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Posts posted by mumbojumbo

  1. I doubt the "out of towners" contribute to more accidents.

    I'd say the "around town drinkers" would hold sway over outsiders.

    Most of them would be motorcyclists unless the place has change dramatically in the week I've been away.

    Start looking at license plates, about one out of three are from BKK, and look at the a-holes plates that are swerving in and out of traffic, going to fast to race to the next red light. When they get out of Bkk, and come up here, they go bananas, cuz of the snail movement they have there. I would guess, they contribute a hel_l of alot to the accident numbers.

  2. pps...I also hope to enjoy Chiang Rai for 30+ years and I'm certain it will remain wondrous and amazing for me too, but I hope Chiang Rai does not change too much in that time and the 'entertainment' industry does not grow as much as you guys would like.

    I don't recall anyone mentioning the growth of the industry, as much as us guys would like----???? Cities grow, and all industries grow with it. Fact.

  3. Sorry 3", been away on Jedyod road the last couple days bonking girls that were sold by there families, so havn't kept up with your dribble. Have you thought of starting a "mission" , cuz i want to join-easier for the visa thing. You just got on this thread to boost your post count-right. Merry X-mas :)

  4. 3", and 'Toybits have to save these girls. They are Doomed. Everyone i know here (frarang) is girlfriend, happily married w/kids maybe and is not fooling around. Ok, some do a"variety is the spice of all all life, but not many. (duck food comes to mind) Your whore mongerers are south of here. :)

  5. The Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference today to blast Tiger Woods for the lack of diversity among his mistresses. Sharpton claims that the lack of African-American women among Woods' harem will have a negative effect on the black community, specifically young black girls.

    "Why is it that a man who calls himself black can't bring himself to cheat on his wife with a black woman?" said Sharpton, speaking to a group of supporters in Harlem . "What does it say to young black girls everywhere when you pass them over? Shame on you, Tiger Woods. What would your daddy say?"

    Sharpton, who has long championed taking black women as mistresses, said that today's black athletes need to stop neglecting black women when it comes to extramarital affairs, and should follow the examples of positive black role models such as Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom cheated on their wives with black women. Sharpton also stressed that cheating with African-American women would help the black community financially by giving black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines.

    Added Sharpton, "I'm not asking you to not cheat on your wives, I'm just asking you to give back to your own community."

  6. They are sometimes for sale in the Pet Market in Chiang Rai. It's on the way to Airport Plaza from the moat.

    Quite expensive from what I can remember. A lot of cats here have Siamese ancestry, ours has I'm sure, see photo of Sir Thomas Grey, commonly known as Tommy!

    Pet market, airport plaza, moat-could we be talking about another city??? :)

  7. I agree on your view of nuclear technology, but there's just one small problem....

    Thai mentality regards safety and the entire issue of not admitting there could be a problem as it's perceived as "loss of face".

    The Thai government would not have the highly skilled nuclear workers from overseas maintaining the stations and keeping it running safely, but entrusting the operation to a Thai boss who will hire anyone he can get as cheaply as possible. The Thai people will consider it *their* project, and it'll be run *their* way without falang interference once they've had a few meetings with the falang experts to devise the inital concept.

    The government won't know or care about the way the nuclear power stations are built and run, only that's it's a project that raises their social standing among their peers until things go boom in a very bad way and by then, it'll be too late.

    Get real, they would be built, run, and maintained by a foreign company, just like the hydro-electric dams in Thailand.

  8. Three hours later and your receipt is gone; did you eat that too?!?! :)

    Sorry, I meant Villa Market about the tax.....NOT Tesco in Market VILLAGE.

    Shopped at Villa Market a few times without looking at the receipt, until one day after unpacking happened to do so and said "<deleted>?!?!".

    I'm guessing it is an import tax, but not sure as it only says "Tax".

    And yes, it was about the same price as the charges for food, not making it up.

    Tesco in Market VILLAGE does not charge that much in taxes.

    Ok, thanks.

    I don't understand your rather sarcastic opening remark.

    FWIW, I put away the items I bought and took the trash down the hall to the bin shortly after arriving home.

    Needless to say, I won't be rummaging around for any more information that you request.

    Please keep him there, he keeps coming up to the Chiangrai forum and causes problems.

  9. Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons

    and proceeded to the checkout counter.

    The man at the counter asked the older boy, "Son, how old are you?"

    "Eight," the boy replied.

    The man continued, "do you know what these are used for?"

    The boy replied, "not exactly, but they aren't for me. They're for him.

    He's my brother. He's four. We saw on TV that if you use these you would

    be able to swim and ride a bike. Right now, he can't do either."

  10. A cruise on the Pacific goes all wrong, the ship sinks, and there are only 3 Survivors; Jim, Tom and Susie.

    They manage to swim to a small island and they live there for a couple of years doing what's natural for men and women to do.

    After several years of casual sex, all the time, Susie felt absolutely horrible about what she was doing.

    She felt having sex with both Jim and Tom was so immoral and bad that she killed herself.

    It was tragic, but Jim and Tom managed to get through it. After a while, Jim and Tom's resistance to nature's urgings waned, and the inevitable happened.

    Well, a couple more years went by and Jim and Tom began to feel absolutely horrible about what they were doing.

    I didn't see this one coming

    So, they buried Susie.

  11. I can personally recommend a stop at the coffee/pie place on the main CM/CR highway. :)

    it's a long road...! Where is it?

    Not sure exactly, but something like 20 - 30 k before C'rai? Right hand side.

    It is about 6-8k out of mae suway (sp) towards CR and it has a sign=Charon resort

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