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Posts posted by duckmandon

  1. With no real role models & a country filled with violent crime, you would come to expect this behaviour in the manboys. Thailand as a nation need to grow up or they will be always treated like little children by the rest of the world. With the extra teaching time available now it would be fantastic to see them instill human values & respect into the children. Also they need to instill the fear of ending up in a prison cell for many years if they do commit crimes. Works in all civillized countries to an extent.

  2. This happens world wide. Probably caused by the miscarriage & the need to have a child. Sad as she probably didn't realise it was wrong at the time. This is where the family should have stepped in & supported her. But it doesn't excuse the fact that she took the baby & left the mother & family devistated. Sad on both sides & now a child who will be taken back to her real parents & will need special help for a long time.

  3. Previous article was 4 killed in van, now 5 killed in truck accident. When will this stop? I went for a motorbike ride yesterday & had to on 3 occassions swerve to the left to avoid an overtaking vehicle. All of them had no regard for me at all, as in all incidences they could plainly see me but kept coming on my side of the road. Again Thais only care about one thing. THEMSELVES not others or even their families. If they did then things would change.

  4. if you had the 400K in a bank account why not get an extension within Thailand? If the money had not been seasoned for long enough you could have got an extension to cover the time required for seasoning.

    The answer is very simple, I was under annual extension until august 31st, I did not have 400 k and therefore I asked an extension of 60 days and I booked my trip to KL, very convenient for me since I live in Phuket. I've got my funds 3 weeks ago... and beside the fact that it's also pleasant living Thailand once in awhile, I couldn't have asked for any further extension... could I?

    I jst returned from Penang & applied for the same visa but multi entry. 400k not required but bank statement only. No problems submit paperwork & pick up visa next day. Peice of cake.

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  5. Why should the Police be given rewards! They are the most corrupt department here in Thailand & they do not do their jobs properly. When they start doing their jobs & we see a reduction in road fatalities, murders, sexual assault, the list goes on & on, only then should they be reviewed for a salary increase. No rewards for catching so called criminals before they are even tried & proven guilty. No other country in the world reward their police.

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