!@ks you are. So glad I live my life away from the sexpat, beer goggle POSes
  11. As opposed to the U.S who sat on their hands and profiteered from the Axis until 1942
  12. Recently installed it. So far, so good.
  13. Yes it is......In all countries but especially those with a high murder rate via guns
  14. America...the answer to anything is war / killing
  15. Well done! Kudos to you and a great future ahead!
  16. What a sad sad comment. Get a life toe rag RIP to the young fella
  17. RIP Reminiscent of the "Shark Arm" case in Oz way back when and another case involving a large cod in Brisbane in 2000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shark_Arm_case https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=82759&page=1#:~:text=B R I S B A N E, Australia, Aug.,for sale, police said today.
  18. I just signed up again and got "Already subscribed" message. Yes, I know I'm already subscribed....so why am I not receiving the newsletter again? This has been going on and off for a few months now.
  19. Any info on this. Asean now not replying? Been a constant problem lately
  20. Someone has possibly just lost their livelihood and that's all you can say? How do you know. Some posters here need to STHU
  21. No...please read it again...... "Unfamiliarity with the road" meaning the driver's unfamiliarity..........
  22. Haven't received for about a week now. Please advise
  23. So famous that many here (including myself) have never heard of him. But good on him if can hold a tune and turn some cash from his abilities
  24. While this is a sad indictment on communication between departments which the usual RTP detractors have seized upon to sprout their racist diatribe, how often have Western forces, especially US members been killed by friendly fire caused by lack of communication / mistakes? I guarantee, the figures are higher in the west. Oh that's right, it's different isn't it, just go ahead and sprout your anti-Thai, racist diatribe. Sickening.
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