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Posts posted by Digitalbanana

  1. 11 hours ago, Toolong said:

    Or...will I still sometimes hear that 'shopee' horror, but just less often?

    Some of us have been using the free YouTube since it first started and have until now never seen any ads Shopee or otherwise.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, Raindancer said:

    Scrolled down and entered passport number and name, clicked on search and " no data found".  


    My understanding is no data is available beyond the previous seven days. Not sure why, just to pee us off or is there a reasonable explanation. I have resorted to entering my data ONCE only and screen grabbing it for use anytime in weeks / years ahead.

    • Like 1
  3. 16 hours ago, steevjee said:

    Thai interest rates will never ever be equal to Australia's, it will be at least 5 years before inflation is driven down in the West but even then Australia will offer at least 3x better interest than Thailand, currently its 13x

    Exactly, and that is a price worth paying for me for the simple process of extending a Non O inside Thailand each year.

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, SooKee said:

    That may have been because Gender wasn't selected and saved before attempting an add.


    I seemed to already have gender in correctly when I reviewed my profile on the original home input, but as I was always getting the red text on the screen#2 above when trying the "Inform Accomodation > Add" option I had to go to profile and re do the whole home documents registration again, which was approved instantly so no one would have looked at it in person. Agree the web site is work in progress, and I think my problem was related to a web site update by them. The lack of back navigation from Profile page is really annoying, as one basically has to log in the site again to continue.

  5. 2 hours ago, BritTim said:

    When you own multiple properties,


    Agreed, but in my instance I am only dealing with ONE property here and reporting it twice because the first approval from September now does not work and shows as a red text warning when trying to add a TM30. I got around it by submitted the address and documents (without pp second time) again so that I can now do TM30s also using the second of the two same addresses approved.

  6. Thanks guys and esp  @Mutt Daeng who got me sorted. I was able to get around the red text issue by going to my profile and completely entering my house details and uploading all the house documents again? So now I have the house input twice and ONLY the second APPROVED address appears when I start a new TM30 submission which works and I was able to get a TM30 screen grab before it all disappears again in 7 days I expect. I think all in all this web site is worse user experience than the older one of a year ago or I am getting to old for this sht!


    Another thing I don't understand is when I resubmitted all the house documents again it only asked for tabien bahn and Thai ID which I uploaded, it never asked for my pp copy which I uploaded in Sept for the first approved address that I cannot submit TM30s on!




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  7. 16 minutes ago, SooKee said:

    To add/ file a new report / TM30  you need to select your Profile top right, then on the right of the screen that opens select the address you want to make a new report on then Add.  That will open up the new TM30 page.

    Yes I just want to add a TM30 to my approved address. If I do what you say I get the following screen which does not look like a new TM30 screen to me? It looks like the profile address I created mid Sept does it not?


  8. 16 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    Not sure I'd know what is "normal" with this new site. It is what it is. We're all experiencing it real time.


    OK, I seriously gave this a try today and got nowhere - maybe its just me but it would help if someone explained what I am doing wrong thanks or whether the web site simply does not work?


    I went through THREE screens below (labeled 1,2,3 purple boxes).


    1. Screen#1 "Accommodation > Search" now shows my approved address that I input during mid-Sept when this site opened. Back then there was no approved sign, now there is when I look 6 weeks later. If I press search my previous notification of staying at this address is NO DATA as it was done more than 7 days ago. So I don't know if they have my record or not, except I do have a screen grab from mid Sept as my own proof - no idea if that will be OK going forward though.

    If I press "Add" bottom (#1 on screen grab) it takes me to Screen#2 where I might hope to add a new entry of someone checking in at the address?


    2. On the screen "Accommodation > Add" I am presented with the big RED message (#2) to add address. Isn't this supposed to ALREADY show the APPROVED address from screen#1 and I simply add the details on check ins and outs to the right of the screen?

    Without an address and the red message I cannot enter the check in details. So I press the red text link to add the address and it takes me to screen #3 (Profile>Edit).


    3. On screen Profile>Edit screen is my existing Approved address data and documents I uploaded mid Sept but for some reason check box #3 is unchecked. I check it as I want to add check ins to this address but when I press button "Save" label #4 at the bottom NOTHING HAPPENS, I am just stuck on this page and no way to return to previous pages without closing the web site and logging in again?!


