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Posts posted by duckmandon

  1. Of course these are household not commercial grade apparatus. It was never designed to be used for 6 hours a day 7 days a week and so it broke. Simple really.

    Yes but break is one thing: stop working, fail to function. Explode ( if the story is accurate) is something entirely different.

    Stove elements even commercial type explode all the time. Some just fizz lightly & some can actaully disintergrate completely. All solid type elements are made of a heating element with a mineral powder insulating material. Called MIMS/Mineral insulated metal sheathed. When moisture gets into the outside sheath it will cause the insulation to break down & then explode. The power outlet & the appliance must be earthed for this to happen, as, if it wasn't then the result would have been an electric shock to who ever was using the appliance. Another cause could have been that the customers overfilled the soup bowl & water shorted out the active & neautral connections of the heating element. My main question is why are the police involved? Is there not a workplace health & safety department here in Thailand? Crime must be getting lower so as to keep the Police busy, they have to cover things like this. Report yesterday on 60% increase in crime over the last year in LoS. Only here!!!!!!

  2. And if I may add another point while I am warmed up............

    I like the fact that I can go and have a drink and drive home here - without feeling like a criminal. I for one do not miss all the bullshit about speeding and drinking that has now dominated the Nanny State I call home. Hopefully, Thailand never goes that far that a person can break into your house and gets a warning (and the stolen property is never recovered), and on the way back to the home that was being robbed, you are breathalysed and get a huge fine and suspended from driving for 3 months for having a few drinks (not speeding, no accident, just unlucky). Here in Thailand there is a much better 'balance' between things - if you have a few drinks and drink carefully there is no problem. BUT if you have an accident you are up sheeiite creek - it is all up to you. Having said that, what IS needed is policing of the small appendage idiots who have a few beers and think they are both Fangio and Shumacher - in their pickup truck or 4WD facepalm.gif

    I understand your point, but do not agree. It is a proven fact that alcohol impares your reflexes & the more you drink the worse it gets. That is the only reason limits are set & you should not drive. Reaction time gets slower resulting in accidents. People get braver after drinking, yes we all become great lovers, fighters & of cause F1 drivers. When this happens we no longer take into consideration the fact that other people are on the roads & what we do is affecting them. When you know someone who has been killed or injured by a drunk driver then it may change your opinion. Next time you go out drinking have a designated driver or catch a taxi, that way we can be safe on the roads.

  3. Driving in Thailand is like the old Frogger video game, duck, avoid and move forward. The average Thai driver is actually great, but the 10% morons that in any other country would never get a driving licence will get it here with ease. its this group of complete idiots that make the roads so dangerous.

    Also, where and how are bus and truck drivers recruited in this country? Many seem to have absolutely zero driving skills.

    You actually believe they have a licence here?

  4. Why is it bizarre? Nothing in this country is bizarre. Thais do not have the focus to even think about opening a car door. They just do everything without thinking. So here it is normal. I have seen this happen many times but usually it's the poor motorbike rider that comes off second best. If they learnt how to park off the roads then that may help cut down on this type of thing happening.

  5. I thought you were bringing happiness to the people? I don't call this happiness. Sack the inept Police Force & replace it with people that are willing to stand up for what is right & decent. Take a look at most of the developed countries & yes, use them as a role model. I am leaving Thailand because of this sort of cirme & going back so my family is living in a normally safe society. Although crime happens everywhere some places, like here, are just waiting to explode. Please Thailand crack down on this sort of thing happening. Start caring about you own flesh & blood.

  6. I think everyone is missing the point here. Yes Australia is a multicultural society, but we read all to often in the world news that these so called Australian citizens have commited a crime. The names are irrellivant, but more than likely they have only been in Australia for this or possibly one generation. They may be naturalized Australians but do not have our heritage. If you go to Sydney there is a huge problem with one ethnic community, whos sons have been taught the old country ways & think they can do what ever they want. This includes mafia style crime, gang rape, murder, theft, etc, the list goes on. These people were born in Australia & have no respect for Australian values & way of life. This is why a lot of us Australians are feed up with our society being trashed.

  7. Look How many cops can stand there proudly as if they actually apprehended this fugitive....... Who turned herself in lol

    Any excuse for a job well done photograph and a pat on the back....

    Good job lads! smile.png

    If they stand around looking good then they don't have to get off their bums & do anything. The proof that their good is in the photo shoots. Get real & get real Police. May as well have those manequins standing there. Would be cheaper as they don't have to get paid. They would probably work harder as well.

  8. This is the type of diet that Australians are fed on a minute by minute basis.

    They are a nice enough people but are mushrooms.

    When questioned about the authenticity of anything whatsoever, the first thing they will say is............"it must be true because I saw it on TV."

    So sad.

    This guy is trying for his 15 minutes of fame.

    You must be very nieave to think Australians are mushrooms. By the way how do you get your daily intake of news? Like your post, you are full of it.

  9. My condolences for your loss. Must be difficult for you now. I hope all works out for you & you have a happy time here in Chiang Mai. Red taxis for shopping & pollution is only at certain times of the year. Take care around the city as you would normally & everything will be ok. Drinking water is probably best bought from shopping centres in large bottles. As for a visa? Good luck.

  10. It is typical about how Thai's live. Do not care about anyone or anything. I am happy these scum will do time in prison in Australia. They won't get out quickly even with good behaviour. They will also be very good company for all the boys in prison. I think they just learned what justice is in a civilized country not Thailand.

  11. Thailand is fast becoming the pits people killing girlfriends and wives every day men going round in gangs to beat-up students because their son gets beat at computer game, been here 16 years and think possibly time to move on now the Thai males are getting out of control and more violent by the day.

    Me too, after 20 years in Thailand I feel it's time to move away.

    Too violence in the ex land of smile

    I have been here 2 years & yes we are selling our house & moving back to a civilized country, Australia. To much worrying here about whether your going to upset someone or your going to get killed on the roads. Thais can have this place they deserve it.

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