    Back to screen#1 and going around in circles. 



  9. 56 minutes ago, Thailand J said:

    Last month when I read about the new TM30 site I went ahead and file a new report, printed a screen shot and save it with my passport.

    I have not been traveling since but yesterday I received an email about the new TM30 website which I will just ignore.



    This is my exact situation. I think I will ignore this too as I have a screen shot of my previous entry on the new site.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, bamnutsak said:

    What information needs updating?

    Does the site appear to be working normally to you?


    I would have thought by logging into that my previous entry of informed dates of stay at my own home would be visible in a table format - as I have kept a screen shot of previously, but there is nothing displayed now on the site and I just get 'DATA CANT BE FOUND' when I click on SEARCH for the Approved Address.

  11. 35 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:

    This inability to find a record older than seven days seems strange.


    With the previous system, you could search any seven-day period, which made it possible to locate an older record, if you knew when to start looking.


    Exactly. I cannot find anything I input six weeks ago when this came out (with the approved) word on the site and I cannot seem to update my information now either?

  12. Got this in email yesterday and since I last looked 17-Sep when they started new web and I put my own home info on, its seems to be all gone again. Do I need to re-input my own stay as a foreigner in my own property again for a third time online?


    เรียน / Dear ผู้ประกอบการ/เจ้าบ้าน / Entrepreneurs/Property owners
    เนื่องจาก ระบบแจ้งที่พักสำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง (TM30) มีการ ปรับปรุงระบบเป็น Version 2023.10.00 ซึ่งมีการปรับปรุงข้อมูลที่พักที่รับคนต่างด้าวเข้าพักอาศัย และจะต้องบันทึกข้อมูลรายละเอียดของที่พักในแต่ละรายการ โดยแต่ละรายการประกอบด้วยข้อมูล ดังนี้
    Due to the Immigration Office Accommodation Notification System (TM30) has been updated for the latest Version 2023.10.00, which has updated information on accommodations that accept foreigners may stay and needs to record the details of each accommodation required for each item, the following information has been added:
    ส่วนที่ 1 ที่อยู่ที่รับคนต่างด้าวเข้าพัก
    Part 1: The address where foreigners may stay.
    1. ข้อมูลเจ้าบ้าน / Information about the homeowner
    2. รายละเอียดข้อมูลที่พักอาศัย / Detailed address information
    3. เอกสารประกอบ / Provide documentation
    โดย ผู้ประกอบการ และเจ้าบ้าน สามารถดำเนินการได้ตามวิธีการดังนี้
    The entrepreneur and property owner can continue in according to the following methods.
    1. ไปที่ Profile / Click to Profile
    2. คลิก Icon edit ของรายการที่พักอาศัยแต่ละรายการ / For each housing list, click the edit icon.
    3. แล้วทำการ Edit ข้อมูลที่อยู่ที่พักอาศัย / Modify the residential address.
    4. จากนั้นทำการกดปุ่ม บันทึก / Finally, click the save button.
    ส่วนที่ 2 ข้อมูลผู้ลงทะเบียนมีการเพิ่มให้ทำการระบุเพศ ให้ทำการตรวจสอบโดยเข้าไปที่ Profile และทำการระบุเพศ พร้อมทำการบันทึกข้อมูล
    Part 2: Gender information has been added to the register information. Please double-check by heading to Profile and specifying your gender. Gathering of data is complete.
    สามารถดูตัวอย่างการเพิ่มข้อมูลที่พักอาศัยได้ตาม Link นี้ / This link was an example of adding residence information.
    สามารถดูรายละเอียดการ Update Application ได้ตาม Link นี้ / Details about updating the application can be found at this link.
    ขอแสดงความนับถือ / Best regards
    อีเมลฉบับนี้ส่งจากระบบอัตโนมัติ กรุณาอย่าตอบกลับ หากมีข้อสงสัย กรุณาติดต่อสำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง
    This email is auto-generated. Please do not reply. In case of any queries, please contact ROYAL THAI POLICE IMMIGRATION BUREAU.
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